• 玉米东南亚的一种主粮作物作为食物,又作为动物家畜养料。

    Maize is a staple crop in South-EastAsia, both as a food and animal feed.


  • 考虑到他们对待家畜方式科学家们认为公众动物福利方面特别言行不一致。

    The scientists saw the public as being particularly two-faced about animal welfare in view of the way domestic animals are treated.


  • 牧场主正在检测动物耳朵上的跟踪器,以建立一个全国性家畜跟踪系统

    Ranchers are testing electronic tags on animals' ears to create a national cattle-tracking system.


  • 但是多数家畜脚掌弹跳想想猫跟然而其他动物是用脚趾小跑比如跟鹿

    Most critters bounce on the balls of their feet, think cats and dogs, while others trot on their toes, like horses and deer.


  • 除了家畜野生动物鹿已经开始寻找更高的地带,而且,洪水退去他们可能也没有合适的栖身之所返回了。

    In addition to livestock, wild animals such as snakes and deer have been heading for higher ground-and they may not have suitable places to return to as floodwaters recede.


  • 研究者,现有250种已知可以通过动物传染人类的病毒,而其中超过100种是来自家畜

    Of the 250 known diseases transmitted from animals to humans, more than 100 of them come from domestic animals, researchers say.


  • 的确每次地震海啸过后,各种动物(尤其是宠物家畜)表现异常或者人类早预测灾难故事就流传起来。

    Indeed, following earthquakes and tsunamis, stories often circulate of animals (especially pets and livestock) acting strangely or seeming to know of the disaster long before humans.


  • 狂犬病感染家畜野生动物然后通过咬伤抓伤经过受到感染唾液密切接触传播

    The disease infects domestic and wild animals, and is spread to people through close contact with infected saliva via bites or scratches.


  • 驯养似乎动物都成了哑巴无需自己寻找食物家畜逐渐失去了它们野生同类表现出一些智慧

    DOMESTICATION seems to make animals dumb. Without the need to forage, domestic creatures have gradually lost some of the wits displayed by their wild Cousins.


  • 实验动物家畜(例如、大老鼠老鼠等)对比证明,人类衰老的速度其他物种

    When comparisons have been made between humans versus lab or domestic animals (such as horses, dogs, rats and mice) humans have had slower rates of aging than these other species.


  • 要防止发生家畜流行病必须暴发之前进行动物免疫

    Animal immunization must be implemented prior to an outbreak if an epizootic is to be prevented.


  • 由于家畜备受虐待其中许多宁愿选择投生野生动物尽管动物野外不得不承受诸多挑战

    Because of abuse of domestic animals, many of them prefer and choose to incarnate as wild animals in spite of the challenges that animals in the wild have to endure.


  • 动物产品需求增长导致家畜基因越来越单一,使家畜容易感染病菌

    Increased demand for animal products has also led to the breeding of more genetically uniform domestic animal populations that are more vulnerable to pathogens, he says.


  • 家畜野生动物接触许多国家司空见惯早期疾病检测系统尽如人意。

    In many countries where contact between domestic and wild animals is commonplace, early disease-detection systems are still not as good as they could or should be.


  • 家畜人类畜养动物获取肉类已经上千年了,11000年前游牧民族就开始饲养绵羊山羊

    Livestock: People have raised animals to eat for millennia, starting with sheep and goats that nomadic tribes herded some 11, 000 years ago.


  • 家畜人类畜养动物获取肉类已经上千年了,11000年前游牧民族就开始饲养绵羊山羊

    Livestock: People have raised animals to eat for millennia, starting with sheep and goats that nomadic tribes herded some 11,000 years ago.


  • 不能以最佳方式利用生产潜力(动物种类遗传学家畜饲养方法)。

    Suboptimal use of production potential (animal species, genetics, livestock practices).


  • 最近新书——《动物使我们为人》本涉及动物人类关系的一部力作,书中诸多章节不仅谈到我们动物伙伴们,还有家畜野生动物动物

    Her latest book, animals Make Us human, is an amazing tour DE force of animal-human relationships, with chapters on our companion animals, as well as on livestock, wildlife, and zoos.


  • 传播刚果热病毒的能使许多野生动物家畜感染使它们成为传播者,包括一些鸟类

    Ticks that spread Congo fever can infect, and are spread by, many wild and domestic animals, including cattle and some birds.


  • 目击者报告诸如大象猴子这类野生动物高地迁移,同时及其家畜表现出焦虑不安

    Witnesses report wild animals such as elephants and monkeys moving towards higher ground as well as anxiety and distress in cattle, dogs and other domestic animals.


  • 美国蚊子传播不同脑炎疾病,犬丝虫形式在家畜猫等动物中传播。

    In the United States, mosquitoes can spread different types of encephalitis and can transmit heartworms to domestic animals like dogs and cats.


  • 野生动物家畜同样苦于暑夏——报告北方邦的某森林保护区内,许多孔雀由于脱水而

    Wildlife and livestock also sufferedin Uttar Pradesh, for example, dozens of peacocks were reported dead due to dehydration at a forest reserve.


  • 目前俄勒冈市动物园工作自由职业摄影师时常或商业个人的为精美艺术项目家畜打交道。

    She is a freelance photographer for the Oregon Zoo, and works regularly with domestic animals both commercially and personally for her fine art projects.


  • 但是多数家畜脚掌弹跳——想想:、狗——其他动物是用脚趾小跑比如鹿

    But most critters bounce on the balls of their feet-think cats and dogs-while others trot on their toes, like horses and deer.


  • 咸水鳄鱼地球最大爬行动物它们主要栖息地澳大利亚北部几内亚印尼等地,它们不仅吃牛马家畜,还吃人,甚至攻击鲨鱼。

    Saltwater crocodiles are the largest reptiles on the planet. Their main habitat is northern Australia and New Guinea, Indonesia and Borneo.


  • 默诺霉素动物应用数十促进家畜生长

    Moenomycin has been used for decades in animal feed to promote livestock growth.


  • 大家都知道家畜动物语言中,仅仅原始知识间接提到,本身并没有语言的认知。

    Everyone knows that the domestic animal is merely implicated in language by primitive knowledge, and that it does not have one.


  • 实际上我们民族相比其它民族野兽动物,最多也就是家畜

    In fact, compared to our race, other RACES are beasts and animals, cattle at best.


  • 如今随着人们生活水平提高一些形成习惯饲养一些小动物家畜作为自己宠物

    Nowadays, with the improvement of the people's living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets.


  • 如今随着人们生活水平提高一些形成习惯饲养一些小动物家畜作为自己宠物

    Nowadays, with the improvement of the people's living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets.


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