• 动物经过数亿进化直到脊椎动物阶段出现了渐为完整的免疫系统

    The immune system was not developed until in vertebrates during millions years of animal evolution, and the coevolution of interacting plants and microbes has given rise to the plant defense system.


  • 一个世纪生物学家发现如果他们无脊椎动物胚胎生命早期阶段分成部分存活下来并发育成两个正常的胚胎

    Nearly a century ago, biologists found that if they separated an invertebrate animal embryo into two parts at an early stage of its life, it would survive and develop as two normal embryos.


  • 探索阶段过后某些动物行为表明它们知道它们看见自己

    But some animals, after this period of exploration, exhibit behaviors that show they know they are looking at themselves.


  • 人类经历着一个成熟我们进入生命各个阶段的时间其他哺乳动物

    Humans experience a delayed maturity; we arrive at all stages of life later than other mammals.


  • 一个类似策略——加速发展休息阶段相结合——使两栖动物得以栖息在沙漠中

    A similar strategyaccelerated development combined with a resting stagehas also allowed amphibians to inhabit deserts.


  • 究表明,这些动物已经知道如何在测试阶段将它们在训练中所学到的人脸知识应用到新面孔上。

    The study showed the animals had figured out how to apply what they learned about human faces during training to new faces in the testing stage.


  • 撇开道义方面考虑这种调驯愚蠢的,因为这种方法会使大象“怀恨在心”,以后某个阶段它很可能变成伤人动物

    Apart from any moral considerations this is a stupid method of training, for it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer.


  • 无论如何考虑佐剂安全性问题早期阶段可能不使用动物

    Nevertheless, animals cannot be dispensed with in the early consideration of a safety profile.


  • 素食新闻为什么大学阶段开设动物权益的相关课程重要的?

    VegNews: Why is it important to offer animal-rights courses at the college level?


  • 早期发育每个阶段,在发育速度上,人类婴儿都被其他动物的幼崽在了后面。

    At every stage of early development, human babies lag behind infants from other species.


  • 目前世卫组织流行预警级别仍然第三阶段人类感染新亚型病毒但是这些感染中的绝大多数直接动物那里获得的。

    The present WHO level of pandemic alert remains at phase 3: human infections with a new virus subtype are occurring, but the vast majority of these infections are acquired directly from animals.


  • 其实,老鼠只是这个实验第一阶段这些科学家希望以后这项研究扩展其他大量动物比如山羊奶牛

    Mice in this case are the first line of experimentationthe scientists hope to then expand the research out into other animals that can produce milk in bulk, like goats and cows.


  • 不过他们都喜欢陪伴左右——人生到了最后阶段的事情没几件了,喜爱动物似乎就是其中之一

    But they enjoy having the cats around-a love of animals seems to be among the last things to go.


  • 第一种办法对比克隆动物健康常规动物不同生命阶段的生长状况,从而确定它们是否一致

    One approach, it said, compared clones at different stages of life to healthy conventional animals to determine whether they appear the same.


  • 此前的研究表明动物繁殖成功率受到动物生命早期阶段营养状况的影响。

    Previous research has shown that the reproductive success of animals is influenced by nutrition early in life.


  • 爬行动物身上同样存在基板,胚胎阶段时,它们会触发基板后延皮肤细胞基因进行增殖,并最终形成鳞片

    Reptiles have placodes too. But in a reptile embryo each placode switches on genes that cause only the skin cells on the back edge of the placode to grow, eventually forming scales.


  • 研究者发现对于人类大多数哺乳动物来说,连续六个小时以上的95华氏度以上的极限“湿球温度”,将会使他们面临由于酷热造成“极易死亡阶段”。

    The researchers found that humans and most mammals experience a potentially lethal level of heat stress at a "wet-bulb" temperature above 95 degrees sustained for six hours or more.


  • 结论尽管多种化合物抗真菌活性检测,但其中大多数处于体外动物模型疗效阶段

    CONCLUSIONS: Although the antifungal activity of numerous compounds has been examined, most of them are at the in vitro or animal models of efficacy stages.


  • 第一阶段交替使用物理魔法免疫physical andmagicimmunity.他使用魔法免疫直到50%HP左右然后理免疫。

    In the first phase, he alternates between physical and magic immunity. He has magic immunity until around 50% HP, then starts to switch to physical.


  • 关于癌症危险性动物实验显示可能青春期等发育阶段额外卡路里耗费一个标志

    It could also be a marker for extra calories consumed in growth periods like adolescence, a suggested cancer risk seen in animal research.


  • 蹄目动物的幼仔出生时处于发育高级阶段能够几天照料自己

    In ungulates, the young are born in an advanced stage of development and can fend for themselves in a few days.


  • 图片脊椎动物近亲,文昌鱼腐烂过程的几个阶段

    Photo: a lancelet, a close relative of vertebrates, in several stages of decay. credit: University of Leicester.


  • 生长第一第二阶段羽毛,保温用,汉堡大学动物学会动物博物馆

    Body feathers, first and second stage, insulation, Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg.


  • 到目前为止,研究人员实验室进行过细胞的实验,在下阶段即将展开动物实验

    So far, tests have been done only on cells in a laboratory setting, but animal testing is planned for the next phase.


  • 动物细胞胚胎发育的较阶段便失去了全能性

    Animal cells lose their totipotency at an early stage in embryonic development.


  • 但是目前我国野生动物资源管理水平仍然处在比较落后的阶段

    However, themanagement means of wild animals resource of our country is still at relativelybackward stage at present.


  • 我们不让做梦,”博士,“刚刚解释了公认有关动物梦境阶段生理学标准之一肌肉紧张性消失。”

    "We keep him from dreaming," Dr. Jouvet said, "I just explained that one of the recognized physiological criteria of the dream phase in animals is disappearance of muscular tone."


  • 我们不让做梦,”博士,“刚刚解释了公认有关动物梦境阶段生理学标准之一肌肉紧张性消失。”

    "We keep him from dreaming," Dr. Jouvet said, "I just explained that one of the recognized physiological criteria of the dream phase in animals is disappearance of muscular tone."


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