• 另一个优点就是这样看起来是个比原来得多摄影师——删除照片证据我有动力拍摄更多照片。

    Another advantage is that it makes me look like a much better photographer when I delete the evidence of the bad photos, and that keeps me motivated to take more.


  • 新的动力众工程师创业公司跃跃欲试,纷纷加入挑战目前光束电力仍然处于起步阶段,有可能出现三种技术选择

    With this new impetus, engineers and start-up companies have jumped at the challenge, and while beamed power is still in its infancy, three viable options seem to be emerging.


  • 问题促使工程师设计出利用传感器监测建筑物运动有源阻尼器照着定位上层楼面回应动力促动器。

    This has prompted engineers to devise active dampers that use sensors to monitor the building’s movement and powered actuators to respond accordingly by moving weights placed on the upper floors.


  • 问题促使工程师设计出利用传感器监测建筑物运动有源阻尼器照着定位上层楼面回应动力促动器。

    This has prompted engineers to devise active dampers that use sensors to monitor the building's movement and powered actuators to respond accordingly by moving weights placed on the upper floors.


  • 另一保持责任感动力的方法,设计师伙伴一起面对挑战。

    Another way to stay accountable and keep motivated is to get a fellow designer to do the challenge with you.


  • 简历表明,伊拉克顶尖水动力工程师之一,被我们炸毁供水系统就有他的一份设计功劳。

    It turns out that he was one of Iraq's top hydraulic engineers, and helped design the water systems that we blew up.


  • 尼娜穿衣打扮热爱很快就成了梦想未来的动力引导潮流的时装设计师

    Nina's love for dressing up soon became a driving force that allowed her to dream a dream: becoming a leading fashion designer.


  • 印度波音公司资深研究人员科学家工程师一起开创印度航空构造学、空气动力学以及电子网络的新天地。

    Boeing's research in India will break new ground in aero structures, aerodynamics and electronic networks with a team of senior researchers, scientists and engineers.


  • 话说,留下来的那些价值链往上转移民营公司,它们需要有更多工程师程序设计师管理人员高端人才,不是大量技术劳动力

    In other words, private companies that are moving up the value chain and require more sophisticated talent — engineers, programmers and managers, rather than large volumes of low-skill labor.


  • 很多公司还是工程师为驱动力

    But many of these companies were still driven by the engineer.


  • 小木先生微笑着说,“那些一点的工程师可能混合动力吧”。

    "The senior engineers could not understand the hybrid engineering," chuckles Mr Ogiso.


  • 其他变化比如新的团队动力学team dynamics)以及重新定义业务分析师之类角色显示出采用敏捷背后真正力量

    Other changes, such as new team dynamics and the redefinition of roles such as the business analyst, show the genuine force behind Agile adoption.


  • 麦克达菲:“下一代工程师哪里来是我们一个难题认知教育劳动力训练这些是要同时具备的。”

    "We've got a problem of where the next generation of engineers are going to come from," McDuffie says. "Awareness, education, workforce, and training all have to come together."


  • 不过鉴于地区有着1000劳动力一些分析师认为8万数字不切实际

    However, some analysts called the 80, 000 figure unrealistically low, given the country's labor force of more than 10 million.


  • 福特工程师创造技术使一个动机具有6动力,一个缸的具有8缸的动力。

    Ford's engineers created a new technology which could give a four cylinder engine the power of six, and a six cylinder the power of an eight.


  • 其他分析师指出Android很大一个推动力

    Other analysts noted that Android was generating plenty of momentum.


  • BroadpointAmTech分析师本杰明·斯坎特说:“如果必应继续保持增长动力认为对现状有可能形成冲击。”

    "If Bing can have some momentum, I think it makes a deal more likely," said Benjamin Schachter, an analyst with Broadpoint AmTech.


  • 软件架构程序员项目(Software Architect and Programmer projects)更远这样只要你足够兴趣动力就可以参与进来

    The Software Architect and Programmer projects have gone further with a more public call for contributions, so that anyone with sufficient interest and motivation can contribute.


  • 不过比亚迪已经这里建立了1600万平方米汽车组装车间雇佣了一支在意大利培训过的设计师队伍计划今年年底前造出绿色混合动力车

    But BYD has built a 16-million-square-foot auto assembly plant here and hired a team of Italian-trained car designers; it plans to build a green hybrid by the end of the year.


  • 大多数工程师寻找地下蒸汽作为地热发电厂动力时,对于地热资源的挑剔程度不亚于这个小女孩。

    Most engineers looking for underground sources of steam to generate geothermal power have similar tastes.


  • 据英国《每日邮报》9月26日报道,英国工程师制造了完全依靠咖啡豆动力的汽车,该车不仅芳香扑鼻,还打破有机废料为驱动的汽车的世界速度记录

    It's not just aroma -british engineers built a car that runs entirely on coffee beans and broke the world speed record for a car powered by organic waste.


  • 警犬号超音速喷气式汽车研究团队首席工程师,马克·查普曼(Mark Chapman):“我们一年里完成所有空气动力学的工作汽车才能完全稳定马赫为1.3的速度上。

    Mark Chapman, Bloodhound SSC's chief engineer, said: "From all the aerodynamic work we have done this year, the car is completely stable at mach 1.3.


  • Miller Tabak经济策略师格林豪斯(Dan Greenhaus)指出,5月以来,逾100万人脱离劳动大军劳动力规模2007年11月以来就基本上处于停滞状态。

    Since May, more than a million workers have left the labor force, which has essentially stagnated since November 2007, notes Miller Tabak economic strategist Dan Greenhaus.


  • 货币力量正值德国的劳动力成本开始上升经过长期下跌,债券迈克尔heise经济师安联金融集团首席经济师Michael heise指出德国货币的强势发生劳动力成本在长期下降后开始缓慢上升的时期的。

    The currency's strength comes at a time when Germany's Labour costs are beginning to creep up after a long decline, notes Michael Heise, chief economist of the Allianz financial group.


  • 货币力量正值德国的劳动力成本开始上升经过长期下跌,债券迈克尔heise经济师安联金融集团首席经济师Michael heise指出德国货币的强势发生劳动力成本在长期下降后开始缓慢上升的时期的。

    The currency's strength comes at a time when Germany's Labour costs are beginning to creep up after a long decline, notes Michael Heise, chief economist of the Allianz financial group.


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