• 空气动力学上,升力重量推力阻力(空气阻力)相关的函数

    In aerodynamic terms, lift is a function of weight, thrust and drag (air resistance).


  • 基于改善动力学性能、提高输出运动平稳性,实现了六杆输出函数脉冲发生机构传动比要求的等价四杆机构的综合原理方法。

    To control and improve the properties of mechanism dynamics, a synthetical parameter model of high-grade motion was created for three-grade functional generator mechanism with double output.


  • 单极本征函数不同动力学0(2,1)基底中的代数规律性表明径向空间对称性

    The algebraic regularity of monopole eigenfunctions in various dynamical0 (2, 1) basis shows the symmetry in radial phase space.


  • 本文概率统计动力学方法,推导了多元醇的丙烯酸酯酯化分布函数及其计算公式

    By using probability statistics and dynamics, this paper derived the esterification degree distribution function and its calculation formula for polyol-acrylate reaction.


  • 第二部分研究基态DTO 分子分析势能函数分子反应动力学过程

    Part two is about the researches of the analytic potential function and molecular reaction dynamic processes of DTO.


  • 运用材料的粘塑性本方程建立了新的切削动力学模型及其传递函数,并给出材料粘性系数表达式

    A new cutting dynamic model and its transfer function as well as the formula of the viscous coefficient are established in the overstress constitutive equation.


  • 第二章介绍我们要用到理论知识主要是涉及分子动力学,分子势能函数分子结构。

    The chapter two introduces the theories which we use, mainly involving the molecular dynamics, the molecular potential energy function and molecular structures.


  • 利用已知压缩因子分子动力学模拟数据回归得到了两个径向分布函数从而建立了一个新的流体状态方程

    The molecular dynamic data of compressibility factor are used to regress this two localized radial distribution functions. Therefore, a new equation of state of square well fluids is established.


  • 利用三角函数作为一种近似方法单摆动力学方程进行了简化,给出了大角度条件下单摆运动周期的近似公式

    As an approximate method, with the trigonometric function, the simple pendulum dynamical equation is simplified, and the approximate formula for the period of simple pendulum movement is presented.


  • 联合仿真避免了建立整车动力学方程推导传递函数,为复杂机械系统控制仿真提供思路

    The co-simulation method, where no complex dynamic equation and transfer function is needed, offers a new approach to control and simulate the complicated mechanism.


  • 比较不同能量打分函数、能量优化(EM)以及分子动力学(MD)模拟方法区分近天然构象作用

    In this method, we compared the effect on discriminating near-native structures of different scoring functions, energy minimization (EM) and molecule dynamics (MD).


  • 根据时间关联函数理论可以结合分子动力学模拟计算团簇红外吸收

    According to the time correlation function theory, the infrared spectrum of clusters can be calculated by using the molecular dynamics simulation.


  • 基于函数结构有限元模型修正技术当前结构动力学领域的重要研究方向之一

    Structure finite element model updating technology based on the frequency response function is one of the most important directions in current structure dynamics research.


  • 多项式一种特殊有理函数,因而具有许多特殊的动力学性质

    As a kind of special rational functions, polynomials have a lot of special and attracting dynamical properties.


  • 不同类型土壤吸附动力学函数方程合度较好

    Power function equation could better describe the adsorption dynamics of soil Mn in different soil types.


  • 刚体地球序列刚体地球章动的转换函数地球动力学扁率有关

    A rigid Earth nutation series and a non rigid Earth transfer function both are associated with the Earth dynamical flattening.


  • 阐述反应堆堆芯中子动力学数学模型应用模型建立传递函数

    This paper expound the neutron dynamic math model of a nuclear reactor and applied this model to set up the transfer function.


  • 针对提出新型机电集成超环面传动建立机电耦合动力学模型推导速度传递函数

    We establish the electromechanical-coupled dynamic model of a novel electromechanical integrating toroidal drive and derive its speed transfer function.


  • 利用动力学理论得到电子平衡分布函数以及环形束流径向位置通道内电磁场自洽解。

    The distribution function and the relationship between location and energy of electron beam are derived by use of kinetic theory.


  • 其次动力学角度建议一个塑性松弛函数以便描述高温高压塑性流动特性

    Secondly, a plastic relaxation function describing the behaviour of plastic flow under high temperature and high pressure is suggested from the viewpoint of dislocation dynamics.


  • 利用夫兰克-赫兹实验测量电子气体速度分布函数分析了电子原子碰撞动力学过程

    The velocity distribution function of the electron gas is measured by using Franck-Hertz experiment instrument, and the dynamical process of collision between electron and argon atom is analyzed.


  • 流动连续性引进了函数使流体动力学基本方程的未知量个数减少一个

    Because of the continuity of the flow, the stream function is introduced and it makes that the numbers of the fluid dynamical basic equation is cut off one.


  • 同时发现动力学系统中的非线性函数项(或非线性元件)能够发生跳跃随机性产生跳跃随机曲线,使电路状态轨迹达到约束方程相容的状态。

    The analysis also shows that the nonlinear terms in the dynamic system equations cause the stochastic state to jump so that the circuit state can reach compatibility with the constraint equations.


  • 用解析几何作为一种近似方法讨论生命能量系统动力学模型中两个典型方程函数平衡点求解问题。

    Analytic geometry was used as an approximate method to discuss the equilibrium values of two typical dynamic equations of Life Energy System.


  • 混合坐标方程导出姿态动力学传递函数矩阵分析正规性。

    The inverse transfer function matrix of attitude dynamics is derived from the hybrid coordinates equations, and its normality is analyzed.


  • 间隙动力学指标作为目标函数,以理想机构惯性力平衡优化计算模拟反映运动副间隙对四杆机构动力特性的影响

    An optimized calculating method for inertia force balance in ideal mechanism takes the interval dynamics norm as the goal function and simulates the effect of the interval in the motion join.


  • 研究了常压甲醇脱水生成二甲宏观动力学得到函数动力学方程

    Global kinetics of methanol dehydration to dimethyl ether by gas phase method were studied under atmospheric pressure and power type kinetic equation was obtained.


  • 实验结果表明,边界流体层厚度动力学条件函数

    The experimental results show that the thickness is the function of hydrodynamic conditions.


  • 采用分布参数传递函数方法约束阻尼CLD圆柱进行动力学分析。

    The dynamic problem of constrained layer damping (CLD) cylindrical shell is investigated by the distributed parameter transfer function method.


  • 采用分布参数传递函数方法约束阻尼CLD圆柱进行动力学分析。

    The dynamic problem of constrained layer damping (CLD) cylindrical shell is investigated by the distributed parameter transfer function method.


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