• 这个程序功能巨大免费短信、免费电话语音邮件转换等等功能

    The feature list is huge: free texts, free calls, voicemail transcriptions, and so on.


  • 虽然手术个地方功能都得以恢复手臂留下巨大疤痕

    After surgery, she regained use of both of them but was left with a huge scar on her arm.


  • 所以,欧盟建立基本功能基本上就是这个巨大挑战方面印制货币还是过多债务

    So, the big challenge in the battle between the printing press and too much debt is basically a function of the way the euro was constructed.


  • 这些方法有些很奇妙巨大数据库可携带性移动性快速访问数百万歌曲的能力自定义列表功能

    Some of those ways are wonderful: Portability of huge libraries, shuffling, quick access to millions of songs, and custom playlists are a few of the upsides.


  • 我们组件功能数据可视化及其分析工具进行巨大改进,这使得内存分配等问题的分析诊断速度更快且高效

    We've greatly improved component functionality, data visualization and its investigative tools to enable quicker and more efficient analysis and diagnosis of memory allocation issues.


  • 流体剪切力由于液体流经细胞表面产生一种机械目前发现细胞分化发育行使细胞功能的过程中起到巨大作用

    Fluid shear is the mechanical force exerted by the movement of fluids over cell surfaces and has been found to play an important role in cellular differentiation, development and function.


  • 由于潜在市场巨大这些推出产品功能可能提升惠普很多产品线销售量

    Since the addressable market is huge, the new solutions that are mostly product features are likely to boost sales across a number of HP product lines.


  • Swing功能易于访问解决方案之间的巨大差距促使WebBrowser成为 JDIC项目一个起点

    This big gap in functionality in Swing, and easy access to a solution, made WebBrowser a good starting point for the JDIC project.


  • 有了Ajax可以构建一个某个巨大数据库(无论它位于全球的哪个服务器)连接的互动界面实现前所未有功能

    With Ajax, you can build an interactive interface to some gigantic database sitting on a server across the world and accomplish things nobody has ever dreamed of.


  • Peek现在享有一个巨大目标市场声称如果仅凭借自身一小部分功能能够获得广泛成功

    Peek enjoys a large target market and says it can be wildly successful if it captures even a small fraction of it.


  • 火狐主要优点的灵活性。它巨大插件给予很多非常功能

    Firefox's main virtue is its flexibility-it's got a huge gallery of add-ons that give it many fantastic powers.


  • 一代柔性显示器使用有机发光二极管OLEDS),预计带来卓越的显示功能产生巨大光谱

    The next generation of flexible displays, based on organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), is expected to bring excellent view ability as well as a huge spectrum of colours.


  • 从本质上来说手机基于三星GalaxySII智能手机一次巨大升级但是同时还隐藏了一些用于笔记本上的功能——并由此而得名

    Essentially, this is a gigantic version of the Galaxy S II smartphone, but it also hides a small stylus that can be used for notetaking -- hence the name.


  • 一个问题iPhone智能手机造成了巨大冲击,虽然触摸屏操作系统拥有与 iPhone一样多点触摸功能但它能够传统技术行业取得同样的冲击效果吗?

    Yet there still is a question as to whether the iPhone-like multi-touch capabilities of a touchscreen OS will become as big of a hit in traditional computing as they were on the smartphone.


  • 我们探索功能用户体验管理控制方面产品创建巨大价值许多特性

    We explore a multitude of features that create significant value for the product in terms of functionality, user experience, and administrative control.


  • 部署管理器丢失生产计算单元一个巨大打击所以服务器务必保持运行发挥功能从而确保拓扑具有较高的可用性

    The loss of a deployment manager is a great blow to a production cell, and so it is critical that this server remain running and functional to ensure a highly available topology.


  • 这样导致到达事务边界代理分配解除分配这一巨大开销这会影响连接集中器功能

    This will create a large overhead of allocation and deallocation of agents upon reaching transaction boundaries, which defeats the purpose of the connection concentrator.


  • 微软看起来似乎满足桌面办公软件巨大领先优势,在2007年,它几乎没有带来什么基于浏览器网络办公功能

    Microsoft seemed mostly content to sit on its huge lead in the desktop office software, in 2007, offering little in the way of browser-based Web office functionality.


  • 这座建筑用有如下巨大结构:它三大层又分为不等分层每个大层有自己功能装饰氛围

    The building follows the structure of a (grand) house: with three levels, each spanning a varying number of split-level floors and each with its own atmosphere and purpose.


  • 作为首要IT解决方案提供者许多企业负有责任厂商IBM 所具有的能够提供一整套解决方案的功能拥有巨大价值潜能

    The new capability for IBM to offer a complete set of solutions holds tremendous value and potential as the leading IT solutions provider and the incumbent vendor in many large enterprises.


  • 我们正在进入一个非常时期人类赖以生存海洋功能正在发生巨大变化某些情况下开始失效,”豪厄格-古尔·伯格

    "We are entering a period in which the very ocean services upon which humanity depends are undergoing massive change and in some cases beginning to fail," said Hoegh-Guldberg.


  • 我们巨大需求,我们应考虑我们功能增加一不仅仅是在物流方面还有信息基础架构方面

    We have huge needs. We are looking at doubling our capabilities not only in logistics, but also in information infrastructure.


  • 这个功能重要性对于开发者用户来说都是巨大机遇

    This is a feature that matters because of the vast opportunities that it presents to both developers and users.


  • 功能泛型附带品,也是集合伴生物最终添加便利功能带来了巨大压力

    But it was the addition of generics, and the attendant generification of collections, that finally generated enough pressure to add this convenience feature.


  • 对于一个37信号这样的软件公司来讲,意味着拒绝产品附加太多高级功能——这个决定反而给37信号公司带来了巨大的成功

    For a software company like 37signals, this meant refusing to add too many advanced features to productsa decision that turned out to be enormously successful.


  • 对于一个37信号这样的软件公司来讲,意味着拒绝产品附加太多高级功能——这个决定反而给37信号公司带来了巨大的成功

    For a software company like 37signals, this meant refusing to add too many advanced features to productsa decision that turned out to be enormously successful.


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