• 避税法律现制包括立法规制通过法律解释规制,共同的工具是实质课税原则

    Tax-avoidance legal regulating includes regulating by legislation and regulating by law interpretation, on the common basis of principle of tax in line with substance of the things.


  • 对于平等权效力范围本文观点平等权包括立法平等执法平等守法平等

    For the range of the effect of the right of equality, the author's standpoint is the right of equality should include the equality of legislation, enforcement and law-abidance.


  • 问题包括立法不够健全具体操作不够完善资金不够充足评估不够成熟多个方面

    Its problems include, lawmaking is not enough sound and concrete operation is not enough perfect, the funds isn't enough ample, evaluate is not enough mature etc, is several aspects.


  • 马克思《论离婚草案蕴含丰富法律思想包括立法思想、婚姻法思想以及哲学思想

    The Divorce Bill by Marx implicated rich thought about law, including the thought of legislation, the thought of marriage law and the thought of the law philosophy.


  • 国家参与农业巨灾风险管理主要方式包括立法保障、充当最后保险人财政支持、税收优惠、监督管理。

    The means of the state's involvement are mainly to legislate, to act as the insurer of the last resort, to provide the financial support and preferential taxation, and to regulate.


  • 立法合法性评估法律绩效评估的重要内容之一包括立法形式合法性、价值合法性以及实践合法性的评估。

    The evaluation of the legislative legitimacy is one kind of intents and it includes the evaluation of the formal legitimacy, value legitimacy and practical legitimacy of the legislation.


  • 但是智力资本出资目前还存在制度上障碍,包括立法上我国尚未承认智力资本,智力资本会计核算存在诸多困难等。

    These are systematic problems for recognition of the intellectual capital as equity share, including non-recognition of the intellectual capital by laws, as well as the difficulties for accounting.


  • 世界环境日收集关键信息确实包括呼吁各国政府立法限制一次性塑料的使用。

    The key messages that have been put together for World Environment Day do include a call for governments to enact legislation to curb single-use plastics.


  • 希腊立法没有批准这些条款,其中包括更多削减开支,增加税收政府资产私有化。

    Greek lawmakers have yet to ratify the terms—which include more spending cuts, tax hikes and theprivatization of government assets.


  • 许多欧洲国家对于工人们有着很好的就业保障包括遣散费立法病假工作时间或者工作休息时间

    Many European countries have better employment protection for workers, including legislation about redundancy pay, or sick leave, or hours of work, or break times at work.


  • 这些措施包括《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》的执行提高烟草禁止烟草广告通过立法抑制公共场所吸烟等。

    Such measures include implementing the WHO Framework Convention on tobacco Control, such as raising taxes on tobacco, banning tobacco advertising and legislating to curb smoking in public places.


  • 数据库包括所有事务所记录——议会成员立法机构国会委员会这些数据在这都下载

    The database contains records for all offices of members of Congress, legislative offices (like the House Clerks office) and House committees and can be downloaded here.


  • 法国公司希望法案清除一切后续立法障碍包括得到州长阿诺斯瓦辛格的签署同意。 而阿诺向来对法案都持反对态度。

    The French firm expects that the bill will clear all further legislative hurdles, including the sign-off by the normally veto-prone governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.


  • 尽管树立包括通过选举权法在内立法功绩约翰逊留给美国更深印象的,越战泥潭里的越陷越深。 他的政策美国国内掀起了一波又一波的反战浪潮。

    Despite his legislative milestones, including passage of theVoting Rights Act, Johnson's legacy is tied to the U.S.quagmire in Vietnam— which spurred the antiwar movement that followed.


  • 共和党坚持说,延长减税的计划应当适用于所有阶层其中包括百万富翁。他们威胁阻止任何允许收入阶层税收上涨立法

    Republicans insist that all tax cuts be extended for all income levels, including millionaires, and have threatened to block any legislation that allows taxes on top earners to rise.


  • 佛罗里达州立法机关最近讨论取消20个工作执照要求包括理发师室内设计师、交际舞老师。

    Florida's legislature recently debated a bill to remove licensing requirements from 20 occupations, including hair-braiding, interior design and teaching ballroom-dancing.


  • 国家立法机关,包括弗吉尼亚立法机关通过法律加重了对团伙犯罪的处罚,并在公立高中学校周围建立“无团伙”。

    State legislatures, including Virginia's, have passed laws that enhance punishments for gang-related crimes and establish "gang-free zones" around public high schools.


  • 佛州立法机关考虑制定规章劝阻人们要买包括许可证带锁笼子要求

    Florida legislators are also considering new regulations to discourage people from buying the snakes, including requirements for special permits and locked cages.


  • 当代美国立法包括各州的联邦的,已经制定了一大堆严苛法律,它们意在教训他们”和“让大家都知道”美国人是容忍犯罪的。

    Contemporary American lawmakers, both state and federal, have produced a flood of harsh laws, laws meant to "teach 'em a lesson" and' sendout a message 'that Americans will not tolerate crime.


  • 妇女权利支持者们发现很可恶但是持赞成态度立法者(包括众议院发言人南希.佩洛西)却捏着鼻子了票

    Women’s-rights advocates find this odious, but legislators sympathetic to them (including Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House) held their noses and voted for the House bill anyway.


  • 妇女权利支持者发现很可恶但是持赞成态度立法者(包括众议院发言人南希.佩洛西)却捏着鼻子了票

    Women's-rights advocates find this odious, but legislators sympathetic to them (including Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House) held their noses and voted for the House bill anyway.


  • 各州彩票私营化——包括德克·伊利诺斯在内的几个州的立法委员最近提出了一些法案这些法案试图将彩票经营权租赁私人公司

    Privately run state lotteries-legislators in several states-including Texas and illinois-have introduced bills to "lease" to private companies the right to run the lottery.


  • 消费者权益健康倡导团体包括美国饮食协会,美国心脏协会,以及美国科学中心处于公众利益均支持此项立法

    Consumer and health advocacy groups including the American Dietetic Association, American Heart Association and the Center for Science in the Public Interest support the legislation.


  • 可能会许多产品造成影响其中包括几种基于WebSphere的产品,我们在发布这些产品时并未预料到立法机构做出这样更改

    This might affect many products that were released before the legislation governing this change could be anticipated, including several WebSphere-based products.


  • 大声喧嚣中,立法委员三月八日围住印度议会上议院议长撕毁正在宣读份文件包括妇女预留法案

    YELLING dementedly, seven lawmakers mobbed the chairman of the Indian parliament's upper house on March 8th and tore at the document, containing the women's reservation bill, he was reading from.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州州长支持下,财团包括花旗集团(Citigroup),在今年5月赢得了租赁项目竞标私有化项目受到立法的抵制。

    In May the consortium, which includes Citigroup, won the bidding for the lease with the backing of Pennsylvania's governor, but the privatisation was resisted by legislators.


  • 立法机构授予城市城镇法律限定领域颁布法令细则权力,这些法律限定领域包括分区租金控制学校交通停车等

    State legislatures delegate to cities and towns the power to promulgate ordinances or by-laws in limited areas of law, including zoning, rent control, schools, traffic, and parking.


  • 立法机构授予城市城镇法律限定领域颁布法令细则权力,这些法律限定领域包括分区租金控制学校交通停车等

    State legislatures delegate to cities and towns the power to promulgate ordinances or by-laws in limited areas of law, including zoning, rent control, schools, traffic, and parking.


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