• 包括切尔西曼联普斯茅斯等各家俱乐部热切关注托特纳姆热刺的前锋情况,有肯呢个周五转会截止日前签下他。

    Tottenham striker Jermain Defoe has been targeted by Chelsea, Manchester United and Portsmouth for a late transfer before the window closes on Friday night.


  • 这一群体包括切尔西州长罗曼曼阿布拉莫维奇麦卡第三妻子南茜谢维尔。南茜谢维尔拥有家族美国的物流产业的股份

    They include Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich and Macca's third wife Nancy Shevell who has a lucrative stake in her family's US transport business.


  • 本书些小情节发生切尔西酒店那里出场了一些怪人——包括穿着天使翅膀婚纱男人——他们要求带着便宜运费

    The book's few lesser moments occur at the Chelsea Hotel, where a cast of eccentrics - including a man who wears angel's wings and a wedding dress - are asked to carry cheap metaphorical freight.


  • 他们包括佛罗里达州比尔·尼尔森参议员在比尔还在白宫日子里认识他了,女儿·艾伦·尼尔森切尔西少女时代互相熟识了。

    They include Senator Bill Nelson of Florida, who has known Mr. Clinton since his White House days, and his daughter Nan Ellen Nelson, who got to know Ms. Clinton when they were teenagers.


  • 我们医院回到家里欢迎切尔西是早就准备好的州长官邸所有职员包括卡罗琳。休伯·阿什利,莉莎·阿什利一直就是官邸的厨子

    When we got home from the hospital, Chelsea had a ready-made extended family in the Governors Mansion staff, including Carolyn Huber and Eliza Ashley, who had cooked there forever.


  • 品牌美国其他店铺包括纽约切尔西一个分店巴黎评论杂志复制品装饰还有一家在波士顿的店,它用木质飞檐制作的架子装饰。

    The brand's other shops in the US include an outpost in New York's Chelsea, which is decorated with copies of the Paris Review magazine, and a store in Boston with shelves made from wooden cornices.


  • 切尔西成员包括主教练里尼奥队长特里昨天下午看望了

    Several members of the Chelsea staff, including manager Jose Mourinho and captain John Terry, went to see him yesterday afternoon.


  • 展会包括二三十个世界名家设计园林(其质量堪比切尔西花展空间感堪比汉普顿宫)。

    The festival includes 20 to 30 show gardens by designers across the world (think Chelsea Flower Show for quality and Hampton Court for the sense of space).


  • 葡萄牙人于这个夏天驾临斯坦福切尔西),5失败9胜利比赛——其中包括主场阿森纳5-3逆转报道他将面临下课的巨大压力

    The Portuguese arrived at Stamford Bridge in the summer but is reportedly under pressure after a run of five defeats in nine games - including a 5-3 reverse at home to Arsenal.


  • 切尔西首席执行官肯杨向球迷保证夏天转会除了世界顶级球星外,还将包括若干优秀的年轻球员

    Chief executive Peter Kenyon has promised that Chelsea's list of summer transfer targets contains top level young players as well as world-renowned stars.


  • 每个人对支持我受宠若惊。球员经理工作人员,切尔西的每个人,包括一切支持我们的人。

    I think it has been fantastic from everyone. It has been the players, the managers, the staff, it was everyone in Chelsea, including supporters.


  • 这位21岁比利时前锋引起一些顶级俱乐部包括切尔西阿森纳注意

    The 21-year-old Belgium forward has attracted the attention of some top clubs including the likes of Chelsea and Arsenal.


  • 赛季德罗巴已经切尔西打进30了——包括联赛决赛中打进阿森纳的两球。

    Drogba has scored 30 goals for Chelsea this season - including a double against Arsenal in the Carling Cup final.


  • 切尔西曼联的杯赛战绩包括慈善杯:16场,胜3211(包括一次点球落败)。

    Chelseas cup record including the Charity Shield against Man Utd is: played 16, won 3, drawn 2, lost 11 (including one on penalties).


  • 当然这个世界上所有有钱俱乐部都想得到卡卡包括曼联皇马但是真正承担了这个价格只有切尔西

    Of course all the wealthiest clubs in the world want Kaka, including Manchester United and real Madrid, but only Chelsea can really afford him.


  • 鉴于曾经天空体育评论员雷德纳普的目标包括改善切尔西公众形象

    Redknapp has been targeted to help improve Chelsea's public image, based on his vast experience as a Sky Sports commentator.


  • 这笔交易包括威廉·加拉斯在内切尔西后卫宣称阿森纳希望得到阿森纳主教练阿瑟·温格很欣赏名法国国脚

    The deal does not include William Gallas, the unsettled Chelsea defender who claimed Arsenal want him, and manager Arsene Wenger has said how much he admires the France international.


  • 前锋特纳声称阿森纳赛季收尾结束阶段其他任何一支球队一样困难包括联赛的领跑者曼联切尔西

    Striker Nicklas Bendtner says that Arsenal's season run-in is just as difficult as any other team's, including Premiership leaders Manchester United and Chelsea.


  • 著名的设计包括1998年女演员莎朗·斯通奥斯卡颁奖典礼上穿的Gap衬衫搭配淡紫色裙子,2010年切尔西克林顿搭配水晶腰带的婚纱礼服

    Her hit designs include the lavender skirt actress Sharon Stone paired with a Gap shirt at the Oscars in 1998 and Chelsea Clinton's crystal-waistband wedding gown in 2010.


  • 其他传闻集中切尔西随着转会窗口开启列出的一系列可能签约球员包括博尔阿内尔卡热刺贝尔巴托夫

    Other current stories are focusing on the open transfer window with Chelsea linked to a list of potential signings, including Bolton's Nicolas Anelka and Tottenham's Dimitar Berbatov.


  • 包括穆尼·里奥特里在内切尔西管理人员队员医院探望了切赫。

    Several members of the Chelsea management and team including Jose Mourinho and John Terry visited him.


  • 切尔西并不成功的经历(包括租借回归米兰)之后,2009年瓦列里·加扎·耶夫带回基辅迪纳摩。

    After an unsuccessful spell with Chelsea (and then another at Milan), in 2009 he was brought back to Dynamo by Valeriy Gazzaev.


  • 球员教练工作人员切尔西每个人包括球迷

    It has been the players, the managers, the staff, it was everyone in Chelsea, including supporters.


  • 事实上巴萨4包括切尔西时,已经对我意味着很多

    The fact we faced Barcelona four times on the way and also Chelsea, it means a lot.


  • 切尔西迎战一系列比赛包括他们四个主要竞争者

    The Blues will be playing a crucial game in all four of the competitions they are still involved in.


  • 传说包括曼联切尔西在内豪门出价至今为止除了传闻还都没有实质行动。

    Manchester United and Chelsea will both launch bids for Ribery, but as of yet nothing has come of the interest.


  • 接下来我们要遭遇许多重要比赛包括切尔西

    We have some big games coming up including Chelsea.


  • 即使离开我们一样认为切尔西英雄,就因为切尔西半时间里我们带来的每一场精彩的比赛,甚至包括我怀疑年。

    If he leaves for a huge sum or stays another 3,5 years, his contract, before he leaves I for one will send him off as a Chelsea hero for what he has given us. Among that two premierships.


  • 即使离开我们一样认为切尔西英雄,就因为切尔西半时间里我们带来的每一场精彩的比赛,甚至包括我怀疑年。

    If he leaves for a huge sum or stays another 3,5 years, his contract, before he leaves I for one will send him off as a Chelsea hero for what he has given us. Among that two premierships.


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