• 哈马斯发言人塔希尔·努努说:“今天我们以往任何时候都更强大。”

    "Today we are stronger then we've ever been," said Hamas spokesman Taher Nounou.


  • 努努私家喷气机来回,衣阿华州共和党支付两千元,其余一家保险公司代付。

    Sununu flew there and back on a private jet for which the Iowa GOP paid $ 2,000 - while an insurance corporation picked up the rest of the tab.


  • 为了与自己的亲戚得更近一些,努努一家不久前刚刚位于新罕布什尔州东南部的勒姆镇搬到了汉普顿福尔斯

    The Sununus recently moved from Salem to Hampton Falls to be closer to relatives.


  • 共和党参议员约翰·努努反对农业补贴他说玉米价格上升部分是因为美国使用越来越多玉米生产汽车所需燃料造成的。

    John Sununu, a Republican senator opposed to farm subsidies, says corn prices have risen in part because America is using increasing amounts of corn to produce fuel for automobiles.


  • 努努称作艾尔斯巨石,和其他该区域的中心山脉峡谷干涸河床以及平原一样,澳洲土著人传统神圣象征

    Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is a great symbol in Aboriginal traditions, as are many sacred sites among the Centre's mountain ranges, gorges, dry riverbeds, and spinifex plains.


  • 努努妻子南茜前不久一起授予汉普顿·福尔斯“肥猪总管名誉职位。当地人还特意为此举行了一宣誓就职典礼,并给苏努努夫妇颁发了荣誉徽章

    Sununu and his wife, Nancy, recently were named to the honorary post of Hampton Falls' hog reeve, complete with a swearing-in ceremony and a badge.


  • 3月14日,来自新罕布什尔的参议院约翰[font=Batang][color=#000000]·桑努努称冈氏应该走人说这话,桑是共和党内第一人。

    On March 14th John Sununu, a senator from New Hampshire, became the first Republican to say that Mr Gonzales should go.


  • 努尔·尼萨、母亲丈夫送到医院以后,努尔·尼萨生下了一个女婴

    I ended up taking Noor Nisa, her mother, and her husband to the hospital, where she delivered a baby girl.


  • 基甸那里努伊勒,那里也是这样。毗努伊勒割人回答的话一样。

    From there he went up to Peniel and made the same request of them, but they answered as the men of Succoth had.


  • 而且仅是陈年蜂蜜无法做到:曼努卡蜂蜜一种特殊的蜂蜜,是蜜蜂将产新西兰自然界的曼努卡的花蜜(茶树)凝聚成。

    And just any old honey won't do: Manuka honey is a specific kind of honey from bees that gather nectar from the Manuka (or tea tree), which is native to New Zealand.


  • 本周,英德拉伊被宣布继任者,二人几乎没什么不同,之所以这么说,不只是因为英德拉努伊女性。

    His successor, Indra Nooyi, whose appointment was announced this week, could hardly be more different-and not just because she is a woman.


  • 动物园网站上也满给克特的留言,安娜的网友写道:“克努特,可爱的北极熊,你怎么会死呢?”

    "Knut, you were the sweetest polar bear that I ever knew — why did you have to die?" wrote one mourner named Anna.


  • 博士1993年死亡之脸》一书中的故事之一。这本书由几个故事组成,它是努兰博士其一生时间观察绝症病人的种种后果之后写成的。

    That story is one of several that make up "How We Die", a book Dr Nuland wrote in 1993, after a lifetime of watching the effects of terminal illness.


  • 动物园调查克死因时,动物权益组织纷纷谴责动物园管理员和相关人士为了眼前的利益而置克努特的健康于不顾。

    As the zoo tries to figure out what killed Knut, animal-rights groups are blaming zookeepers for his death, accusing officials of putting financial interests ahead of the famous polar bear's welfare.


  • 博洛尼亚近期同时马努吉诺比利跑出了橄榄枝,马努曾经2002年加入安东尼奥马刺之前博洛尼亚效力

    Virtus also recently reached out to Manu Ginobili, who played with Bologna before joining the San Antonio Spurs in 2002.


  • 全世界最有名的北极熊。 2006年12月小熊柏林动物园出生了,一落地就俘获了人们,大家亲切的称他为“可爱多克努特”。

    He was the most famous polar bear in the world — the cuddly cub Knut, dubbed Cute Knut, captured people's hearts after his birth at the Berlin Zoo in December 2006.


  • 努都塔告诉亚玛茹阿加维施他释放地狱受苦受限灵魂

    The Visnudutas told Yamaraja that Lord Visnu wished him well and had ordered him to free the conditioned souls suffering in hell.


  • 克混合一种特卡语,奇努克语,萨利希语,法语英语组合起来混杂语言,旧时被用作太平洋西北岸地区用语

    Chinook jargon: a pidgin language combining words from nootka Chinook salishan languages French and English formerly used as a lingua franca in the Pacific northwest.


  • 克混合一种特卡语、奇努克语、萨利希语、法语英语组合起来混杂语言,旧时被用作太平洋西北岸地区用语

    Chinook jargon: a pidgin language combining words from nootka Chinook salishan languages French and English formerly used as a lingua franca in the Pacific northwest.


  • 的背上排列鳞片它们几乎无法避免努纳成为许多猛兽的美餐。

    The nuna's back is lined with scales but those provide little protection against the many predators who seek out the nuna for its tasty meat.


  • 自然不例外,喜欢唱歌的提努有时会朋友一起K

    Teenu likes singing and dancing too. Sometimes Teenu goes to KTV and sings songs with his friends.


  • 那兽被轻视有害动物甚至团体竞赛活动好斗的努那兽代替球来使用

    Nunas are often looked down upon as vermin. There are even team sporting events that use scrappy nunas in place of a ball.


  • 加利·安努,冰过的杯子,最后再倒入适量加利·安努。

    Shake all but Galliano with ice, strain into chilled glass, float Galliano on surface of drink.


  • 公爵观赏风景的时候,阿尔太太不是阿尔努太太吗?

    While he was looking at the view, I asked Madame Arnould? She is called Madame Arnould, isn't she?


  • 克混合一种特卡语、奇努克语、萨利希语、法语英语组合起来的混杂语言,旧时用作太平洋西北岸地区用语

    Chinook Jargon: a pidgin language combining words from Nootka, Chinook, Salishan languages, French, and English, formerly used as a lingua franca in the Pacific Northwest.


  • 克混合一种特卡语、奇努克语、萨利希语、法语英语组合起来的混杂语言,旧时用作太平洋西北岸地区用语

    Chinook Jargon: a pidgin language combining words from Nootka, Chinook, Salishan languages, French, and English, formerly used as a lingua franca in the Pacific Northwest.


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