• 广告商努力推销“让时光倒流”的方法时,不得不忍住

    When advertisers try to sell me ways to "turn back the clock", I have to suppress a laugh.


  • 大学生们一定要珍惜在校时光为了美好未来努力

    Students need to appreciate their time in school, and work hard in order to ensure a good future.


  • 认为午饭时(包括下午5时后的时光)把酒馆坐满那些投资银行雇员们是忠诚可靠工作努力

    He thinks the investment bankers who filled the Playwright at lunchtime (and at 5pm on good days) were honest, hard-working people.


  • 时光飞逝戏剧般的改变了帮助别人为焦点努力满足家庭不断增长教堂需要的时候,无论是情感上还是身体上我都感觉到我已经消耗殆尽了。

    I so dramatically changed my focus to help others that over time, I burned out. I became emotionally and physically depleted as I tried to meet the needs of my family and our growing church.


  • 巴马夫妇婚姻艰难时光许多其他夫妇一样,曾努力平衡职业家庭和婚姻关系强烈需求

    The Obamas have had difficult times in their marriage, as have many couples struggling to balance the intense demands of career, family and relationship.


  • 多年以后的多年以后,如果还可以偶然记起,忘了为了梦想努力奋斗的那些美好时光

    After many years, when looking back to the past, you will not forget the time when you went go to great lengths striving for your dream.


  • 我会努力坚持信仰尽管时光流逝科技发挥着作用。

    I will do my best to keep faith that with each passing day, technology still makes sense.


  • 就是足球比赛,回到了板凳,这就是足球世界。我热爱足球,有的时候经历这样时光必须继续努力队友好好竞争,这就是男子汉做的

    I love football and at times you go through times like that and, as long as you keep working and stay competitive with your team-mates, that is the main thing.


  • 短暂夏天也是人们作出巨大努力冬天到来做好准备时光

    The short summer is also a time when gargantuan efforts are made to ensure that the region is ready for the onset of winter.


  • 第一次找到工作有了责任通过努力得到报酬人生最美好的时光

    When I got my first job and had responsibilities and got paid for my efforts, that was the best time of my life.


  • 时光流逝女孩不再平凡经过努力拥有了出色的成绩

    The passage of time, the girl is no longer ordinary, and she worked to have excellent results.


  • 随着时光流逝到了很多,我知道知识更加重要,我知道目标需要自己努力实现。

    As time goes by, I learned a lot, I know I should learn more knowledge than play games, I know one should have a goal to make great efforts.


  • 最后大学生应该努力使自己适应大学生活尽快以便充分利用宝贵的大学时光

    To conclude, college students should try to adapt himself to college life as soon as possible, so as to take full advantages of their precious college time.


  • 因为一个全新经历,全新的挑战取决于一身总宝贵的时光付出努力多少

    Because is a new experience, a new challenge and depending on how much effort I put in will be the best time of my life.


  • 尽管告诉你们我假期的最后时光海滩度过着太阳玛格丽特,可是这最后一个月假期体育馆里努力训练。

    Although I would love to tell you that I spend my days on a beach somewhere, while I work on my tan and drink margaritas, my last month before the season is spent working hard in the gym.


  • 找到第一份工作开始承担责任,通过自己努力得到报酬,生命最美好的时光

    When I got my first job and had responsibilities and got paid for my efforts, that was the best time of my life.


  • 不要时光白白过去,我自己喜欢的事情因为成功在于自己的努力

    I don't let time slip by, I want to do myself like thing, Because of success lies in myself own efforts.


  • 他们虚度时光还是努力追求有意义的东西?

    Do they goof off, or do they try to pursue more meaningful pursuits?


  • 时光xx年7月参加工作至今近半年经过半年努力工作和不断学习获益良多

    Time, , such as a comb, from xx July to participate in the work has been nearly six months, after six months of hard work and continuous learning, I learned a lot.


  • 也许我们会经历挫折失败,但是我们从不气馁,从不认输,一直努力向前迈进,最好时光歌舞青春

    We may fall down and mess up, but we get up and start again, and never give up. When in good times, all is right with youth!


  • 趁年轻不懈地努力把握最好时光

    Young, unremitting efforts grasp the best time!


  • 不是努力成为一个完美的妈妈,而是试图所有领域取得进展母亲时光

    Instead of trying to be a perfect mom, try to make progress in all areas of motherhood.


  • 不是努力成为一个完美妈妈而是试图所有领域取得进展在做母亲的时光

    No matter how hard you try, you won't become a perfect mom.


  • 随着越来越接近真相Fergus努力重新找回自己重新获得20之前,在Mersey上,Frankie一起度过的欢乐时光

    With more and more close to the truth, Fergus efforts to rediscover themselves, and renewed in 20 years ago, in the Mersey river, and Frankie the happy time together.


  • 随着越来越接近真相Fergus努力重新找回自己重新获得20之前,在Mersey上,Frankie一起度过的欢乐时光

    With more and more close to the truth, Fergus efforts to rediscover themselves, and renewed in 20 years ago, in the Mersey river, and Frankie the happy time together.


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