• 斯基特是不是邓布利弟弟阿不福思十五年前他因滥用魔法威森定罪,成为当时的一个小小的丑闻

    I ask whether Skeeter is referring to Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, whose conviction by the Wizengamot for misuse of magic caused a minor scandal fifteen years ago.


  • 阿拉斯爱斯基认为每个活着动物灵魂

    Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living creature possesses a spirit.


  • 入了德斯塔·杜兰为首恰朗乐队,许多不同的乐队一起玩

    He started in a charanga group with Modesta Duran as the leader and played with many different groups.


  • 你会被迪休老城区印度洋震撼虽然对于游泳者来说水域因频繁鲨鱼袭击变得危险

    Stunning Indian Ocean beaches front Mogadishu's old city, though frequent shark attacks make the waters too dangerous for swimming.


  • 然而这些并非是反对者所关心全部,历史学家们国会阿拉斯土著人忠心没有把握,阿拉斯的土著人有阿留、印第安人和爱斯基

    Yet those were not the only concerns. Historians say Congress was also unsure about the loyalties of the Alaska natives — the Aleuts, Indians and Eskimos.


  • 青年现在已经取得了索马里很多地区迪休部分地区的控制权

    The Shabab now controls much of south Somalia and chunks of Mogadishu.


  • 略,波斯拉,远近所有城邑

    And upon Kerioth, and upon Bozrah, and upon all the cities of the land of Moab, far or near.


  • 长达二小时不绝于耳枪战声中,给人这样一种感觉,除了迪休大街上武器以外,没有什么事物不能牺牲

    It's a 2-hour-plus gunfight at the O.K. Corral, except that the weapons are blazing on the streets of Mogadishu, where all lives are expendable.


  • 其中优秀爱斯基犬今年冬天比赛——阿拉斯费尔班克斯穿越1000英里冰冻荒漠,到达怀特霍斯。

    The best of these yappers will be off on The Quest this winter - a 1, 000-mile race from Fairbanks, Alaska, across the frozen wastes down to Whitehorse.


  • 但当-一个爱斯基人-发现阿拉斯北端2月居然在下雨,肯定什么不对了”补充

    'When I, an eskimo in northernmost Alaska is rained on in February, there is something wrong, ' he adds.


  • 正如什··阿什(Timothy Gartona sh)所说的:历史学家美梦,却是外交官的噩梦。

    As Timothy Garton Ash puts it: it is both a historian's dream and a diplomat's nightmare.


  • 扑灭火灾周二,Bulohubey(靠近索马里首都迪休),一位男孩奔跑试图扑灭烧毁国内流离失所人员收留火灾。

    FIGHTING FIRE: A boy ran to try and extinguish a fire that gutted a camp for internally displaced persons in the Bulohubey neighborhood of Mogadishu, Somalia, Tuesday. (Feisal Omar/Reuters)


  • 2010年9月23日索马里名男子扛着条鲨鱼走过迪休街道

    A man carries a shark through the streets of Mogadishu, Somalia, on September 23, 2010.


  • 宇宙飞船2号”架飞行器海拔13700(45000英尺)处释放,并成功滑翔11分钟降落利福利亚州的哈维沙漠。

    SpaceShipTwo was dropped from an aircraft at an altitude of 13, 700 metres (45, 000 feet) and glided successfully for 11 minutes before landing in Mojave, California.


  • ,烧灭宫殿在哄呐喊吹角之中死亡

    But I will send a fire upon Moab, and it shall devour the palaces of Kirioth: and Moab shall die with tumult, with Shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.


  • 其中一家工厂位于北部旁遮普邦市,1961年成立时只是一家集体企业,180名本地农民负责提供牛奶

    One of them, in Moga in the northern state of Punjab, started in 1961 as a small collective, with 180 local farmers supplying milk to the factory.


  • 1857年古拉·辛格王公驾崩由于蒙特哥利中尉具有王公继承人马哈拉·兰吉特?辛格一样影响力得以继续勘察工作

    After Gulab Singh's death in 1857, Montgomerie continued his survey work as he carried the same influence with Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the successor of Gulab Singh.


  • 克位于非洲北部地区,被称为通往非洲扇大门,主要旅游城市包括首都拉巴特最大城市卡萨布兰卡、马拉喀什以及迪尔市。

    Morocco is a gateway to Africa. Major tourism cities in the North African kingdom include the capital of Rabat, Casablanca – the country's largest city - Marrakesh and Agadir.


  • 斯兰印度尼西亚东部个岛屿,位于几内亚以西鹿群岛。与太平洋西部一部分兰海搭界。

    An island of eastern Indonesia in the Moluccas west of New Guinea. It borders on the Ceram Sea, a section of the western Pacific Ocean.


  • 印度尼西亚东部一个岛屿,位于几内亚以西鹿群岛。与太平洋西部一部分希兰海搭界

    An island of eastern Indonesia in the Moluccas west of New Guinea. It borders on the Ceram Sea, a section of the western Pacific Ocean.


  • 形状不规则鹿群岛中最大一个

    Irregular in shape, it is the largest of the Moluccas.


  • 个人本地鹿群岛实际培养特定丁香一个孩子出生他们的部落

    Individuals who are native to the islands of Moluccas would actually cultivate a specific clove tree for each and every single child that was born in their tribe.


  • 释迦尼左手边的尊者伟大婆罗门血统的诃迦叶,一个拥有超常能力瑜伽修行者-帕坦《瑜伽第三做讲解。

    On Buddha's left side venerable Mahakasyapa the great Brahman, a yogi with all the super normal powers that Patanjali explains in the third chapter of Yoga Sutras.


  • 印度尼西亚东部岛屿,位于西里伯斯岛东北以西鹿群岛北部的岛屿。开始葡萄牙所占领(1521- 1574年),1683年荷兰人征服。

    An island of eastern Indonesia in the northern Moluccas west of northeast Celebes. Settled by the Portuguese (1521-1574), it was subjugated by the Dutch in 1683.


  • 沿著橡树树木林下的人行道走下去许多专卖店包括玛丽莲米格林学院。莱斯特兰帕特公司,阿拉斯画展爱斯基艺术品店。

    Continuing down oak streets tree - lined sidewalks are numerous specialty shops including the marilyn miglin institute, lester lampert, inc. , and the alaska shop gallery of eskimo art.


  • 发言人雷德蒙平民大批进入西南阿夫戈耶走廊临时避难所感到担忧。

    Spokesperson Ron Redmond expressed concern about the huge numbers of displaced people seeking refuge at makeshift sites in the Afgooye corridor, southwest of the capital.


  • 发言人雷德蒙平民大批进入西南阿夫戈耶走廊临时避难所感到担忧。

    Spokesperson Ron Redmond expressed concern about the huge numbers of displaced people seeking refuge at makeshift sites in the Afgooye corridor, southwest of the capital.


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