• 介绍了在实验中,恰当地应用ewb软件虚拟仿真实验实验起到有益的辅助拓展加深作用

    EWB software was applied felicitously in virtual simulation experiment, which can play a useful supplementary, expanded and deepened role for the real experiment.


  • 张昆生部长助理指出新闻媒体推进中拉友好合作、进一步加深中拉人民了解友谊方面发挥重要作用

    Zhang pointed out that the press and media are playing an important role in advancing China-Latin America friendly cooperation and deepening mutual understanding and friendship between both peoples.


  • 随着城市化进程加速,城市有机系统地球大生物圈资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。

    With the raped urbanization, a more extensive relationship and interaction has been established between the city organic system and earth’s biosphere and resource system.


  • 随着城市化进程加速,城市有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。

    With the raped urbanization, a more extensive relationship and interaction has been established between the city organic system and earth's biosphere and resource system.


  • 试验鼠血清素惊人作用——求偶行为变化,可能加深人类对脑细胞如何控制复杂行为的了解。

    Serotonin's surprise role in mouse courtship may lead to a deeper understanding of how brain cells control a complex behavior.


  • 但是重复去年布拉格说过的话:“如果国家人民任由种种分歧起决定作用他们之间鸿沟便加深。”

    But I want to repeat what I said last year in Prague: When nations and peoples allow themselves to be defined by their differences, the gulf between them widens.


  • 而这些别称出现的次序概括全球化英国不断加深作用——包括未卜前途

    The sequence nicely encapsulates Britain’s evolving place in a globalised worldand its doubtful future.


  • 另外丹麦欧登塞MEMPHYS中心合作采用了计算机模拟方法加深对于这种相互作用理解

    In addition a computer simulation was performed as collaboration with MEMPHYS, Odense, Denmark, to further their understanding of this interaction.


  • 符号学视角分析代言人品牌符号意义构建作用有助于加深人们对代言人的认识

    To analyze the effect of endorser on the building of brand symbolic meaning from the Angle of symbolism helps to deepen peoples understanding of endorser.


  • 各国经济相互依存加深全球区域经济合作组织作用增强,经济安全更加受到重视。

    Economic interdependence among nations has been deepened. The role played by global and regional economic cooperation organizations is on the increase.


  • 分析演变驱动力可以加深人类活动地区变化中的作用机制的认识,减少预测不确定性

    Analysis of driving forces of Land use changes can deepen the understanding of human activities in the region changes in the role of effect and mechanisms and reduce the forecast uncertainty.


  • 合理清爽色彩搭配加深浏览者企业文化印象有着重要作用

    Reasonable fresh color, to deepen the impression of the viewer's corporate culture plays an important role.


  • 为了加深理解烟叶组配方中的作用对比研究烤烟叶片烟梗化学组成以及它们在不同温度下的热裂解产物。

    To further understand the effect of tobacco stems in tobacco blend, a detailed comparative study of chemical components of tobacco leaves and stems before and after combustion was carried out.


  • 一方面,大众传播的存在西部农村地区有着不利作用某种程度上,加深城市农村之间隔膜

    On the other hand, it also has some negative effects to the western country area in that in a sense it pricks up estrangements between cities and countries.


  • 旅游可以加深理解减少偏见增进包容促进世界和平有着独特作用

    Tourism helps deepen understanding, reduce prejudice and enhance inclusiveness. It thus has a special role to play in ensuring world peace.


  • 一氧化氮二聚体分子相互作用研究可以加深我们对分子间弱相互作用机制理解从而进一步掌握非氢键类型弱相互作用规律

    Intermolecular weak interaction studies of nitric oxide dimer can deepen our understanding mechanism of the weak interaction, and master the law of the non-hydrogen bonding weak interaction.


  • 随着跨国交往相互依赖的加深非国家行为体的作用日益突出。

    With the development of transnational communications and inter-dependence, non-nation participants play an increasingly important role.


  • 实践表明,文中提出方法加深课程理解培养学生动手实践能力具有明显的作用

    The practice proves that these methods are effective to improve the comprehension of course and cultivate the ability of practice of students.


  • 随着演化程度加深链烷烃甲基环烷烃作用构化作用烷基化程度不断提高

    The degree of hydrocarbon evolution increases with depth, which is accompanied by demethylation of alkanes, ring opening of cycloalkanes, aromatization and heightening alkylating degree.


  • 随着城市化进程的加速,城市有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。

    With the rapid urbanization, a more extensive relationship and interaction has been established between the city organic system and earth's biosphere and resource system.


  • 方法通过对标准条款引申介绍具体条款对安全有效性控制作用可能产生危害加深对标准条款意义的理解。

    Methods Information related to the standards for IOLs was reviewed and analyzed in terms of its effectiveness and safety in clinical use, as well as the potential hazards.


  • 通过论文写作,对市场营销学理论加深理解实际的营销工作起到指导作用

    By finishing the thesis, the writer has widened and deepened the knowledge of marketing theories which supplies guidance for market assignments in the future.


  • 通过试验加深入地了解高层组合片在竖向压力侧向分布荷载共同作用破坏机理承载力

    Through this test, we can further understand the destroyed mechanism and the lateral capacity of the high-rise composite masonry wall under the action of both stress and lateral distributing load.


  • 目的在于,通过这些要素进一步的认识,加深节奏结构的理解,从而进一步把握节奏音乐作品中的作用

    The purpose is to grasp the rhythm used in music works through recognizing those elements, and comprehending the rhythm structure further.


  • 随着中国加入WTO后世界经贸交往的加深百利作为连接世界桥梁与纽带的作用更加发扬光大

    With China's participation into WTO, more apprehensive business will be set up between China and other countries. New Baili will play a much more important role as the bridge connecting the world.


  • 燃油燃烧特性研究以后加深入研究生物添加剂的作用机理打下了基础。

    The research on combustion performance is very important for later research on the bio-additives'mechanism.


  • 加深认识轮之特性作用更能掌握股票市场脉搏及管理股票投资组合

    Knowing more about the characteristics of warrants may help you better understand the warrant price and the stock market movement, as well as manage your own equity investment portfolio.


  • 随着城市化进程的加速,城市有机系统地球大生物圈资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。

    With the raped urbanization, a more extensive relationship and interaction has been established between the city organic system and earthrsquo; s biosphere and resource system.


  • 随着城市化进程的加速,城市有机系统地球大生物圈资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。

    With the raped urbanization, a more extensive relationship and interaction has been established between the city organic system and earthrsquo; s biosphere and resource system.


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