• 热塑塑料通过加热加压成形和再成形热固塑料由于硬化过程中发生化学变化不能成形

    Thermoplastics can be shaped and reshaped by heat and pressure but thermosets cannot be reshaped because they undergo chemical changes as they harden.


  • 板材激光加热弯曲成形近年来提出一种先进零件成形方法

    Laser heating and bending formation of sheet metal is an advanced forming method of component parts offered recently.


  • 激光成形技术是以激光为热源加热金属板料,依靠内应力使板料弯曲成形

    Laser forming is a flexible forming process that forms sheet metal by means of stresses induced by the laser beam.


  • 等离子电弧加热弯曲成形可以降低机械加工引起残余应力,有效减少回弹

    The plasma arc forming can also decrease the residual stresses caused in the mechanical processes, which can be of great significance in preventing rebounding.


  • 目前锻造热塑性成形生成过程中常采用快速加热介质保护加热等方式减少防止坯料在加热过程中的氧化

    At present, quick heating or medium protected heating to reduce or prevent oxidation during heating are often used in the process of thermo-plastic forming such as forging.


  • 一种熔炉熔床,金属其上高温加热并锻打成形锻铁

    A furnace or hearth where metals are heated or wrought; a smithy.


  • 玻璃物品方法,玻璃物品加热方法,玻璃成形制造方法,以及热处理装置

    Slowly cooling method for glass articles, heating method for glass articles, production method for glass formed articles and heat treatment apparatus.


  • 热成型制造过程其中的一块塑料板加热柔软成形温度形成了一个特定的形状模具修整,以创造一个可用产品

    Thermoforming is a manufacturing process where a plastic sheet is heated to a pliable forming temperature, formed to a specific shape in a mold, and trimmed to create a usable product.


  • 高效氧化加热技术热塑性成形过程氧化技术的研究,实现成形关键配套技术。

    High effective heating technology without or little oxidation and prevention oxidation during thermo-plastic forming are key kit technology to realize precision forming.


  • 介绍镁合金固态触变成形技术中的三个关键技术:非枝晶组织半固态浆料制备、坯料的二次加热、半固态变压铸成形

    This paper introduced the key technology of SSP(semi-soild process) thixomolding of magnesium alloys : the preparation of non-dendritic structure, reheating, thixomolding.


  • 分别进行室温加热铝合金圆锥形零件粘性介质压力成形试验,试验结果与数值模拟具有相同规律。

    The homogenization of sheet thickness distribution is improved. Finally, viscous pressure forming of conical part at room temperature and warm temperature were conducted.


  • 研究结果表明适当感应加热工艺能满足金属固态成形技术中的二次加热技术要求

    Result of research shows that proper technology of induction heating satisfies the technologic request in semi-solid metal forming.


  • 产品介绍:功能250型类同:变频调速行程可调接触加热成形胶囊调头、图文对版、气垫热封、上下网纹

    Same function as DPP-250: frequency control, adjustable stroke, touch heating, positive forming, capsule orientating, image and character register, air cushion heating-seal and chequered plates.


  • 非枝晶坯料制备、坯料的重熔加热固态成形工艺方面介绍镁合金半固态成形研究现状

    The present status of the research of Mg alloy semi-solid processing from three aspects including the preparation of non-dendritic structure, reheating and semi-solid processing were described.


  • 模具加热系统加热效果温度控制精度铝合金等温成形加工关键技术之一,将直接影响模具使用寿命、零件加工的生产效率和产品性能。

    The heating effectiveness and controlling precision of the die heating system is one of key technique of isothermal forming for aluminum alloys.


  • 反射体(300)成形适于玻璃板形成加热多个影像

    The reflector (300) is shaped to form multiple images of the heater on the glass plate.


  • 成形过程坯料局部连续地被直接通电加热变形,且变形量非常

    In electric upsetting, the workpiece is heated by electrifying and deformed locally and continuously with very large upsetting ratio.


  • 认为半固态成形温度必须控制较小范围内锭料温度须保持均匀建议采用中频加热和分段控制温度;

    The author suggested that the forming temperature of semi-solid ingot should be controlled in a small range and kept equably.


  • 研究了电磁成形宽厚板状感应加热特性,推导了电磁成形大宽厚比板状件单位体积感应加热功率公式

    The model of induction heating power for unit volume of plate-form part with big flakiness ratio was obtained.


  • 反射体(300)成形适于将向下发出到达加热侧面和光向上反射回炉头玻璃

    The reflector (300) is shaped to reflect heat and light emitted down and to the sides of the heater back up to the glass top of the burner.


  • 结果表明,该模具结构可以短时间内将锻件加热成形温度,并在成形过程中降低锻件的冷却速度

    The results show that the billet could be quickly heated to forming temperature. During the forming process, the billet cooling rate effectively decreases.


  • 塑塑料通过加热加压成形成形,而热固塑料却由于硬化过程发生了化学变化而不能再成形

    Thermoplastics: Materials which have the property of softening repeatedly on the application of heat, and of hardening again on cooling. Molecules of thermoplastics take the form of long chains.


  • 介绍了钛合金超塑成形的一般工艺以及电瓶箱罩盖成形采用直接加热法和新的密封方式从而解决生产中的关键问题取得明显的技术经济效益

    The direct heating method and the latest sealing way used in cover forming are introduced. Therefore the key problems in the production can be solved and more benefits can be gained.


  • 快速成形成形温度下即可脱模,成形模具设有加热强迫冷却措施

    Rapid Prototyping material in forming temperature can be parting, slowly forming materials should die with forced cooling and heating measures.


  • 焊接成形一个局部高温加热过程温度分布影响焊接零件质量性能

    But welding is a processing of local high temperature, the distribution of temperature field will affect the quality and performance of welding part.


  • 发明提供一种成形模具及其控制方法,力图利用简单廉价的结 构缩短模具成形模型加热冷却周期时间

    The invention provides a molding module and control method thereof to shorten the heating and cooling period time for the molding module by a simple and cheap structure.


  • 介绍加热精整汽车转向机摇臂成形工艺,对热挤镦成形原理变形过程进行了分析探讨

    The precision forging process for the steering sector gear shaft is discussed in the paper. The principle and the path of forming of the hot extruding and upsetting are also discussed.


  • 介绍加热精整汽车转向机摇臂成形工艺,对热挤镦成形原理变形过程进行了分析探讨

    The precision forging process for the steering sector gear shaft is discussed in the paper. The principle and the path of forming of the hot extruding and upsetting are also discussed.


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