• 内阁成员包括大卫·卡梅伦内政大臣梅伊出席欢迎仪式。

    Cabinet members including David Cameron and Theresa May were also on hand to welcome the couple.


  • 包括大卫·米拉奇在内艺家试图通过克隆来保育加州红杉一类的古老树种。

    A group of arborists, including Jake Milarch, are hoping to preserve ancient trees such as this California redwood by cloning them.


  • 包括大卫在内的所有员工都出现正方形舞台上,穿着件白底带黑斑点的西服

    All staffs including David appeared on a square stage. he wore a white suit with black spots on it.


  • 获奖包括大卫·德勒的最佳原创剧本奖。这位73作家自己儿时口吃经历启发,而着手开始创作整个故事

    The tally included best original screenplay for David Seidler, the 73-year-old writer whose own childhood stammer inspired him to tackle the story.


  • 涉及到嫉妒古老传说中包括大卫以色列第二任国王直到从与菲利斯人传奇利亚的战争中凯旋时,他一直受宠于扫罗王

    Long-surviving tales of jealousy include David, the second king of Israel, who until he triumphed against the Philistines and the legendary Goliath, was well liked by King Saul.


  • 米高安哲罗先后创造件享负盛名艺术品,包括大卫像、梵蒂冈西斯汀教堂的天顶壁画,以及罗马圣彼得大教堂圆顶建筑

    Being the creator for three of the world's greatest icons: the statue of David, the painted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican and the dome of St.


  • 《约翰•亚当斯》由保罗•加麦蒂(饰亚当斯)劳拉•莱尼(饰阿比盖尔)领衔主演,其他包括大卫摩斯沙拉•波利和汤姆威尔金森

    Other cast members include David Morse, Sarah Polley and Tom Wilkinson.


  • 这些营火会包括1854年发表著作《瓦尔登湖——林中生活散记》亨利·大卫梭罗,他的次营火会曾大意地失火烧毁了300英亩精华木材

    These include Henry David Thoreau who, prior to publishing his seminal "Walden, or Life in the Woods" in 1854, built a campfire so carelessly that it spread and destroyed 300 acres of prime timber.


  • 热议候选人包括外交大臣大卫·米利班德,伦敦行业子孙,名字有着被简称趋势大卫的同僚——能源大臣埃德

    Mooted candidates include David Miliband, the foreign secretary, and his brother Ed, the energy secretary, scions of the north London cognoscenti with a tendency to speak in abstract nouns.


  • 很多受欢迎艺人很害羞包括美国电视节目主持人约翰·卡大卫·雷德曼不过舞台面对镜头他们会很放松,巴杜

    Many popular entertainers, including American TV show hosts Johnny Carson and David Letterman, are shy but feel more at ease when they're on stage or on camera, Zimbardo says.


  • 这个谨慎阵营包括首相大卫·卡梅隆

    The cautious camp includes David Cameron, the prime minister.


  • 建筑物世界展示其优良性能,包括加利福尼亚州伯克利大卫·布劳尔中心

    Buildings that tell the world how they are performing, including the David Brower Center in Berkeley, Calif.


  • 创造性艺术家经纪公司,称CAA,与其签约影视音乐界的一流明星,客户包括名模卡梅隆·迪亚兹、音乐人西蒙·考威尔和大卫·伊。

    Creative Artists Agency, or CAA, represent some of the most high-profile figures in the TV, film and music industries. Clients include Cameron Diaz, Simon Cowell and David Bowie.


  • 几个了不起的美国作家这家朋友其中包括拉夫·沃尔多·艾默森,内森尼尔·霍桑亨利·大卫·梭罗

    Several great American writers were friends of the family. They included Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Henry David Thoreau.


  • 特别能让人头晕目眩艺术品包括米开朗基罗大卫卡拉瓦乔的画作<酒神>,以及圣母百花大教堂穹顶同心圆

    Particularly upsetting works of art are: Michaelangelo’s statue of David, Caravaggio’s painting of Bacchus, and the concentric circles of the Duomo cupola.


  • 尽管经历沧桑,这座中世纪的古堡(包括古堡下的地牢)还是战火纷飞年代中幸存了下来,据说1346年,苏格兰国王大卫二世用这个地牢关押过犯人

    The mansion's medieval caves, however, survived the conflict, including the dungeon, where King David II of Scotland was reportedly held prisoner in 1346.


