• 包括破产清算程序特别清算。

    Liquidation procedures comprise bankruptcy and special liquidation.


  • 第二部分破产债权范围包括破产债权范围确定原则破产债权的种类以及破产债权的除外

    The second part is the scope of the bankruptcy credit, including the principle of definition and category and exception of the bankruptcy credit.


  • 施夫预言了这场危机发生包括房地美的破产

    Schiff foretold the crisis before it happened, including the bankruptcy of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


  • 而其他报纸,包括洛杉矶时报》芝加哥论坛报》,已经申请了破产保护

    Others, including the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune, are operating under bankruptcy protection.


  • 一些包括城市控制人丹米勒认为哈里斯堡应该寻求破产保护

    Some people, including Dan Miller, the city controller, are recommending that Harrisburg should seek protection in the bankruptcy courts.


  • “清算”有着广泛定义包括并购破产大宗公司资产出售

    VCs have a broad definition of "liquidation," which includes an acquisition, bankruptcy, and the sale of much of a company's assets.


  • 解决办法很多包括修改破产从而允许法官调整抵押贷款债务数额,以及授权特别受托人减免还款额等。

    There are plenty of ideas on offer, from changing the bankruptcy law so that judges can restructure mortgage debt to empowering special trustees to write down loans.


  • 工作内容:律师们可以选择专注于某特定领域,包括税法刑法民法破产环境法等等。

    What they do: Attorneys can choose to concentrate on a variety of specializations, which include tax law, criminal law, civil law, bankruptcy, environmental law and more.


  • 他们这些大笔的开销减少破产留给债主包括债券持有者、银行和卖主

    They say these bounteous fees reduce the money left for creditors in the bankruptcy cases.


  • 破产财产管理变卖分配所需要费用包括聘任工作人员的费用;

    the expenses needed for the management, sale and distribution of the bankruptcy property, including the expenses of hiring work personnel;


  • 这个判断没有包括最近破产例如大型综合商店伍尔沃斯(Woolworths),家具连锁店MFI儿童服装店Adams

    That estimate does not include recent casualties, such as Woolworths, a big general store, MFI, a furniture chain, and Adams, a children’s clothing shop.


  • 6个月竞选活动几近破产每家报纸刊登“讣告”,包括本刊。

    Six months ago, his campaign was broke and its obituary was in every paper, including this one.


  • 有份收取奖金包括伦敦分公司员工他们大多供职于金融产品分部,而分部已被认定正是导致AIG濒于破产的罪魁祸首。

    Staff at the company's offices in London - many of them in the financial products division identified as the root cause of its downfall - are included in the payout.


  • FDICOCC(Officer ofthe Comptroller of Currency,美国货币监管局——译注)已经采取措施预防破产包括允许私人资本公司其他买家收购现金枯竭的贷款公司的资产存款

    The FDIC and the OCC have taken steps to prevent failures, including allowing private-equity firms and other bidders to buy assets and deposits of lenders running out of cash.


  • 然而仅仅一周之后论坛公司申请破产,但未将球队包括在内。

    Yet just a week later Tribune filed for bankruptcy, excluding the team from its filing.


  • 而股东赚取利润累计零,包括公司破产丧失所有本金(图表)。

    Shareholders earned cumulative profits of zero, including the loss of all of their capital when the firm failed (see chart).


  • 而且雷曼兄弟2008年破产后常春公司也受到了打击常春公司损失了七分之一流通股包括可转换票据的复杂交易中。

    And it was hurt when Lehman Brothers went bankrupt in 2008; Evergreen lost one-seventh of its outstanding shares in a complex transaction involving convertible notes.


  • 有些报纸最近寻求破产保护其中包括论坛公司旗下拥有芝加哥论坛报”,“洛山矶时报”及其它报纸。

    Some newspaper companies have recently sought bankruptcy protection. These include the Tribune Company, owner of the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times, among others.


  • 这些期权9月份一度成了韩国重大新闻事件,当时与之有关损失不断增大,迫使一些中型企业破产其中包括一家平板电视机零部件生产商

    The contracts became major news in South Korea in September when mounting losses related to them forced some midsized companies, including a maker of parts for flat-panel TVs, into bankruptcy.


  • 包括费城交响乐团巴尔的摩歌剧团圣何塞美国音乐剧团加利福尼亚州食品和葡萄酒鉴赏会,后者因欠债7800万美元破产

    They include the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Baltimore Opera Company, the American Musical Theatre in San Jose, and a California food- and wine-appreciation outfit that collapsed with $78m in debts.


  • 文件内容主要包括通用破产重组进程、目前公司金融项目、所有权归属以及IPO过程当中可能遇到一系列风险评估因素

    GM will cite bankruptcy, steps completed in restructuring, financial projections, details of ownership and a large set of risk factors in the document, one of the sources said.


  • 破产包括根据联邦破产破产根据任何破产破产

    "Bankrupt" includes bankrupt under the Federal Bankruptcy act or insolvent under any state insolvent act.


  • 诈骗计划受害者正在申请破产管财人要求联邦检察官出售麦道夫所有财产,也包括这对夫妇公寓

    Victims of the scheme are pushing the bankruptcy trustee and federal prosecutors to sell anything they can, including the couple's penthouse, which was used to help secure Mr.


  • 被一连串官司缠身包括自己孩子家庭基金发生的激烈争吵,她被控威胁孩子破产

    She is also locked in a series of lawsuits, including an acrimonious row with her own children over a family trust where she has been accused of threatening to financially ruin them.


  • 信用风险违约风险,是由于参与交易对手信用品质不可预测而导致的损失包括信用降级、无法支付债务破产清算

    Credit risk (also called default risk) refers to the loss due to the unexpected change of the counterparty's credit quality, including credit downgrade, disability to repay, bankruptcy and liquidity.


  • 但是包括仅靠着线生机勉强逃过破产命运福特在内的竞争对手担心一个濒临倒闭通用将会拖垮美国高度整合的整个汽车零配件供应体系

    But rivals, including Ford, which managed by the skin of its teeth to avoid bankruptcy, feared that a collapsing GM would take down with it America's highly-integrated network of car-parts suppliers.


  • 第三对知识产权证券化操作过程中的特殊法律问题包括基础资产破产风险隔离知识产权特殊风险安排机制两个方面进行研究

    Chapter three studies the special legal problems arising in the operating progress, including IPR risk bankruptcy remote mechanism and special risk mechanism for IPR securitization operating.


  • 第三对知识产权证券化操作过程中的特殊法律问题包括基础资产破产风险隔离知识产权特殊风险安排机制两个方面进行研究

    Chapter three studies the special legal problems arising in the operating progress, including IPR risk bankruptcy remote mechanism and special risk mechanism for IPR securitization operating.


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