• 满足了玉米加代繁育所需要生育条件

    Above conditions is suitable for the breeding corns.


  • 提出温室加代技术关键杂交选择程序

    The key technique and selecting program of rice offspring in using greenhouse were also presented in this paper.


  • 很多法国商业界高层人士认为没有掌控所继承公司

    Many senior French business people reckon that Mr Lagardere has not got to grips with the company he inherited.


  • 以早熟花生品系9213为材料,研究豫南地区花生就地可行性

    The feasibility of acceleration generation of peanut in south of Henan was studied with peanut line 9213 by autumn planting after spring planting.


  • 加代先生有权否决任何此类运动在最近表示公司转换普通公司企业结构式不可能的。

    Mr Lagardère has the right to veto any such move and recently said that switching to a standard corporate structure was out of the question.


  • 肯尼亚达达布加代难民营内,所医院产房区里,难民床上新生儿喂奶等待婴儿出生

    In the maternity ward at a hospital on the Hagadera refugee camp in Dadaab, Kenya, women refugees lay on beds nursing newborns or waiting to give birth.


  • 比如交运印刷品零售店的拉分销部门固定成本,因此报纸杂志发行量暴跌直接敞口风险

    Lagardere's distribution division, for example, which ships printed material out to retail stores, has fixed costs and direct exposure to tumbling newspaper and magazine circulation.


  • 法国拉集团股价上涨5.1%,至34.67欧元高盛集团把拉加代尔集团股票评级中性上调为买入

    Lagardere rallied 5.1 percent to 34.67 euros after Goldman Sachs upgraded the shares to "buy" from "neutral."


  • 然而,拉问题可能更多在于印刷媒体危机加代先生本人尽管已经集团重点放在媒体上。

    Lagardere's problems, however, may have more to do with the woes of print media than with Mr Lagardere himself, although he has intensified the group's focus on media.


  • 幸运的是,那时遇到了一个30岁林业工作者加代尔·桑切兹·里维拉(GadielSanchez Rivera)——他被称为曹(Cho)。同意向导

    Fortunately, it was at that point I met a 30-year-old forestry worker called Gadiel Sanchez Rivera - known as Cho - who agreed to take over as my guide.


  • 20世纪50,詹姆斯·收集关于圈养黑猩猩数据似乎缺乏这些类人猿出现青春期激增的证据

    In the 1950s, data on captive chimpanzees collected by James Gavan appeared devoid of evidence of an adolescent growth spurt in these apes.


  • 现在,班罗尔等形势正在改变。这些地方,IT公司年轻人提供了赚钱过活的新机遇,而这些机遇是他们父母不曾遇到过的。

    Today, however, the situation is changing in places ... to their parents a generation ago.


  • 萨威个有950小镇自从60一个铁路修理场被关闭以来,这个小镇已经流失了一半居民

    Ritchie Roach is the mayor of Gassaway, a town of about 950 people that has lost half its residents since a railway repair yard closed in the 60s.


  • 史密森国家航空航天博物馆创始人保罗·站在那里,手里拿着打上明显1940日本零式战斗机标志的风筝

    Paul Garber, founder of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, stands with a kite marked with the distinctive shape of a Japanese Zero fighter in the early 1940s.


  • 利福利亚阿布洛山上风能涡轮机每年绞死几千只鸟其中包括金鹰红尾等稀有品种。

    The wind turbines in California's Diablo Mountains chop up thousands of birds a year, including golden eagles and red-tailed hawks.


  • 创造聪明又有些心理问题的角色过程中,塑造了一个几乎皮普一样令人难忘的角色。这也证明他自己呼叫中心中的查尔•斯狄更斯

    In creating a character who is both witty and psychopathic, Mr Adiga has produced a hero almost as memorable as Pip, proving himself the Charles Dickens of the call-centre generation.


  • 讷尔位于泰米尔纳德邦帕拉尼700英尺山腰上,这个山村悠久的殖民历史

    Nestling 700ft up in the Palani Hills of Tamil Nadu, this little hill-station town has plenty of expat history.


  • 1970前期帮助创建阿拉斯输油管线——该州一直以来经济命脉。

    He helped to create the Trans Alaska pipeline in the early 1970s, which has been pumping money into the state's economy ever since.


  • 羚羊上世纪90大约有为100万头左右,但是到了2006年数量下降到了60,00070,000左右,主要是由于苏联解体之后偷猎日益猖獗。

    Saigas numbered around 1 million animals in the early 1990s, but declined to between 60,000 and 70,000 in 2006, largely due to a sharp rise in poaching after the collapse of the former Soviet Union.


  • 最近第一企业数量猛增。主要涉足港口能源界的公司Adanigroup和扎根罗尔涉足基础建设界的GMR推动。

    More recently the ranks of first-generation firms have been swelled by the Adani group, big in ports and power, and GMR, an infrastructure firm based in Bangalore.


  • 20世纪70多数专家认为南部海獭数量阿拉斯那样每年20%的增长率快速增长

    Back in the 1970s, most experts thought the southern sea otter population would expand at a swift clip of nearly 20% per year like those in Alaska.


  • 上世纪90开始第二次只要股票房产升值资产泡沫就引诱房主变本借贷

    In the second wave, which began in the mid-1990s, asset bubbles tempted households to borrow more heavily as first their shares and then their homes rose in value.


  • 这些世界级大师联手打造下,昌尔市(Chandigarh)成为了20世纪城市规划建筑杰作之一,同时也是整整印度建筑师借鉴的经典范本

    Thus it was that Chandigarh became one of the masterpieces of 20th-century urbanism and architecture and an exemplar by which a whole generation of Indian architects could judge themselves.


  • 第六nano的功能对比度色彩模式,能以“黑底白字显示

    New to the 6G nano is an inverted-color mode for “white-on-blackvisuals.


  • 尔布雷斯上世纪30最大次欺诈进行描述时指出:有三个特性致使金融界存在欺诈风险

    WRITING about one of the great swindles of the 1930s, J.K. Galbraith pointed to three traits of any financial community that he believed put it at risk of fraud.


  • 伦敦会议,与会者讨论整修1970建造的英一号工程据说这两个工程的能力都没有完全发挥出来。 与会者还讨论建造英号工程和大英电工程。

    The London meeting is dicussing the refurbishment of Inga 1 and 2 built in the 1970s but said to be operating under capacity and the development of Inga 3 and Grand Inga hydropower projects.


  • 教学一直是巴尔斯。略萨先生生命一部分时断时续地20世纪60英国的多所大学担任教职,后来哈佛大学哥伦比亚大学乔治城大学教过书。

    Teaching has been a part of Mr. Vargas Llosa's life, on and off, since the 1960s, when he had posts at universities in Britain, and later at Harvard, Columbia and Georgetown.


  • 教学一直是巴尔斯。略萨先生生命一部分时断时续地20世纪60英国的多所大学担任教职,后来哈佛大学哥伦比亚大学乔治城大学教过书。

    Teaching has been a part of Mr. Vargas Llosa's life, on and off, since the 1960s, when he had posts at universities in Britain, and later at Harvard, Columbia and Georgetown.


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