• K VH公司的DSP- 4000军用光纤陀螺一种高性能低成本的全光纤陀螺可靠性性能优越具有优秀的抗振动、抗冲击加速度生存性能

    KVH's militarized DSP-4000 FOG is a high-performance, low-cost, all-fiber gyro that ensures high reliability, superior performance, and exceptional vibration, shock, and acceleration survivability.


  • 分析了系统冲击峰值加速度脉冲宽度影响

    The influence of the vibration reduction system on the impact peak acceleration and impulse width was analyzed.


  • 研究结果表明随着跌落高度、跌落次数增加苹果冲击加速度峰值冲击最大变形冲击结束后的残余变形逐渐增大

    Results show that with the increase of dropping height and repeated impact, the impact force, peak acceleration, maximum deformation and remaining deformation of apple increase.


  • 介绍了利用激光光栅干涉技术进行冲击加速度校准一种方法着重讨论微分加速度动态特性校准。

    An accelerometer shock dynamic calibration method with a grating laser interference technique is described, and the differential acceleration evaluation is specially discussed.


  • 通过发动机机体表面振动加速度确定活塞敲击噪声产生根源在于活塞与碰撞冲击

    It has also been clear that the source of piston knock noise is the impact between piston and cylinder sleeve by the vibration acceleration of the engine's body surface.


  • 当头盘系统发生碰撞时,冲击激励峰值加速度作用时间倒数之间具有近似线性关系

    When the head disk collision occurs, the peak acceleration of the shock pulse approximately follows a linear relationship with the inverse of the excitation duration.


  • 介绍利用激光光栅干涉技术进行冲击加速度动态特性校准一种方法

    An accelerometer shock dynamic calibration method by using grating laser interference technique is described in this paper.


  • 综合考虑加速度响应峰值、行程和缓冲力梯度影响极限水平冲击工况设计了新的五级分布缓冲

    Considering the influences of acceleration, buffer journey and gradient, five-level buffer force is redesigned under utmost horizontal shock landing condition.


  • 高量程MEMS加速度传感器测量冲击过程核心器件

    High-g MEMS accelerometer sensor is the key device for measuring acceleration during high shock process.


  • 根据瞬态振动理论重复冲击响应迭加效应计算自由度包装响应加速度及其最大值

    The response acceleration and its maximum of a package with SDOF have been calculated according to the transient oscillation theory and response reiterative effects under impetus of repetitive shocks.


  • 通常检测机械振动加速度信号,由于信噪比太低,即使存在周期性冲击分量也往往淹没强的背景噪声之中

    However, in respect of a vibration acceleration signal, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) is often so small that the periodic impulse component is submersed in its intense background noises.


  • 并对夹持接触速度加速度及其跃度进行了分析从中找出了尽量减小接触冲击有效途径

    The touch velocity, acceleration and jerk of clamping points have been analysed. From these analysis results an effective way has been found in order to decrease the touch impact as far as possible.


  • 通过对无阀气功冲击机构动态特性分析本文提出性能参数计算,的线性加速度改进了B.M

    Having analysed the dynamic character of valveless pneumatic percussive mechanism, this paper provides a linear acceleration method for calculating characteristic parameters, and corrects B. m.


  • 通过时域波形频谱基本分析手段探测振动加速度信号中的周期性冲击分量往往困难的。

    It is difficult to detect the periodic impulse component in the vibration acceleration signal with conventional analysis methods such as time domain wave and frequency spectrum.


  • 压力测量要求的压力连接传感器加速度震动冲击检测需要一些已知频率力量装置

    Pressure measurements require a pressure source to be connected to the sensor; acceleration or shock detection requires shaking the device at some known frequency and force.


  • 活塞横向运动加速度峰值增加了38%,加剧了活塞气缸冲击

    The piston transverse acceleration peak value is raised by 38%, which brings (about) stronger shock to cylinder.


  • 为了减少冲击尽量使用加速度控制位置指令函数。

    Positional instruction provided with acceleration control should be advocated to reduce the machine impact.


  • 根据返回舱着陆过程中的特点等效着陆冲击加速度缓冲机构工作原理,建立缓冲座椅系统的动力学模型

    A dynamic model of the buffer seat was established according to the characteristics of the reentry capsule landing, equivalent land impact acceleration and work mechanism of the bumper.


  • 通过冲击试验证明了加速度传感器加速度作用下实用性

    Through shocking experiment, it is proven that this kind of the shocking accelerometer is available in practice.


  • 冲击加速度主要数据分析改变内壳板外壳板厚、肋骨尺寸、肋骨间距结构参数冲击响应影响。

    Analysis regarded impact acceleration as key data to change structural parameters, such as thickness of external and internal shells, dimensions of rib, and rib intervals.


  • 公式中,端土阻力可以直接加速度信号中获得的桩顶回弹冲击持续时间计算得到,并且计算结果和土阻尼无关。

    In this method, the static resistance at pile toe can be calculated directly with the rebound at pile top and impulse duration from the acceleration signal at pile top.


  • 人体冲击加速度耐受限度研究已经成为现代生物力学研究的焦点,本文综述该领域的研究进展。

    The study on human tolerance to impact acceleration has become a cynosure in the realm of modern biomechanics. So...


  • 发现随着冲击位移增加冲击速度几乎线性下降冲击加速度很快减少一个极小值能量吸收阶段中前阶段的吸收速度比后阶段快。

    The results indicate that, with the increase of the impact displacement, the impact velocity decreases almost linearly, and the impact acceleration quickly declines to a minimum.


  • PIND试验可以改变试验条件冲击加速度振动加速度、振动时间试验次数

    Shock acceleration, vibration acceleration vibration time and test time are the changed condition in PIND test.


  • 基于FPGA数据回收系统可以对冲击过程中的加速度进行实时采集回收。

    The system based on FPGA fits in with the real time measure of the acceleration in the process of high impulsion.


  • 活塞加速度曲线为连续曲线,可避免活塞对凸轮的冲击

    The acceleration curve of the pistons is a block curve, so th


  • 其次分析了弹簧吊装系统跌落冲击响应特性,得到产品最大位移、最大加速度冲击持续时间分别与基准系统相应值的比值

    Secondly, shock response property is analyzed, the ratios of item' s most displacement, most acceleration and shock duration to benchmark system are obtained.


  • 石英材料很,石英加速度空间振动冲击低温变化恶劣环境下使用,容易造成摆片挠性支撑处断裂。

    Their springy supports are easily fragile because of bad conditions in space, such as vibration, shock, changing temperature between high and low.


  • 石英材料很,石英加速度空间振动冲击低温变化恶劣环境下使用,容易造成摆片挠性支撑处断裂。

    Their springy supports are easily fragile because of bad conditions in space, such as vibration, shock, changing temperature between high and low.


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