• 注意测验错误率明显降低

    The false rate on Concentration Test were statistically decreased.


  • 老师全班同学进行了一次理解测验

    The teacher set the class a comprehension test.


  • 睡眠不足孩子记忆注意测验表现不佳

    Children who do not get enough sleep have been shown to perform more poorly on memory and attention tests.


  • 营养不良的儿童无法集中注意认知测验得分低。

    Children suffering from nutrient deficiencies cannot concentrate and have lower scores in tests for cognitive ability.


  • 研究发现,「电机电子技术创造力测验年级差异方面,高职年级在创造力测验之各项评分指标的表现明显优于其他级别;

    The study finds out that from the perspective of age difference, the first year students in vocational high school perform better than the other grades.


  • 其中流行的产品任天堂的“大脑时代”(称为大脑训练)——是一种简单大脑操练题合集数学题记忆测验字谜等。

    One of the most popular products is Nintendo's Brain Age (also known as Brain Training) -- a collection of simple exercises like math problems, memory tests and word puzzles.


  • 最后测验结束后,希望英国的影响遍布世界一个工厂角落

    After the last exam is over, it is hoped, there will be a corner of a foreign factory that is forever England.


  • 大约4万平方英里(103,600平方公里)地区都被盆地沙地熔岩覆盖。因为这里土壤毫无生命所以美国国家航空及太空局可以这个岛上进行火星地面测验

    Salt basins, sand and lava cover much of its 40,000 square miles (103,600 square km), and the soil is so lifeless that NASA can design their Mars ground tests on Atacama land.


  • 大约4万平方英里(103,600平方公里地区都被盆地沙地熔岩覆盖。 因为这里土壤毫无生命所以美国国家航空及太空局可以这个岛上进行火星地面测验

    Salt basins, sand and lava cover much of its 40,000 square miles (103,600 square km), and the soil is so lifeless that NASA can design their Mars ground tests on Atacama land.


  • 如果我们想要程序变得有趣,那么我们应该加入一些娱乐特点玩笑,一个挑战性的测验,一段有趣的视频,一个具有竞争界面或者其他东西

    If we want an application to be fun, then we need to add some features that will entertain; a joke, a challenging quiz, a funny video, a competitive aspect or something else.


  • 而向人们解释如何摆脱当前困境,也阿尔巴尼赛的辩才推向另一次差不多同等严格的测验

    Explaining how he is going to get Rio out of its current mess will put Mr Albanese’s oratorical powers to a similarly stiff test.


  • 为了测验人造是否抵消肌肉流失研究人员15名健康男子进行模拟

    To test whether artificial gravity can counteract such muscle wasting, researchers subjected 15 healthy men to a zero-gravity simulation.


  • 接受民意测验大多数感觉有极大的责任感,因为他们投票影响

    The majority of those polled felt strongly enough about the issue they said it would influence how they voted.


  • 选民告诉民意测验专家麦凯恩把注意集中如何打垮巴马上,而没有处理其自身问题

    Voters increasingly tell pollsters that Mr McCain is focused on tearing down Mr Obama, not on dealing with their problems.


  • 纽黑文新闻组织不愿意透露姓名警察口中得知,调查人员已经将注意集中到没有通过测测验并且身上因防卫受伤的一实验室技术人员身上。

    Investigators have focused on a laboratory technician who failed a polygraph test and had defensive wounds on his body, new Haven news organisations reported, citing anonymous police sources.


  • 此外,根据《每日快报》,过半数参加测验50多岁的人们他们主要注意在于享受生活而相比之下,只有三分之一二十多岁的年轻人这样说。

    In addition, half of the over-50s who were quizzed said their focus was on enjoying life to the full compared with a third of those in their 20s, the Daily Express reported.


  • 这些国家种很有竞争的、更生的机制,带领一个国家进入21世纪并且一个教育阶段都有甄选人才的测验

    There’s a competitive, lift-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps approach to bringing the country into the 21st century, and there’s testing at every educational level to identify talent.


  • 乔治·布什2003年5月过早宣称伊主作战结束的时候,盖洛普民意测验数据显示,大多数美国人战争只有四分之一人觉得是个错误。

    When George Bush prematurely declared an end to major combat operations in May 2003 most Americans were behind the war, with only a quarter saying it was a mistake according to Gallup polling data.


  • BVA本周公布项民意测验中,人们认为Royal女士有亲和,更现代,更可靠,Sarkozy先生更能干,且更有领导才能。

    In a poll published this week by BVA, respondents thought Ms Royal “nicer”, moremodern” and more “reassuring”, but Mr Sarkozy more “competent” and “authoritative”.


  • 民意测验机构Ifop就如何最好提高民众购买进行调查时发现,仅有42%受访者认同更多零售竞争行为

    When asked by Ifop, a pollster, how best to raise their purchasing power, only 42% of respondents picked out more retail competition.


  • 如果不能听到自己音乐,你以肌肉测试测验是否处于乐中,随后意想释放造成酸乐再次自己进入和谐状态

    If one cannot hear one's own music, then one can muscle test if one is sounding sour, and then intend to release the karma at cause bringing oneself back to a state of harmony again.


  • 朋友们我们需要学习集中注意一系列考试准备,不管是法学院入学考试、医学院入学考试、学业能倾向测验还是平时学校测验

    And focus, friends, is what you need to be able to study for any of the big tests, from the LSAT and MCAT to the SAT and ACT to just your average test in school.


  • 因为这些测验办法判定多少创造或者多少常识有些人觉得智商测验应该用来测量

    Because the tests can't say much about how creative you are or how much general knowledge you have, some feel that IQ tests shouldn't be used to measure intelligence.


  • 方法:应用阴性阳性症状量表PANSS) ,韦氏康量卡片分类测验WCST6 3精神分裂症的自知执行功能进行了评定。

    Methods:The executive function and insight were assessed in 63 patients suffering from schizophrenic on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale(PANSS), and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test(WCST).


  • 提供习题活动测验理解

    Exercise and activities are also provided in this book for practicing comprehension.


  • 考试或许测验记忆方法或者是让人在极端快速工作诀窍但是它却一点儿也不能说明个人真正才智

    They may be a good means of testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell you nothing about a person's true ability and aptitude.


  • 考试或许测验记忆方法或者是让人在极端快速工作诀窍但是它却一点儿也不能说明个人真正才智

    They may be a good means of testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell you nothing about a person's true ability and aptitude.


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