• 然而人们通常认为这种改变总是需要努力奋斗

    However, people usually think that change always requires hard work and struggle.


  • 经过小小的努力奋斗才能拥有幸福

    To go through small efforts and struggle , you can have a happy.


  • 赏识人生飞跃起点但是我的努力奋斗没有终点

    Your recognition is the starting point of my life leap, But my efforts and struggles has no end.


  • 这都努力得来的,拿到冠军需要更进一步的努力奋斗

    All required hard work, but to be champions even more toil and labour is needed.


  • 就是但愿气力相信只要自己愿意努力奋斗事情总会变得更好。

    And that is the power of hope, the belief that something better is always possible if you're willing to work for it and fight for it.


  • 就是希望力量相信只要自己愿意努力奋斗事情总会变得更好。

    And that is the power of hope, the belief that something better is always possible if you're willing to work for it and fight for it.


  • 就是希望力量置信只需本人情愿努力奋斗事情总会变得更好

    And that is the power of hope, the belief that something better is always possible if you're willing to work for it and fight for it.


  • 就是希望力量相信只要自己愿意努力奋斗事情总会变得更好

    And that is the power of hope, the belief that something better is always possible if you "re willing to work for it and fight for it."


  • 根本没有十全十美的选择我们只能靠努力奋斗来使当初的选择显得正确

    There is no perfect choice at all. All we have to to do is spare no effort to make what we have chosen right.


  • 深知自己的一切完全是自己不懈的努力奋斗,为此我感到欣慰荣幸骄傲!

    I am well aware that everything entirely by unremitting efforts and struggle, I am very pleased, pleasure and pride!


  • 项既艰巨伟大的历史重任,它代表人类正义理想需要人的不懈努力奋斗

    It is a formidable but great historical mission representing the human justice and ideals; it demands persistent exertions and struggles generation by generation.


  • 双手为了你们共同家庭努力和奋斗双手一生的时间你,珍惜你,带给你快乐

    These are the hands that will work long hours for you and your new family, the hands that will love and cherish you for a lifetime of happiness.


  • 聋哑美国女孩海伦·凯勒这方面的典型例子因为一生一个接个的目标努力奋斗

    The deaf and mute American girl Helen Keller is a typical example of our case, as she had spent her whole life struggling and striving for one goal after another.


  • 我们习惯于理想,我们习惯抵制压制净化替代所有这些包含努力奋斗都是通过时间来完成的。

    We are used to ideals, we are in the habit of resisting, suppressing, sublimating , substituting, all of which involves effort and struggle through time.


  • 成功没有快车道幸福没有高速路所有成功,来自不倦努力奔跑;所有幸福,都来自平凡的奋斗坚持

    No fast track success and happiness is not the success of all high-speed road, all from the tireless efforts; all happiness, all from the extraordinary struggle and perseverance!


  • 但是,希拉里·克林顿参议员最近德克萨斯州俄亥俄州获胜以后努力奋斗

    But, Senator Hillary Clinton is also fighting hard, following her recent wins in Texas and Ohio.


  • 就是这种努力决心盲目乐观转变希望,这是一种埋藏在我们心底的希望,我们将奋斗并让梦想成真。

    It is that effort, and that determination, that can transform blind optimism into hope - the hope to imagine, and work for, and fight for what seemed impossible before.


  • 首歌讲述了关于重生故事,告诉大家即使非常困难时候也要自己有意义生活奋斗最终通过自己的努力收获成功幸福

    The message is one of regeneration, of fighting for a meaningful life even in times of extreme hardship, and as a result, with work, come success and happiness.


  • 制订新的奋斗目标开始新的计划时,我努力考虑如何确保这些目标计划是不是能同帮助自己他人结合起来。

    When I set new goals or begin new projects, I think hard about making sure they're aligned with helping both myself and others.


  • 漫画是为了提醒我们今天幸福生活宝贵的民族遗产归功于我们祖先奋斗,而我们,反过来,也要努力劳动来确保我们后代的幸福平安。

    The pictures serve to remind us that the existence of our current happiness and valuable national heritage is due to the struggles of our predecessors.


  • 最大努力奋斗,但是不要执着于十全十美接受你尽了最大的努力成功女性好习惯之一。放弃十全十美的想法是灵魂维他命锻炼

    Accepting that you're doing the best you can is a habit of highly successful women. Letting go of perfectionism is vitamins and exercise for the soul!


  • 确定努力工作很多观点(不论你是之而奋斗还是试图避免),那么我们知道观点想法吧。

    I'm sure you've got plenty of views on working hard (whether you strive for it or try to avoid it!) - so let us know your thoughts in the comments...


  • 不管什么样想法,人生奋斗努力少不了的因为每个来到这个世界上是带着责任义务的。

    Whatever, Life of struggle and efforts are necessary, because people came to this world is destined to have the responsibilities and commitments.


  • 很多是以错误前提来接近生活如果他们工作努力长期奋斗付出足够代价然后他们就会得到财富奖励

    Many people are approaching life from the flawed premise that if they work hard and struggle long and pay a big enough price, they will then be rewarded with financial well-being.


  • 奋斗途径上努力要是步骤清楚等于旅行一个地方,不规定睡眠行程一般

    A person in the struggle to work hard, if you do not step into the clear, equal to your trip a place, not the first rule of sleep and travel in general.


  • 见证父母大半生奋斗每天为了维持生计努力工作,有时甚至会打消任何他们期望梦想

    I saw my parents struggle most of their lives and the daily battle to keep afloat sometimes even drained what hopes and dreams they had for me.


  • 人生价值就在于为了真理正义努力奋斗

    The value of human life is to work hard for truth and justice.


  • 人生价值就在于为了真理正义努力奋斗

    The value of human life is to work hard for truth and justice.


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