• 可以包括电子数据市场份额分析以及任何需要知道关于这个商业世界运作的内容。

    It can include spreadsheets, market share analysis and anything I need to know about how the world works.


  • 必须抓住时机世界贫困人民谋福利,其中包括昨天见过的墨西哥小姑娘梦想一个没有极端贫困世界

    We must seize this moment to cater for the poorest of the world, including that young Mexican girl I spoke of yesterday, who dreams of a world without desperate poverty.


  • 此学习的来自世界年轻人感到自豪,这次的班级包括来自冷战时期们的对手俄罗斯保加利亚毕业生

    I was also proud of the young people who came to our service academies from all over the world. This class included graduates from our Cold War adversaries Russia and Bulgaria.


  • 关于自己这个世界最喜欢东西包括时间家人在一起,写作跑步

    For myself, my favorite things in the world include spending time with my family, writing, reading and running.


  • 希望感谢世界各地包括疟疾流行国家成百所研究机构中的研究人员

    Let me thank researchers in hundreds of institutes around the world, also in endemic countries.


  • 感到骄傲,有160家《财富世界500强公司成都高新技术产业开发区开展经营活动,包括因特尔、戴尔甲骨文开拓性美国企业

    I'm also proud that more than 160 Fortune 500 companies are operating in Chengdu High-tech Zone, including pioneer American businesses like Intel, Dell and Oracle.


  • 早晨五点之前起床意味着世界大多数(并且包括我自己如果坚持时间表的话),并且促使更加快速工作并且走在前面

    Waking up early at 5am means I'm ahead of most people in the world (and myself too, if I were to stick to my old schedule), and that motivates me to work fast and stay ahead.


  • 在NAFSA会议上,的主要任务是来自世界各地大学学院交流包括澳大利亚英国爱尔兰德国巴西、当然还有美国

    While at NAFSA I communicated with colleges and universities from all over the world, including Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Brazil, and of course, the United States.


  • 觉得代表了今天这个世界画的包括很多没有名气商标这些其实都是人们生活

    No, I think it represent today's world. What I painted includes many unknown trademarks and all of these are actually people's life.


  • 最近发现忽略很多东西,只是关于外部世界包括在思绪乱七八糟时候不能充分挖掘内心世界的潜能。

    Recently, I discovered how much we overlook, not just about the world, but also about the full potential of our inner life, when our mind is cluttered.


  • 他们的网站上预订的时候,确认信每晚361包括一个馨乐庭世界客户的折扣价

    When I booked through their website, the confirmation stated that I would pay 361 yuan per night, inclusive of a Citibank World Privileges discount.


  • 杰西就是知道这个世界就是这么模棱两可,包括死亡

    Jesse: It just kind of let me know how ambiguous everything was, even death.


  • 一些世界著名景点管理者们聊过将参观体验最大化攻略包括许多实质性改进,也包括应付过多游客的简单技巧

    I spoke with those in charge of some of the world's great attractions to glean strategies for making the most of a visit, both substantive improvements and simple beat-the-crowds techniques.


  • 感谢世界各地所有不懈努力保护他人的人们,包括军人士兵。

    I'd like to thank all those who've worked so hard to protect others around the world including our servicemen and women.


  • 虽然如此了解世界各地都有这方面的问题包括美国在内。

    Having said that, I understand all over the world there are problem, including in the United States.


  • 今天感谢世界所有儿童包括那些残疾缺乏教育的孩子们,你们痛苦真的感同身受

    Today, I would like to thank all the children of the world, including the sick and deprived... I am so sensitive to your pain.


  • 中的大多数人包括在内,经常迎合着发生周围世界变化

    A lot of us, to include me, are often challenged by the "Big Changes" happening in the world around us.


  • 例如已经许多游戏电影界原画美工合作过其中包括一些世界著名的美工,悉德·米德,罗杰·迪恩克雷格。姆林斯

    For example, I have worked with many concepts artists in the game and film industry, including some world famous artists like Syd Mead, Roger Dean and Craig Mullins to name a few.


  • 机会洛基学习真的很幸运那里真是一个世界,给很大帮助不仅是在英语方面很多朋友包括老师们

    I was really lucky that I had a chance to study in Rocky, it's really an another world. It helped me a lot, not only learnt English, but also made a lot of friends, including my teacher.


  • 世界教育包括各种很酷功能可以教育工作者创造一堂轻松愉快Minecraft教课。

    Minecraft: Education Edition includes all kinds of cool features that make it fun and easy for educators to create and teach lessons through Minecraft.


  • 感到骄傲,有160家《财富世界500强公司成都高新技术产业开发区开展经营活动,包括因特尔、戴尔甲骨文开拓性美国企业

    I'm also proud that more than 160 Fortune 500 companies are operating in Chengdu High-tech Zone, including pioneer American businesses like Intel, Dell and Oracle. The U. s.


  • 全新的目光世界万物都引起极大兴趣甚至包括鸡毛蒜皮的小事。

    I look at the world with new eyes. Everything interests me profoundly. Even trifles.


  • 全新的目光世界万物都引起极大兴趣甚至包括鸡毛蒜皮的小事。

    I look at the world with new eyes. Everything interests me profoundly. Even trifles.


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