• 欧洲他们很快受到加杰家族的迫害教会认为他们的占卜异端政府认为他们游牧行为反社会的。

    In Europe their persecution by the gadje began quickly, with the church seeing heresy in their fortune-telling and the state seeing anti-social behaviour in their nomadism.


  • 加杰修罗回答说:“认为是什么?”

    "Gajasura replied:" Who do you take me for?


  • 加杰修罗继续悔罪湿婆,不时地出现面前一次想要什么

    Gajasura continued his penitence and Shiva, who appeared in front of him from time to time, asked him once again what he desired.


  • 加杰认为他们处于领先地位人,我们预计未来看到更多这样夫妇

    The study doesn't measure what proportion of spouses fall into this group, but she believes 'they are on the leading edge of couples we expect to see more of in the future.


  • 加杰修罗明白到不是别人正是毗瑟奴,唯一知道这个秘密的神,他用自己

    Gajasura understood then that this must have been no other than Vishnu himself, the only one who could have known that secret and he threw himself at his feet.


  • 调查没有统计多少夫妇属于这个群体加杰认为他们处于领先地位人,我们预计未来会看到更多这样的夫妇

    The study doesn't measure what proportion of spouses fall into this group, but she believes' they are on the leading edge of couples we expect to see more of in the future. '.


  • 悉尼大学美国研究中心夫里·雷特认为,今年美国大选人们记忆中过去历届美国大选重要。

    Geoffrey Garrett, the head of the U.S. Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, thinks this presidential election matters more than most others in recent memory.


  • 程度已经如此严重,生活排各种各样活动感觉就像是进行奥运会耐力项目比赛每日马拉松赛,”伊·沃在《读者》上坦言。

    "It has gotten to the point where my days, crammed with all sorts of activities, feel like an Olympic endurance event: the everydayathon," confesses Jay Walljasper in the Utne Reader.


  • 如果他们孩子登(《龙威小子》)威洛(《马达》)赚的钱进去,也许更多

    Perhaps they would have done a little better if they counted how much kidlets Jaden (" the Karate kid ") and Willow (" Madagascar ") made.


  • 解决方案,由他利福尼亚大学另外名教授史蒂芬史一起开发创造出一个隔离的、虚拟机器备份

    Agarwal's solution, developed with two other UCSD professors, Stefan Savage and Rajesh Gupta, is to create a stripped down, virtual copy of a machine.


  • 特·罗本名叫(文森特·),他是个追求名利人。

    Tetro (Vincent Gallo), whose real name is Angelo, is not fond of fame.


  • 解决方案,由他利福尼亚大学另外两名教授史蒂芬史一起开发创造出一个隔离的、虚拟机器备份

    Agarwal's solution, developed with two UCSD professors, Stefan Savage and Rajesh Gupta, is to create a stripped down, virtual copy of a machine.


  • 1882年西试图在内布拉斯购置一小农场资金不足

    During the winter of 1882, Jesse tried to buy a small farm in Nebraska. But in April, he was short of cash.


  • 萨拉·麦赫终点站伫立于宁城以色列,而在利利区,阿拉伯人数明显多于犹太人

    After a nine-year closure, Israel now lets cars as well as people go through the Jalameh terminal, the gateway between Jenin and the Galilee district of northern Israel, where Arabs outnumber Jews.


  • 决赛中的对手周五另一场半决赛三届澳网冠军·费德勒2008打入决赛的特松中的胜者

    He'll take on the winner of Friday night's semifinal between three-time Australian Open winner Roger Federer and 2008 finalist Jo-Wilfried Tsonga.


  • 现在大众田纳西州查特努开设改进经销商网络新家用轿车发行上成功,以此宣告重回美国市场。

    Now, with a big new plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, a revamped dealer network and the successful launch of the new Jetta, a family saloon, VW is back on a roll in America.


  • ·舒克拉生活罗尔不想杀死流浪。他给出了一个不同解决方案

    Rajesh Shukla also lives in Bangalore. He does not want to kill the stray dogs. He offers a different solution.


  • 如今密西西比佛港的海洋动物表演团担任名全职海豚驯养那,学校组织节目

    Today Jeff is a full-time dolphin trainer at Marine Animal Productions in Gulfport. Mississippi, where he organizes programs for schools.


  • 方才有些迟疑侍卫终于在格兰呵斥下下了狠心直接上来控制

    Just still having some unable to decide bodyguards finally to descend under the reprimanding angrily to of space orchid hero is cruel, directly came up a control to live to add row necessarily.


  • 首钢矿业公司烧结厂进行马萨矿粉烧结实验室试验工业试验工业生产情况进行了系统介绍。

    The experimental test, plant test and production practice of sintering with proportion of Mesa J iron ore were conducted in sintering plant, SOUGANG MINE Co.


  • SPG马达一级代理sPG电机一级代理-南京创s PG马达尺寸100%可与日本东方马达配用。

    SPG motor a motor a proxy agent SPG - SPG motor, Nanjing Dega record size of 100% Oriental motor of Japan figures.


  • 等于九。出来了吗,?。

    Four and five makes nine. Have you worked it out, Jeff?


  • 探访时带来了一个苏打,里面装满伏特试图掉。

    When Jason came to visit, he brought a soda cup filled with vodka and tried to trick me into drinking it.


  • 很多地区出产不同种类螃蟹诸如阿拉斯斯蟹。

    Other forms of crabs are also found in various places and include such species as the Alaskan king crab and the Dungeness crab.


  • 梦工厂动画公司的首席执行官弗·里卡则伯格指出电脑动画工作室会谈功夫熊猫续集计划至少马达电影如果不是更多

    DreamWorks animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg says that the computer animation studio is in talks for a Kung Fu Panda sequel, and plans to have at least one more Madagascar film, if not more.


  • 最具代表性例子就是俄罗斯艺术家马克成长于维·布斯科,一个远离都市小村子,后来他来到圣彼得堡求学。

    An obvious example is the art of Russian artist Marc Chagall. Chagall was from Vitebsk, a small village far from cosmopolitan St. Petersburg. When he grew up he went to the city, seeking knowledge.


  • 最具代表性例子就是俄罗斯艺术家马克成长于维·布斯科,一个远离都市小村子,后来他来到圣彼得堡求学。

    An obvious example is the art of Russian artist Marc Chagall. Chagall was from Vitebsk, a small village far from cosmopolitan St. Petersburg. When he grew up he went to the city, seeking knowledge.


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