  • 吉格斯特拉福德效力的这些年中,一直最好的队友合作——其中包括罗伊·基恩大卫·贝克·汉姆——学会了去适应没有他们日子

    Giggs has played alongside the best at Old Trafford - Roy Keane and David Beckham among them - and learnt to adapt after they had moved on.


  • 位于加利福尼亚州霍华德·休斯医学研究所大卫·斯勒所领导研究小组人类基因组包括灵长类动物在内的一些哺乳动物的基因组进行对比,并将研究结果发表自然》杂志上。

    A team led by David Haussler of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in California, compared the human genome with that of mammals including other primates. They reported the results in Nature.


  • 许多名流参加的最新表演的节目,其中包括重量级拳击冠军大卫·海恩,曼彻斯特摇滚乐队伊恩·布朗流行歌手娜塔莉·安博莉亚。

    Various celebrities have taken part in his new series including heavyweight boxing champion David Haye, Manchester rocker Ian Brown and pop star Natalie Imbruglia.


  • 首席研究员大卫·拜尔:“开心果有许多益于健康优点包括有助于体重管理以及促进心脏健康。”

    Lead researcher David Baer said: "Pistachios convey a variety of health benefits, including weight management support and cardiovascular support."


  • 一个是麦当娜儿子大卫代言的Hatchling包括时尚婴儿服和使用舒比马(译者按:只生长在美国和秘鲁的超长纤维棉)和印制无毒油墨图案的T恤衫

    Hatchling, endorsed by Madonna and her kid David, includes trendy babygrows and humorous t-shirts made from the crème de la crème of organic cotton, Supima, and printed using non-toxic inks.


  • 一个是麦当娜儿子大卫代言的Hatchling包括时尚婴儿服和使用舒比马(译者按:只生长在美国和秘鲁的超长纤维棉)和印制无毒油墨图案的T恤衫

    Hatchling, endorsed by Madonna and her kid David, includes trendy babygrows and humorous t-shirts made from the crème de la crème of organic cotton, Supima, and printed using non-toxic inks.


  • 获得本届奥斯卡最多12项提名《国王的演讲》,在周天晚上举行的第83届奥斯卡颁奖礼上荣获最佳影片大奖。 影片总共收获4项大奖,包括最佳男演员奖(科林•费斯)、最佳导演奖(汤姆霍伯)最佳原创剧本奖(大卫•赛德勒)。

    Nominated for 12 Oscars -- the most of any film -- it won four statuettes, including for Colin Firth for lead actor, Tom Hooper for director, and David Seidler for original screenplay.


  • 最终统计有来自30个国家的138家画廊参展,包括伦敦白立方画廊纽约大卫•兹维纳画廊的老牌画廊,还有像来自雷克雅未克i8画廊的新者。

    At the last count 138 galleries from 30 countries had signed up. They range from established shops like London's White Cube and new York's David Zwirner to relative newcomers such as i8 in Reykjavik.


  • 当今世界收入最高的足球运动员大卫贝克汉姆去年将4500万美元收入囊中,其中包括薪水广告代言收入。

    David Beckham, currently the world's top-earning soccer player, collected about million last year in salary and endorsements.


  • 格林随从包括26个行李员3个仆人厨师,而布彻只了一名顺从的神学院毕业生大卫

    Whereas Greene's retinue comprised 26 porters, three servants and a chef, he travelled with a compliant young theology graduate, David.


  • 合作者大卫这个故事里花了很多心思包括写作模式,就说是聪明写作者,主要留意一定会结构中获益匪浅

    My writing partner David and I have put tremendous thought into the story, as well as the model itself, meaning smart writers who pay attention can definitely profit from its structure.


  • 加拿生部已经开始提供各种资源培养基层群众其中包括最近的“社区行动包”,里面包括关于社区组织各种材料

    Health Canada has provided many resources to nurture the grassroots including the recent community Action Pack, a full crate of material on community organizing.


  • 加拿生部已经开始提供各种资源培养基层群众其中包括最近的“社区行动包”,里面包括关于社区组织各种材料

    Health Canada has provided many resources to nurture the grassroots including the recent community Action Pack, a full crate of material on community organizing.


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