• 思维训练课程中学习如何招募多样化动力

    During my Mindsets coaching session, I was taught how to recruit a diversified workforce.


  • 雷尔曼成就带来数学根本进步人类个体思维拥有持续动力实际证明。

    Perelman's achievement is a testament to the continued power of the individual human mind in bringing about the most fundamental advances in mathematics.


  • 因此任何冬季里,行动力思维渐趋缓慢都必须的

    Thus the gradual slowing of activity and thought during any winter season is necessary.


  • 如果物质必须被动的,物理学原理的角度来看似乎站得住脚,动力并不是来自于物质,而是来自于人脑思维

    Well if matter is necessarily passive and that seemed very much supported by the physical theory then activity cannot come from matter, activity must come form mind.


  • 观念可以启动思维从而产生动力

    New ideas get your mental gears turning and can build motivation.


  • 随着大约一半美国动力列为白领”,加拿大出现了一项有关思维进食研究——不要太多

    With about half of the United States' workforce classified as "white collar", a new study out of Canada is relevant food for thoughtbut don't think about it too much!


  • 思维图,也是驱使我写博客强大动力之一

    Mind mapping is a passion for me, and it is one of the strongest drivers behind this blog.


  • 劳伦斯自身经历中,明白了苦涩的见识庸常思维一直拒绝原动力真相

    But Lawrence possessed the bitter knowledge born of his own experience: that originality and truth will always meet with rejection by the common mind.


  • 如果觉得余力不足,觉得缺乏前进动力有时候需要改变思维角度

    If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.


  • 所言网站灵感动力还有思维导图的贴士绘制思维导图的贴士、提升创造力增加创意技巧

    As he says, the site is a source of inspiration and motivation, plus mindmapping tips, drawing tips, techniques for enhancing your creativity and improving idea generation


  • 积极思维动力创造出奇迹。

    The power of positive thinking works miracles.


  • 食物音乐电影包围你自己这样即使休息时间可以使思维保持语言学习状态,或许还能激发进一步兴趣学习动力

    Surround yourself with the food, the music and the films, so that even in your downtime you can prime your mind towards the language and perhaps trigger further areas of interest and motivation.


  • 民族语言洪流——这其中个民族的性别角色,正像当时其他地方一样,正在被重新定义——维也纳人的思维受到了找到通用交流形式动力驱使

    Amid a babble of peoples and languages-one in which, as elsewhere at the time, gender roles were being redefined-viennese thinking was driven by an urge to find universal forms of communication.


  • 这个学习周期习惯让孩子自身产生动力养成创造性和批判性思维能力

    This cycle of learning produces children who are motivated from within and who possess creative and critical thinking skills.


  • 别人因为魅力动力也会你的思维方式上来

    Your charm and drive will win others over to your way of thinking.


  • 大多数公司动力市场需要不是机器而是具有创造性思维

    What most companies and workforces need are not robots, but creative people who can contribute ideas.


  • 归性是思维过程普遍存在动力机制

    Recursiveness is an ordinary power mechanism existing in the process of people's thinking.


  • 如果觉得心有余力不足,缺乏前进动力有时候需要改变思维角度

    If you feel that you lack the power and the motivation you need to move forward, you only need to change the perspective of the thinking sometimes.


  • 动力学术性好奇心批判性思维社会参与

    Its driving forces are academic curiosity, critical reflection and social engagement.


  • 审美能力动力因素审美期待审美所使用的方法因素普通形象思维艺术思维结合

    The motive force of esthetic judgment is to expect aesthetically. The aesthetic methods are the combinations of ordinary image thinking and artistic thinking.


  • 后现代主义哲学思维方式自组织动力理论相一致动力思维方式,具有二总特征

    The postmodernism philosophy mode of thinking is the dynamic mode of thinking that is in accordance with Synergetics, and it have the characters of "tow generalization and three classifications".


  • 运用动力系统分析方法提出复杂系统决策思维基本机制

    The fundamental mechanism of the decision making for complex systems is put forward by utilizing the analysis method of the dynamic system.


  • 逆境可以成为我们动力伴随压力可以摧毁我们思维健康情绪我们加速衰老

    Adversity can motivate us, but its associated stress can also destroy our clear mind, health and emotions, and make us age fast.


  • 现在一项新的动力正在进一步改变人们的思维模式。

    There is a new drive on to change mindsets further.


  • 本文认为,批判性思维是以批判性精神特点内在动力,对文本进行辩证公正评价综合性思维

    Be characterized by and be intrinsic driven by critical spirit, critical thinking is regarded as a synthetic thinking which is used to evaluate text comprehensively and equitably in this thesis.


  • 艺术创造中,艺术思维艺术形式建构统一一起的,体现在一种一体化动力过程之中。

    In artistic creation, artistic thought and artistic form building are unified and integrated with each other.


  • 如果觉得余力不足,觉得缺乏前进动力,有时候只需改变思维角度

    If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you haWe to do is shift your point of view.


  • 如果觉得余力不足,觉得缺乏前进动力有时候需要改变思维角度。 我们来看一下篇英语美文摘抄之积极看待生活吧!

    If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.


  • 创造性思维人类思维高级形式,是人类获取创造性认识成果直接思维动力

    The creative thinking is the advanced form of the human thinking, which is the most direct thinking dynamics for human being to acquire the creatively cognizant results.


  • 创造性思维人类思维高级形式,是人类获取创造性认识成果直接思维动力

    The creative thinking is the advanced form of the human thinking, which is the most direct thinking dynamics for human being to acquire the creatively cognizant results.


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