• 劳工数字突出显示经济复苏的不稳定。

    The Labour Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.


  • 国际劳工组织经济学家一些国家已经制定政策减轻经济危机期间工资较低影响

    International Labor Organization economists say some nations have come up with policies to lessen the impact of lower wages during the economic crisis.


  • 美国劳工最新就业报告其他最新数据报告有力地证明了婴儿潮一代经济衰退及其可怕后果最大受害者

    But the Labor Department's latest jobs reports and other recent data reports present a strong case for crowning baby boomers as the greatest victims of the recession and its dreadful consequences.


  • 直到最近西班牙部分南欧国家对外输出了很多工人人口经济变化使他们成为劳工进口国

    Until recently Spain and other parts of southern Europe were sending lots of workers abroad, but demographic and economic changes have made them into net Labour importers.


  • 一些欧盟国家要求公民接受形式灵活劳工使雇佣解雇变得更加容易基础上经济好转起来

    Several European Union countries have asked their citizens to accept flexible Labour laws, which make hiring and firing easy, on the basis that this will lead to economic good health.


  • 支持限制外国球员输入呼声渐渐高涨而且这样的呼声也牵涉到了其他经济领域的国外劳工

    Support for restricting the inflow of foreign players is growing, and it echoes concern about foreign workers in the wider economy.


  • 劳工市场十分紧张,西怀俄明州经济遭遇着世界上最盛行的资源诅咒风

    So tight is the Labour market that the economy of western Wyoming is suffering a first-world version of the resource curse.


  • 美国劳工统计局刚刚公布了最新通胀数据通过这些数据,我们得以思考美国宏观经济的未来走向

    The Bureau of Labour Statistics has released its latest inflation figures, providing us with an opportunity to reflect on where the American macroeconomy is heading.


  • 证据表明,那些接纳众多移民劳工欧洲国家已经从中获益不仅仅是其经济总量人均GDP也如此

    There is some evidence that European economies that have taken in many migrant workers have also benefited, not only in total output but also in terms of GDP per head.


  • 然而事到如今这种盛况却已时过境迁了,我们今天的经济完全不同劳工运动的势力也大不如前了。

    That is no longer true today. We are a very different economy and a much weaker labor movement.


  • 美国经济复苏就劳工而言实属不易

    AMERICA's recovery has not been an easy one for workers.


  • 全球经济混乱的局势下,德国关闭劳工市场看起来只是一件无足轻重的小事然而事实并非如此。

    Germany's closed Labour market may look like a detail amid global economic turmoil. But it matters.


  • 另一个问题条条框框颇多商业环境特别是严格劳工一法律可以追溯至上世纪40年代,并最初成型于墨索里尼的中央经济统治论观点。

    Another problem is the restrictive business environment, especially strict labor laws that date back to the 1940s and were originally modeled on the statist policies of Mussolini.


  • 我们认为,这个地区内经济体之间进一步整合使我们各国劳工阶层消费者企业受益

    We also believe that continued integration of the economies of this region will benefit workers, consumers, and businesses in all our nations.


  • 泰国不是唯一依赖便宜劳工亚洲经济邻国马来西亚仰赖数百万外籍劳工

    Thailand's is not the only Asian economy hooked on cheap Labour. Neighbouring Malaysia also depends on millions of guest-workers.


  • 认为这些显示,国家经济复苏正在持续劳工就业市场状况好转

    I think those are all good signs telling us that we have sustained economic growth and a better labor market.


  • 亚洲开发银行的年度报告还警告说,亚洲经济保持长期增长需要解决劳工问题

    The annual report warned that Asian economies need to address labor issues to fuel long-term growth.


  • 近期经济再次显示衰落迹象这加大了再2011年经济复苏仍不能劳工带来重大收益可能性

    And recently, the economy has shown signs of faltering yet again, raising the possibility that in 2011 recovery would once more fail to bring meaningful gains to workers.


  • 劳工生产力提高通常经济初步复苏特征因为雇主应对需求增长有所回应而使员工更加努力地工作同时推迟雇佣新人

    Rising Labour productivity is a common feature of the early stages of recovery, as employers respond to increases in demand by working staff harder and delaying new hiring.


  • 归根结底,美国经济平等问题缓解以及整个经济前途,都依赖教育水平劳工供应增长,”上述两位经济学家写道

    "The bottom line is that the future of inequality and this nation depend on increasing the supply of highly educated workers," the economists write.


  • 他们经济刺激计划一部分就是劳工市场社会政策方面提供更多资源

    Part of the stimulus packages have been additional resources for labor markets and social policies.


  • 削减赤字谈判紧迫性还在于,劳工星期五发布报告显示美国经济复苏步伐仍然缓慢

    Adding to the urgency of the talks was Friday's report from the Labor Department, showing that the U.S. economy's recovery from recession continues to slow.


  • 本月早些时候劳工说,美国失业率为9.5%。这使一些人担忧美国经济恢复减缓

    Earlier this month, the Labor Department reported the U.S. unemployment rate was 9.5 percent, causing some to worry the country's economic recovery was sputtering.


  • 本月早些时候劳工说,美国失业率为9.5%。这使一些人担忧美国经济恢复减缓

    Earlier this month, the Labor Department reported the U.S. unemployment rate was 9.5 percent, causing some to worry the country's economic recovery was sputtering.


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