• 是一个禁酒主义者,一个接近于素食主义者并且据大家说,他非常忠诚于他第二个老婆Grace .他的裁缝提到(Mugabe)的衣服尺寸(喜欢他的夹克两边各开一口并且不喜欢双排扣的装)20年内没有变化过

    His tailor notes that Mr Mugabe's measurements (he likes vents at the sides of his jackets and cannot abide double-breasted suits) have not altered in 20 years.


  • 慢慢让生活步入轨,我回家这儿是我的。”上周日休斯顿西北利利浸信会教堂教友们如是说。

    "I'm taking my life back step by step, and I wanted to come home and this is my home," he told congregants Sunday at the Galilee Missionary Baptist Church in northwest Houston.


  • 贡扎和蔼费城人,把介绍同事海瑟·塞特拉基安,参与这项研究。

    Gonzaga, an affable Philadelphian, introduced me to one of his colleagues, Heather Setrakian, who was running the study.


  • 瓦砾等待营救这时雪上霜,一小泥巴状的东西旁边裂缝中慢慢流出来。

    TRAPPED under a pile of rubble, you wait for rescue. Then, to add to your troubles, you see a small blob ooze through a nearby crack.


  • 所以大冬天坐在自己冻死人公寓时候,喝点伏特看上去是的点子,不过你那层皮俄国的陈年老酒一会儿往沟里带呢!

    So while sitting in your unheated apartment in the dead of winter pounding vodka might seem like a decent idea, your skin and Russian history are leading you astray.


  • 祷告时候,先前的那位百列,奉命迅速飞来晚祭的时候按手身上。

    Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation.


  • 苏格兰柯库布里洛威野生动物保护公园只刚刚出生4个星期的双胞胎粉红小熊猫接近摄像机镜头,眨巴、眨巴大眼睛看这个世界呢!

    One of the two 4-week-old twin red pandas gets close to the camera at Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park near Kirkcudbright in Scotland.


  • 还是孩子时,堂哥奈德拉(Ganendra)就风华青年时去世了,对于那些曾经见过的人来说,那英俊高大威严形象无法忘记的。

    I was still a child when my cousin Ganendra died in the prime of his youth, but for those who have once beheld him it is impossible to forget his handsome, tall and stately figure.


  • 我们罗尔课题组努力将最高级超薄手机上的现有微型照相机转而应用燃气轮机的内部检查

    Our group in Bangalore is taking miniature cameras developed for state-of-the-art ultra-slim mobile phones and using them for the inspection of gas turbines!


  • 最近下午利福利亚山景城Friend.ly的总部10个工程师努力的工作,这时,公司里的两个员工他们的目光转向了新的项目:24000片拼图游戏。

    ONE recent afternoon at the headquarters of Friend.ly in Mountain View, Calif., 10 engineers worked away as two employees turned their attention to a companywide project: a 24,000-piece jigsaw puzzle.


  • SOM拥有超过15印度经验如今公司积极参与全国几个项目的建设,罗尔尔各答

    SOM has more than 15 years of experience in India and today the firm is actively involved in several projects across the country, from Bangalore to Kolkata.


  • 国际空间站宇航员视角俯瞰大地(周一公布图片),冰雪覆盖的火山耸立俄罗斯堪察半岛之上。

    Seen at an Angle by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station, several snow-covered volcanoes rise from Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula in a picture released Monday.


  • 雪上霜的是,首相桥本龙太郎力图削减财政赤字,而他选择了一不恰当时间

    To make things worse, then-Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto was trying to reduce the government fiscal deficit - at the most inopportune time.


  • 除了顶层的几扇窗户里透出几缕不祥的灯光外,整个城堡一片漆黑。肯定是图书馆阿林洛沙他们没睡等着我呢扫视了一下天文台的圆形屋顶,低下迎着继续往前走。

    Thee library, Aringarosa thought. They are awake and waiting. He ducked his head against the windand continued on without so much as a glance toward the observatory domes.


  • 方式得到溶胶蓝色透明,较反方式下的溶胶的时间

    The sol in the positive order was thin blue and the gelation time was shorter than the sol in the reverse order.


  • 比较容易理解拿大一个能源出口大国以及的大宗出口国是美国,且美国展现出惊人经济复苏力量

    The strength of the CAD is relatively easy to understand as Canada is a major exporter of energy and its large export partner is the US where the economy is showing surprising strength.


  • 然而就如同他们希望委内瑞拉那样,他们依赖oas观察团,希望牵制奥尔特及其盟友选举当局显而易见控制

    But, as they hope to do in Venezuela, they are relying on an OAS observer mission, in the hope that it will neutralise the apparent control of the electoral authority by Mr Ortega and his Allies.


  • 然而就如同他们希望委内瑞拉那样,他们依赖oas观察团,希望牵制奥尔特及其盟友选举当局显而易见控制

    But, as they hope to do in Venezuela, they are relying on an OAS observer mission, in the hope that it will neutralise the apparent control of the electoral authority by Mr Ortega and his Allies.


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