• 闯入地球行星一般认为白垩-第三纪灭绝,即恐龙遭受大灭绝的主要原因之一。 那次毁灭性事件灭绝了地球上超过一半的物种,为哺乳动物成为地球上的首要物种扫清了道路。

    The extinction was caused by a massive asteroid slamming into Earth at Chicxulub in Mexico.


  • 知道所有宇宙中,成千上万的星系中数百万恒星行星没有任何地方的动物地球动物所受的不公待遇相比吗?

    Did you know that nowhere else in all the Universes, and among the thousands of galaxies and millions of stars and planets, are the animals as badly treated as they are here on this Earth?


  • 正是由于人类大脑体积广泛适应性我们才得以居住在树上灵长动物演化这个行星支配性物种

    It is the size and immense adaptability of the human brain that is responsible for the transformation of our species from tree-dwelling primates into the dominant species on the planet.


  • 如果一个100英尺直径的小行星撞击地球大气爆炸产生冲击波可以数百平方英里所有树木倒伏杀死所有的大型动物

    If a 100-foot-wide asteroid hit Earth, the shock wave from its explosion in the atmosphere could flatten trees and kill every large animal for hundreds of square miles.


  • 银河动物过去天气行星猎手一样众包项目要求有若干个志愿者给出同样答案确保精确程度

    Crowdsourcing projects such as Galaxy Zoo, Old Weather or Planet Hunters require several volunteers to give the same answer to ensure it is accurate.


  • 把结冰期到来行星撞击两者的影响祸不单行反常导致奇异浮游生物和第一批肉眼可见动物的产生。

    He describes the effect of the icy climate and asteroid impact as a "double whammy" that paradoxically led to the "flourishing of exotic plankton and the first macroscopic animals".


  • 大约6550万以前,也就是在白垩纪末期地球颗小行星发生碰撞,此后这种陆地最大动物便由此绝迹了。

    Some 65.5m years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, the Earth collided with an asteroid and the biggest terrestrial beasts in history were no more.


  • 另外一个理论推测大型动物在13000年前行星撞击毁灭殆尽,然而最新研究否定了这种可能性

    Another theory, that the larger beasts were wiped out by an asteroid strike around 13, 000 years ago, also looks unlikely in view of the latest study.


  • :“不仅地区最大肉食动物我们所知,他还是1000万年来这个行星已知最大陆生脊椎动物”。

    He said: "it was not only the biggest predator in the region, as far as we know, but it was the largest terrestrial vertebrate known on the face of the planet for at least 10 million years."


  • 呼吸者世界动物种类根本上不同于那些大气行星设计的动物

    On the nonbreathing worlds the animal species are radically unlike those found on the atmospheric planets.


  • 尽管白垩纪时行星撞击地球后为哺乳动物起了活动的舞台,但是哺乳动物真正大行其道是100万以后的事情,也就是时期。

    Though the Cretaceous asteroid cleared the stage, mammals did not really get going until 10m years later, in the Eocene epoch.


  • 现在这些可以导致令人兴奋特殊东西音乐奖励舞蹈灯光可爱的动物朋友周围行星

    Now those kicks can lead to something even more exciting and special, with musical rewards, dancing lights and adorable animal friends from around the planet.


  • 这个行星无数正在垂死动物演讲因为它们几乎已经无处容身了。

    I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go. We cannot afford to be not heard.


  • 随着时间推移它们遍布了整个地球成为行星重要动物

    As time went by they covered the earth and have become the most important animals on the planet.


  • 这个行星无数正在垂死动物演讲,篮球比分赔率因为它们几乎已经无处容身了。阿森纳。

    I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go. We cannot afford to be not heard.


  • 这个行星无数正在垂死动物演讲因为它们几乎已经无处容身了。

    I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go.


  • 这个行星无数正在垂死动物演讲因为它们几乎已经无处容身了。

    I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go.


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