• 自己力量打败了两两位选手

    She had beaten the other contestants, and was on her own.


  • 相比以前04奥运会上帮助大量选手获得金牌的老急速系列产品材料只有一半重量三倍身体塑形力量

    Compared with Speedo's previous suit, which was used by numerous gold medallists in the 2004 Olympic games, the new material has half the weight yet triple the power to compress the body.


  • 认为选手已经适应新的力量打法——他们要么改进了自己的步伐,要么是更好解读了大力发球选手的打法。

    Its view is that players have simply adapted to the new power play-either by improving their footwork or by reading more advanced cues from a server.


  • 于是冰面反推回去提供了前进上升力量推动选手滑翔跳跃,而力量细节取决于选手们原作用力的特殊性。

    Well, the ground just pushes right back, supplying a force forward and up that propels the skaters into a glide or jump, depending on the particulars of the force they applied.


  • 任何选手打都不会轻松甚至像他这样一位发球力量,来势双凶猛对手。

    Any opponent going to be really difficult, even is one of these big opponents with big serve.


  • 1978发生过当时ITF禁止非传统意面式击球”,一年罗马尼亚选手伊利.纳斯塔斯击打落地球时双倍增加上旋球力量

    That happened in 1978, when the ITF banned the unconventionalspaghetti stringing” used the previous year by Romania's Ilie Nastase to double the amount of topspin on his groundstrokes.


  • 接管这个世界最好飞镖选手其中包括14世界冠军菲尔力量泰勒,詹姆·斯韦德约翰部分等等

    Take on the World's best darts players including 14 time World Champion Phil 'the Power' Taylor, James Wade, John Part and many more.


  • 选手每次迈步力量以下阶段中有所体现

    Each time an athlete takes a step, strength is required in the following phases.


  • 2004年大赛冠军米奇•西维表示,争夺今年桂冠的参赛者中,除了往届冠军这类一般热门赢家人选”外,“一些更年轻的选手成为股夺冠力量。”

    Expect the "usual suspects, " including past champions, to be contending for this year's title, said Mitch Seavey, winner of the 2004 race. "Some of the younger guys are going to be a factor."


  • 我们发现很多有着超强力量耐力游泳选手成绩平平一些力量和耐力并不突出成为了优秀的游泳选手

    What we found were many swimmers with exceptional strength and endurance who were only average performers, and a few individuals with average strength and endurance who were outstanding swimmers.


  • 感受到五号选手朗诵诗歌中的力量精神

    I can feel the energy and spirit of this poetry presented by XXX.


  • 记得年前拔河比赛最终的决胜局时,我们第二局败给力量悬殊种子队选手——501

    Remember the tug-of-war a year ago, the decider in the final, we lost the power of the second seeded player disparity - 501 classes.


  • 喜欢底线抽能够击球中发现优秀的控制性以及击球的力量力量取决于选手技术

    Those who like to rip it up from the baseline will find excellent control and weight on their shots, but power is left up to player technique.


  • 亚洲选手成为当今世界体坛一支不可忽视力量

    The Asian athlete has become a force, which cannot be ignored in the world sports circle.


  • 比如说,身为一位选手肩膀、他的以及他的大腿都要有格外力量

    To be a wrestler, for instance, requires extraordinary strength in one's shoulders, back, and thighs.


  • 研究者测试了大学网球选手上肢力量训练项目有效性

    Researchers examined the effectiveness of an upper extremity strength training program in female intercollegiate tennis players.


  • 力量转动轻量级选手强的框架设计给了车手灵活多才多艺牵引

    Power to both wheels in a lightweight yet strong frame design gave riders nimble and versatile traction off road.


  • 结果显示我国运动员起跳时水平速度国外优秀选手还有差距,需提高滑行技术力量

    The results showed that there are some differences in skipping level speed between the foreign and Chinese athletes. Chinese athletes should improve the gliding technique and the leg power.


  • 包括一个广泛技艺系统选手诸如经验水平,技艺力量统计数字

    It also includes an extended skill system and player statistics such as experience, level, skill power and points.


  • 下图显示了一种有效入水方式,手臂处于这个位置,背阔肌对手臂杠杆作用大大提高(力矩增加),选手立即产生很大力量

    The right image shows a more effective position at the completion of the arm entry. The leverage is improved so the swimmer can immediately begin to generate substantial force.


  • 和非短跑选手相比,短跑运动员跟腱“杠杆”能使拉伸跟腱肌肉产生力量高出40%。

    Having a short Achilles lever allows the muscles that pull on the tendon to generate as much as 40% more force than the same muscles in a non-sprinter would be able to manage.


  • 已甩下了几个疲惫选手感到混身充满力量

    I passed tired runners and felt a surge of energy.


  • 教给了很多热情的力量。他某一场比赛选手安排在恰当位置

    He did this one thing where only for one play at a time he would put people in at like the most horrifically wrong position for them.


  • 电视广告以及病毒式视频中,选手数次利用源自三十六计谋跨越他们面对的阻碍,也将依靠饮用佳得补充他们所失去的力量水份。

    In the TVC and viral video, the players use several tricks from the 36 Stratagems to get past their opposition, aided by the refreshing and replenishing power of Gatorade.


  • Torres是一短距离游泳选手更多依靠肌肉力量技巧而并不一定依赖其需氧量

    Torres, a swimmer who specializes in sprints, depends more on muscle power and technique, not necessarily aerobic capacity.


  • 这两穿越动作不仅仅是将板子送到身体一侧以开始一个转弯同时也是帮助选手力量移至板头。

    Both types of cross movements not only place the skis on the other side of the body for the next turn but also assist in recentering - shifting the pressure from the tails to the front of the skis.


  • 这两穿越动作不仅仅是将板子送到身体一侧以开始一个转弯同时也是帮助选手力量移至板头。

    Both types of cross movements not only place the skis on the other side of the body for the next turn but also assist in recentering - shifting the pressure from the tails to the front of the skis.


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