• 谢谢力文先生等待警官到达现场

    Thank you. Mr. Sullivan. Just wait until an officer arrives.


  • 连续两次参加音乐周活动现代乡村音乐马克·力文演奏《乡村之路》。

    Mark Levine , the father of modern country music, playing "Country Road" with a guitar.


  • 没有想像,”不快地

    "I don't have your imagination," Kevin said unhappily.


  • (雷作者按:BLZ:“别得意,大灾变主题也是也条龙还是最cooooool那条,等我CD结束就放《Titan》来咬你们”) 在激战2里,我们设法确保你们实现的都意义的,而且故事结果会有影响

    In Guild Wars 2, we want to make sure your accomplishments are meaningful, and that story outcomes have an impact.


  • 提出问题白宫调度程序缺乏想象,又或者它们只是试图帮助一位小绘制一条平行线

    It raises the question: Do the schedulers at the White House lack imagination, or are they just trying to help a scribbler draw a parallel?


  • 抵达联合国总部后,潘基记者说:“期望这辆'太阳能出租车'能够全人类传达一些信息就是我们需要创造,需要实用性。”

    "I hope that this Solartaxi can give the message to people around the world that we need to be creative, we need to be practical," he told reporters as he arrived at the UN headquarters.


  • 有一位评论家大卫·福斯特·华莱士是过去二十年来最有影响作家之一,华莱士美国小说带来了尝试性写作风格责任感

    One literary critic called David Foster Wallace one of the most influential writers of the past twenty years. He said Wallace brought experimentation of form and a sense of play to the American novel.


  • 生活命运如其名,将敏锐心理洞察痛苦困境以及善恶本质深刻哲学思考与坚韧不拔战场描述揉合在一起

    True to its title, "Life and Fate" mixes gritty battlefield descriptions with acute psychological insights, wrenching dilemmas and deep philosophical reflections about the nature of good and evil.


  • 森特承认对于有着更深程度问题——比如精神压抑有自杀倾向——或者难以集中注意患者,这样治疗可能毫无起色。

    Vincent concedes that patients who have deeper problems - those who are depressed or suicidal - or have trouble concentrating are unlikely to benefit from the program.


  • 穆拉博士通过做一些需要一定自控事情可以锻炼自己的“意志肌肉”,以便将来应对更大的挑战。

    'By doing small things that take a certain amount of self-control, you can build up your' muscle ' 'for tackling larger changes, Dr. Muraven says.


  • 陆克希望通过改变国家能源利用方式增加澳大利亚在形成全球共识中的影响

    Mr Rudd hoped that forcing it to change how it uses energy would give the country clout in forging a global consensus.


  • 潘基证实哥本哈根峰会可能产生一份具有法律约束协议因为时间太少,无法完成所有复杂细节

    Earlier, Ban confirmed there is now no chance that the Copenhagen summit will produce a legally binding agreement, as there is too little time to work through all the complex details.


  • 书写访客贴子很多知名博客都会发表来自其它博主帮助获得大家的注意

    Write a guest post: Lots of high-profile blogs will publish guest posts from other bloggers to help them get some attention.


  • ——份3盎司中含有烟酸接近每日剂量的50%,烟酸防止阿尔茨海默氏记忆减退

    A 3-ounce serving contains almost 50 percent of your daily dose of niacin, which may protect against Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.


  • 当然有时候创造产生最终会以某种物质产品表现出来——本书或者一项发明等等

    Certainly when it comes to creativity sometimes there is a physical end product - a blog article, a book, an invention, etc.


  • 威尔士人均购买比起塞浦路斯德国爱尔兰,斯诺·尼亚,以及欧洲其他许多地方来说仍然是相对低下的。

    Wales remains poorer, per person, than Cyprus, eastern Germany, Ireland, Slovenia or many other parts of Europe, measured on a purchasing-power basis.


  • 颇具影响专栏作家朱恩尼尔·图拉昨天环球日报》上写道席尔瓦巴西选举带来巴马式的选举风。

    Writing in the o Globo newspaper yesterday, the influential columnist Zuenir Ventura said Silva could bring a touch of Barack Obama to the Brazilian elections.


  • 男人矛盾·克新型香水

    Contradiction for man, a new fragrance from Calvin Klein.


  • 安德鲁•苏利一位有影响主,写道,简直不能相信那些所谓的“新保守主义者——滴血的联盟居然可以那么快就忘记伊拉克教训

    One influential blogger, Andrew Sullivan, seems scarcely able to believe that what he calls a “neocon-bleeding heart alliancehas forgotten the Iraqi lesson so soon.


  • 实际上科尔等学者已经发现了一些线索,从中能推断出雌激素可能肥胖女性认知起到作用

    In fact, Kerwin's team is already seeing some hints that estrogen may play a role in cognition in obese women.


  • 森特·德尔·博斯克球队对手的较量中占据了主动,他们本能一个有说服成绩胜出,但是他们未能转化战机为实际进球

    Vicente del Bosque's team dominated possession against their opponents and should have won by a more convincing score line but they couldn't convert their chances.


  • 纽黑新闻组织不愿意透露姓名警察口中得知,调查人员已经将注意集中到没有通过测测验并且身上因防卫受伤的一实验室技术人员身上。

    Investigators have focused on a laboratory technician who failed a polygraph test and had defensive wounds on his body, new Haven news organisations reported, citing anonymous police sources.


  • 卡尔什未经典眼睛》写的:“群居动物喜欢小孩他们感情丰富喜欢玩具注意短,并且容易对事情失去兴趣。”

    As Karl Schwenke points out in his classic book in a Pig's Eye: 'Pigs are gregarious animals. Like children, they thrive on affection, enjoy toys, have a short attention span, and are easily bored.'


  • 影子大臣乔治·奥斯(George Osborn):“·讲话强大有说服。”

    George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, said: "Mervyn King's speech is powerful and persuasive."


  • (印尼名字,Mochtar Riady)在第二世界大战之后积累下了这份家族财富起初靠做自行车生意,后来买下了一家银行,再后来建立了企业集团,即宝集团(LippoGroup)。

    Mochtar Riady established the family fortune after the second world war, first as a bicycle trader, then by buying a bank, then by founding the Lippo Group, a conglomerate.


  • 相关内容:“研究表明聪明,富想象”一

    Related: “Dreams Make You Smarter, More Creative, Studies Suggest.”


  • 史蒂杰夫目前剧组里重要人物如果我们进行快点儿了。

    STEVEN: Jeff, you are the most important person on the set right now. If you try harder, we can go faster.


  • 崔斯不是正式西斯学徒,但无疑决斗控制的技艺上接受精良的训练

    Though she was not officially a Sith apprentice, Ventress had clearly been well-trained in the arts of lightsaber dueling and Force manipulation.


  • 这一具有感染而且在她硅谷之触动

    The culture is infectious, she says, and it touched her when she came to Silicon Valley.


  • 这一具有感染而且在她硅谷之触动

    The culture is infectious, she says, and it touched her when she came to Silicon Valley.


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