• 加强基因改造,提高作业抗旱潜能

    The Potential Of Genetic enhancement.


  • 如果这些研究要弄清此类行为如何影响加强基因,那么则需要大量志愿者作为研究对象。英格兰研究”计划一样,LLFS项目为此做了准备

    If studies are going to determine how adopting such behaviors can influence and strengthen genes, they're going to need a lot of volunteers, and the LLFS, like the New England study, is ready.


  • 研究应当加强基因芯片技术应用、设计多种“痴呆”动物模型、借鉴血清药效学的研究方法重视整体调衡基因的效应和环境等因素的影响。

    In the study, attention should be paid to the application of the gene array technique. Animal models of dementia should be designed, research methods used in serum...


  • 这些反应影响着我们遗传密码表现方式每个基因如何加强削弱甚至其作用机制是如何被打开或关闭,从而构成我们的骨骼、大脑以及身体其他部位的。

    These reactions influence how our genetic code is expressed: how each gene is strengthened or weakened, even turned on or off, to build our bones, brains and all the other parts of our bodies.


  • 它们进化- - -而且理解人类进化过程有助于知道他们自己基因加强它们进化次序

    They evolved-and to understand human evolution it would help to know their genetic underpinnings and the order in which they evolved.


  • 其中怀孕饮食富含维生素B(叶酸B12)另一基因完全一致的怀孕刺鼠,并没有给与产品营养加强

    Jirtle's team fed one group of pregnant agouti mice a diet rich in B vitamins (folic acid and vitamin B12). Another group of genetically identical pregnant agouti mice got no such prenatal nutrition.


  • 他们果蝇身上验证这个想法通过基因工程方法,在过硬大脑内短期记忆有关部位加强压抑Rac蛋白活性

    They tested this idea in fruit flies by using genetic engineering to enhance or repress the activity of Rac in the parts of the flies' brains associated with short-term memory.


  • 事实上Morrow猜想患有孤独症的孩子加强说话社交行为方面早期干预计划通过改变影响的基因表现或许会起到效果

    In fact, Morrow suspects that early intervention programs for children with autism involving intensive instruction in speech and social behavior may work by altering the expression of affected genes.


  • 通过认识比利时哪些基因变化得到加强,便可能利用基因工程这个捷径,设计培育出其他物种类似品种。

    By understanding which genetic changes have been consolidated in the Belgian blue, it may be possible to design and build similar versions of other species using genetic engineering as a short-cut.


  • 博士rothberg承认现有模型进行测序病毒细菌少数基因表示未来车型

    Dr. Rothberg acknowledged that the existing model was good for sequencing a virus or bacterium or a handful of genes, and indicated that future models would be more powerful.


  • 为了达到预期结果米诺人没有他们进行标准行为校正,而是加强克隆人母体的基因样本强化体能

    To achieve the desired results, the Kaminoans did not apply the standard behavior correction and enhanced the prime clone's genetic sample to increase physical prowess.


  • 这种表现化学变化并不改变遗传密码可能意味着一个基因功能加强抑或减弱、被打开还是被关闭

    Such "epigenetic" chemical changes don't change the genetic code, but can mean that a gene's function is increased or decreased, or switched on or off.


  • 112细胞》杂志篇研究报告,有可能通过修补一种可调节pten活性加强基因表达。

    It might be possible to superpower the gene, known as PTEN, by tinkering with an enzyme that regulates its activity, scientists report in the Jan. 12 issue of Cell.


  • 基因疗法用于加强鼠类模型同种异体移植骨愈合

    Gene therapy has been used to enhance the healing of allografts in a murine model.


  • 携带异戊烯基转移酶基因草坪草表现分蘖加强严冬绿延长

    Transgenic turfgrass carrying the isopentenyl transferase gene showed enhanced tillering ability and extended green period under severe winter conditions.


  • 利用基因转染技术结合组织工程有助于深入加强缺损修复研究

    The approach combining the principles of tissue engineering with technique of gene transfection, could be of potential benefit to accelerate bone defect repair.


  • 可见进一步加强近缘野生种资源研究利用,对解决甘薯育种存在的基因源日趋狭窄等问题具有重大意义。

    This showed that it was significant to further strengthen the study and utilization of the wild relatives resources to broaden the genetic basis in the sweet potato breeding.


  • 我们基因导入用于加强单倍同一性干细胞移植受者免疫重建供体T细胞,以此对该安全开关活性进行了检验

    We tested the activity of our safety switch by introducing the gene into donor t cells given to enhance immune reconstitution in recipients of haploidentical stem-cell transplants.


  • 汉族人中,这种基因逐年加强代代相传“。

    The gene was then strengthened over the years among Han Chinese, and was passed down from generation to generation.


  • 新的乃至大的工具或许基因驱动技术这种遗传机制可以野生种群中迅速传播一种性状

    A new and even more powerful tool may be gene drives, which are genetic mechanisms that rapidly propagate a trait through a wild population.


  • 由此推测,果实成熟启动很可能通过加强乙烯信号转导途径而实现的,由此进一步调节成熟相关基因表达

    Thus, it is suggest that the ripening of persimmon fruit is triggered by enhancing ethylene signal transduction pathway, and then the expressions of ripening-related genes are regulated.


  • 灵长类人类密切相关然而因为创造肌肉结构基因地图不同,它们人类壮。

    Primates and humans are closely related yet they have the ability to be far stronger than humans due to the mapping of genes which create muscle structure.


  • 同一矮秆基因广泛利用潜伏着遗传单一带来的风险因此急需要加强基因鉴定研究。

    As the same dwarf gene used widely, it caused a risk of genetic singleness. So it is highly important to find and identify new dwarf gene.


  • 我们这些基因植物这些生长激素部位发现可以应用农业生产问题当中去,就比如怎样无核果怎样使植物加强等。

    Our discovery of these genes and the locations where auxin is produced in the plant can be applied to agricultural problems, such as how to make seedless fruit or plants with stronger stems.


  • 孟山都生物技术研究中心将进一步加强孟山都公司和中国科研机构与大学植物生物技术和转基因组学领域的合作。

    Monsanto held a ceremony in Beijing on Nov. 4, 2009, announcing establishment of Monsanto Biotechnology Research Center in Beijing, their first research institution in China.


  • 孟山都生物技术研究中心将进一步加强孟山都公司和中国科研机构与大学植物生物技术和转基因组学领域的合作。

    Monsanto held a ceremony in Beijing on Nov. 4, 2009, announcing establishment of Monsanto Biotechnology Research Center in Beijing, their first research institution in China.


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