• 大本钟倾斜运动造成了下议院其它部分墙面出现裂纹其中包括部长影子部长办公室的走廊墙面

    Big Ben's movement has caused cracks in the walls of other parts of the House of Commons, including corridors where ministers and shadow ministers have their offices.


  • 当局取消了未来日内所有公共活动其中包括部长演讲大型会议摇滚音乐会甚至足球比赛

    They cancelled all public events over the next few days, including ministerial speaking engagements, large-scale meetings, rock concerts in the city and even football matches.


  • 这些可能包括威胁冻结欧盟提供贫困地区欧盟大型项目资金甚至暂停某个成员国欧盟部长理事会投票权

    These might include threats to freeze EU funds for poorer regions and EU mega-projects, and even the suspension of a country's voting rights in EU ministerial councils.


  • 我们岗位包括项目经理山区领导通信部长

    We have such roles as project managers, mountain leaders, and communication officers.


  • 去年春天卫生部长汤米·托姆森宣布计划出台举措鼓励人们捐献器官,新举措包括更为明确同意表格这些举措的影响力微乎其微

    Health Secretary Tommy Thompson last spring announced plans for a new initiative to encourage donationsincluding clearer consent formsbut its impact is expected to be modest.


  • 部长同意采取共同认可措施促进中国太平洋岛国包括渔业在内农业领域合作

    They also agreed to take the universally recognized steps to promote the cooperation between China and the Pacific island countries in the agricultural sector including fishery.


  • 活动世界患者安全联盟LiamDonaldson爵士主持包括卫生部长学术界人士世卫组织工作人员发表主旨讲话

    The event, chaired by Sir Liam Donaldson of the World Alliance for Patient Safety, will include keynote speeches by eight ministers of health, academics and WHO staff.


  • 自民党的领导断层注入了包括菲利普•罗斯勒辈的新生代现年36岁的罗氏出生于越南一对德国夫妇抚养长大,现为下萨克森州(德国北部州)经济部长

    The leadership gap is being filled by a new generation, including Philipp Rösler, the 36-year-old economics minister of Lower Saxony, born in Vietnam and adopted by German parents.


  • 2004年,公共卫生部部长报告最新确定其它一些吸烟导致癌症包括胃癌宫颈癌肾癌胰腺癌以及急性白血病(aml)。

    The 2004 Surgeon General's report newly identifies other cancers caused by smoking, including cancers of the stomach, cervix, kidney, and pancreas and acute myeloid leukemia.


  • 其中包括放宽南非劳动法,南非的劳动法是世界上严格的。 当然还有部长更多的政策支持。

    But they need the right environment, including a relaxation of South Africa’s labour laws, among the most rigid in the world, and greater policy certainty from ministers.


  • 部长在谈论复兴核电包括未来十年内建设多达八个新的核反应堆以及大规模扩张再生能源运用。

    Ministers talk of a Renaissance of nuclear power, involving the construction of up to eight new reactors over the coming decade, coupled with a huge expansion in renewable energy.


  • 部长现在开始公开谈论话题,虽然是采取包括债权人自愿希腊贷款到期时间在内的“方式不是把损失强加在债权人身上。

    Ministers are now talking openly about it, albeit in a "soft" form involving creditors voluntarily stretching out the maturities on their loans to Greece, rather than imposing losses on creditors.


  • 巴里先生何亚非部长助理通报了最近访问亚洲有关国家情况以及下一步工作考虑,包括再次访问缅甸安排

    Gambari briefed he Yafei on his visits to Asian countries and his plan for the follow-up work, including the arrangement of another visit to Myanmar.


  • 美国交通部部长·拉胡德表示,美国联邦航空局不得不大多数员工每周暂时休假至少其中包括交通调度员

    Transportation secretary Ray Lahood says the FAA will have to furlough the vast majority of its employees including air traffic controllers for at least one day — a pay period.


  • 不久后部长起了争执,之后便解雇了他们,其中包括三个高地省区有权有势的唐•波利工程部长财政大臣奥尼尔

    He soon fought with and sacked several ministers, including Don Polye, a power broker in the highlands, and Mr O 'neill, the works minister and former treasurer.


  • 冈比亚在野党领导强烈批判最近逮捕拘留行动,包括一位部长在内的囚犯甚至知道自己为什么遭逮捕。

    An opposition leader has criticised a wave of arrests in the Gambia, saying detainees - including a former minister - do not know why they are being held.


  • 专业部长包括最近智利举行贸易部长其他选择性的主管不同行业部长会议

    The latter includes the Trade Minister's Meeting as the one held in Chile recently and other Ministerial Meetings in different sectors on a selective basis.


  • 陆军领导层表示感谢包括陆军部长麦克休将军以及参谋长奥迪耶诺将军,同时也要感谢到场的杰克-里德参议员西点军校引以为荣毕业生之一。

    I'd like to acknowledge the Army's leadership -- General McHugh -- Secretary McHugh, General Odierno, as well as Senator Jack Reed who is here and a proud graduate of West Pointhimself.


  • 第一部长克雷文交代所有希望投标公司提供战略画、分红一个包括公司分配画的资源的列单。

    First Minister Craven instructed companies wishing to bid to set forth a strategic plan, a profit sharing proposal, and a list of existing corporate resources to be committed to the project.


  • 参赛选手包括英国喜剧演员诺曼·佩斯基特岛旅游部部长里基·斯克里特。此次扑克赛的大赢家是以同花大顺获胜的人。

    Among the competitors are the British comedian Norman Pace and the st Kitts tourism minister, the Honorable Mr. Ricky Skerritt. A "flush" is the best bet for an underwater win.


  • 本届法国电影展映为期一个月,展映新近上映13部长片电影12部短片电影,其中包括莫娜·阿夏芝导演的《刺猬的优雅》和托马斯·盖雅执导的《自卫》。

    The month-long festival will showcase 13 recently released feature films and 12 short films, including "The Hedgehog" by Mona Achache and "Self Defense" by Thomas Gayrard.


  • 各国部长在两年一度国际能源论坛召开前夕发表上述言论。论坛参与者包括石油生产国消费国官员以及能源企业。

    The ministers spoke ahead of the biannual International energy Forum, which gathers officials from oil producer and consuming nations as well as energy companies.


  • 出席今天个小时会议内政部长针对近、长期十五行动提议进行讨论以期巩固欧洲出现了漏洞边防其中包括国际机场在内

    The interior ministers attending the 4-hour conference today will discuss the 15 short, medium and long-term moves in hopes of reinforcing Europe's porous border, including international airports.


  • 出席今天个小时会议内政部长针对近、长期十五行动提议进行讨论以期巩固欧洲出现了漏洞边防其中包括国际机场在内

    The interior ministers attending the 4-hour conference today will discuss the 15 short, medium and long-term moves in hopes of reinforcing Europe's porous border, including international airports.


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