• 他们看到了一些动作场景拍摄过程。

    They even saw some of the action scenes being filmed.


  • 原意是说戏剧场景转入动作场景

    It originally meant to cut from a dramatic scene to an action scene (like a chase).


  • 一些动作场景中,特技演员代替主演。

    The stuntman will double for the main actor during the action scenes.


  • 所有动作场景全都由手持摄影机拍摄而成

    All of the action scenes were shot using hand held cameras.


  • 明亮的色彩大量动作场景画面里的人物显得敏捷有力

    Bright colors and a lot of movement give these portrait subjects the appearance of swiftness and power.


  • 除去恐怖效应增强霍华德成功避免动作场景出现

    Excluding the effects of terrorism increased, and Ron Howard's most successful action to prevent the emergence of the scene.


  • 大多是涉及主要演员任何内容——譬如动作场景或者拍镜头

    Mostly anything not involving the principal castlike action scenes, or pick up shots.


  • 如果拍的电影什么弱点的话,就是动作场景中的空间关系设计了。

    If you have any weaknesses as a filmmaker, it's in defining spatial relationships during action scenes.


  • 电影公映一周许多影院都张贴了标语警告观众摄像机晃动可能会造成对于动作场景晕眩感。

    During the first weekend of the release, many theaters posted signs warning guests that the hand held camera movements may cause motion sickness.


  • 不能称赞剧本导演动作场景甚至木乃伊但是我可以说一点沉闷有时候我甚至毫无理由地快乐。

    I cannot argue for the script, the direction, the acting or even the mummy, but I can say that I was not bored and sometimes I was unreasonably pleased.


  • 有趣,因为许多动作场景需要准备一切物品复制品但是唯一件我不需要复制品的就是围巾

    It was interesting because there were so many action scenes I needed double of everything, but the one thing I didn't have a double of was that scarf.


  • 第二摄制组拍摄影片其他内容团队。大多是涉及主要演员任何内容——譬如动作场景或者拍镜头

    Second Unit: the gaggle who shoots the "other stuff" for a movie. Mostly anything not involving the principal castlike action scenes, or pick up shots.


  • 唯一引人注意真实动作场景帝王私人黑衣为士不可思议空间滑即便这个环节也让人觉得牵强。

    The only truly arresting action involves the Emperor's personal guard of black-hooded soldiers who magically drop by ropes from the sky, yet even this element feels arbitrary.


  • 好莱坞一直热衷于爆炸动作场景极美的视觉效果偶尔还有些大型屏幕上浪漫故事使感动得真的相信爱情力量

    Hollywood is fantastic at delivering explosive action sequences, stunning visual effects and occasionally, a big screen romance so heartfelt it leaves you truly believing in the power of love!


  • 梦工厂的《怪兽大战外星人》虽然把目标观众锁定在孩子身上,在其中借用了大量好莱坞经典电影桥段,制造出新的动作场景喜剧效果。

    A DreamWorks film, Monsters Vs. Aliens keeps things moving for the kids even as it spins reels of classic movie references into the action and fun.


  • 其中,各种各样令人惊艳画面以及很多大规模动作场景体现出影片对于细节重视比如龙皮肤逼真质感,以及铠甲金属感。

    There are stunning scenes featuring different kinds of dragons, and large scale action set pieces showing careful attention to detail, such as the texture of leather or worn metal armor.


  • 乔恩。费儒不仅导演了一、二两部《钢铁侠》,还在电影饰演快乐霍根——托尼司机老朋友一角。极少拍摄动作场景时表现出不耐烦的姿态。

    Jon Favreau, who directed both Iron Man movies (and who plays Tony's driver and sidekick, Happy Hogan) barely conceals his impatience with the action sequences.


  • 这本厚厚的书中,你会看到许多平时出现在精彩动作电影中的打斗场景

    There are many fights in this thick book that you would see in a good action movie.


  • 到达给定场景时,动作决定分数设置为这个还是值加进当前分数中。

    When a given scene is reached, the action determines whether the score is set to this value or the value is added to the score.


  • 场景使用指定连接器作为事件连接器开销动作连接器相接近

    This scenario used the specified connectors as an event connector, but the overhead would be similar for an action connector.


  • 这种特性下列场景带来方便可以服务提供者端正常运行的动作通过修改负载变得可用不是拒绝整个消息

    This feature comes in handy for scenarios where corrective action can be taken at the service provider-end, modifying the payload to make the message usable rather than rejecting the complete message.


  • 这个场景中,尝试不同角度高度拍摄这位妇女动作

    I explored the scene photographically from different angles and captured the woman's movement through different stages.


  • 典型访问控制授权场景包括三个主要实体主体资源动作以及它们的属性

    A typical access control and authorization scenario includes three main entities — a subject, a resource, and an action — and their attributes.


  • 电影中的每个场景、每个动作对话都源自剧本

    Every scene, every action and every spoken word in a movie comes from the pages of a script.


  • 饰演那威人演员穿着动作捕捉惯用的服装,他们的场景的拍摄一个仓库进行避免任何干扰,这个仓库里完全没有反光物体

    Actors performing as Na’vi wore motion-capture suits in the usual way, and their scenes were performed in a warehouse where reflective items were entirely absent, to prevent any interference.


  • 针对长篇剧本那些格式要求,包括场景说明、提示词、动作说明、对白等等同样适用于短剧剧本。

    When writing a screenplay for a short film, all of the same formatting rules apply, including headings, action lines and dialogue.


  • 准备好单独记录,学会快速笔记除了特殊场景动作描述,其余的笔记内容最好跟剧本不同。

    Take quick notes, but try to make them separate from the script unless they are acting notations for that particular scene. As far as notes about the story, use a separate sheet of paper.


  • 准备好单独记录,学会快速笔记除了特殊场景动作描述,其余的笔记内容最好跟剧本不同。

    Take quick notes, but try to make them separate from the script unless they are acting notations for that particular scene. As far as notes about the story, use a separate sheet of paper.


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