• 这个巨大变化其实另一个变化伴随出现:澳大利亚经济通货膨胀、银行利率房价包括股市)的帮助下,已经使其多少避免美国金融危机所带来的影响。

    This big change coincides with another: Australia’s economy—and with it inflation, interest rates and house prices, though not the stockmarket—has decoupled from America’s.


  • 英国国家经济社会研究院(National Institute ofEconomic andSocial Research)则强调了风险价格上升——这会增加资本有效成本包括股市溢价上升。

    The UK National Institute highlights a higher price for risk, which would increase the effective cost of capital, involving a higher equity premium in the stock market.


  • 包括公用事业电讯业银行业在内,它股市极为迟钝

    The Portuguese stock market is pretty dull. There are utilities, telecos and banks.


  • 惯性效应在股市快速下跌时(包括1975年80%的跌幅受到伤害,那些试图跟随惯性的投资人可能已经出局

    The momentum effect has also suffered some sharp switchbacks (including an 80% decline in 1975) that may have wiped out those traders who tried to follow it.


  • 其它亚洲股市遭受打击的消息包括日本消费者信心记录的低点以及印度工业产出报1995年以来首次年度同比下降

    Also hurting Asian markets were new figures showing Japanese consumer confidence falling to a record low, while India's industrial output posted its first annual drop since 1995.


  • 典型的学习小组可能会包括一名股市分析高手工程师、一名营销主管、一名医疗保健主管一名生产经理

    A typical group might include a quant jock, an engineer, a marketing executive, a health care director and a manufacturing manager.


  • 其他指数包括OpinionFinder一个综合的情感预测机制),都不能反映股市任何变化

    None of the other indices, including those from OpinionFinder, a more general positive/negative sentiment indicator, reflected any stock market changes.


  • 苹果将于当天股市收盘公布财报收益,包括花旗集团达美航空公司TDAmeritrade在内的家大企业都将于周二公布财报收益。

    Apple releases its earnings after the market closes. Several other big-name companies, including Citigroup, Delta Air Lines and TD Ameritrade, released results Tuesday morning.


  • 包括两个巨大资产泡沫第一个股市然后是在房地产

    It included two huge asset bubbles, first in stocks and then in real estate.


  • 股市涨势强劲公司包括宝钢中国铁路以及一些房地产公司,这些公司股票极有希望大涨

    Among the stocks that rose strongly were Baosteel, China Railway, and some beleaguered property stocks. All are potential beneficiaries of strong growth.


  • 全美收入最高5%群体控制这个国家一半财富,收入最高的20%群体收获了86%资本收入,包括利息股市收益。

    The top 5% of the nation's earners control half of its wealth, and the top 20% bring in 86% of capital income, including interest and stock market gains.


  • :“我们必须等待至少个月才能看到经济恢复的迹象,在之前认为大部分亚洲股市将会举步维艰当然包括韩国股市在内。”

    "We have to wait, at least, one or two months, before we see any economic indicators getting better," he said. "Until then most of the Asian markets, of course including Korea, will suffer I guess."


  • 许多俄罗斯人包括那些一边谴责西方堕落,一边利用学校股市牟利无耻的普京信徒。

    So do many Russians, including shameless Putinists who denounce the West's decadence but exploit its schools and stock markets.


  • 巴菲特回答:债券股票包括海外股市有成千上万的机会

    He replies it would open up "thousands of opportunities" for him in bonds, stocks, including stocks overseas.


  • 但是月初以来股市出现了好转,各项经济指标包括劳工部每月就业情况报告预期水平

    But stocks have rallied since the beginning of the month as economic indicators, including the Labor Department's monthly employment report, have been better than forecast.


  • 世界各地区的股市收益债市涨势可观,尤其是包括东亚在内新兴市场

    Stock and high yield debt markets have mounted strong advances around the world, especially in emerging markets, including those in East Asia.


  • 中行手机银行称酤中银掌上”,增值服务包括手机购物、手机理财以及查看股市行情买卖

    Bank of China mobile banking is also called "boc palm lines", its value-added services including mobile shopping, mobile banking, as well as view the stock market and business, etc.


  • 汇市与股市出现分歧原因包括季末资金流扰乱了市场信心可能打压美元

    Reasons for the divergence include quarter-end flows interrupting market sentiment that may be weighing on the dollar.


  • 作为亚洲地区股市表现衡量指标,摩根士丹利资本国际包括日本的亚太指数今年下跌18%。

    The MSCI Asia excluding Japan index, a barometer of the region's stock markets, has fallen about 18 per cent this year.


  • 集合多种影响股市大盘基本因素其中包括:同级指数次级指数、经济数据交易情绪交易量权重个股信息

    Its impact on the stock market set a number of factors, including: index at the same level, the sub-index, the economic data, trading sentiment, trading price, weight, and other stock information.


  • 股市大跌反映中国投资者几个不确定因素更深刻忧虑,这几个因素包括北京方面楼市降温举措的效果

    The slide reflects deeper concerns among Chinese investors about several wild cards, including the effectiveness of Beijing's attempts to cool the housing market;


  • 今年以来,股市上涨幅度超过70%,包括7月下旬开始的猛然震荡下跌,幅度达15%。

    They are up by more than 70% this year, and that encompasses a wrenching 15% decline since late July (see chart).


  • 今年以来,股市上涨幅度超过70%,包括7月下旬开始的猛然震荡下跌,幅度达15%。

    They are up by more than 70% this year, and that encompasses a wrenching 15% decline since late July (see chart).


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