• 科学技术深刻地影响人类前途命运

    Science and Technology has deep affection on the future of mankind.


  • 生源质量直接关系着学校生存前途命运

    The quality of student resources would directly affect university' s survival and future.


  • 思考个人前途命运试图找出活着意义

    Thinking person's future and destiny, trying to find the meaning of life.


  • 重视加强党的信仰建设,事关我们党的前途和命运

    To attach importance to the establishing and strengthening of party conviction has an important bearing on the party′s future.


  • 因此国际法效力依据认识关系国际法前途命运

    Therefore, the cognition of the international law effect basis is related to the future and destiny of the international law.


  • 中国前途命运世界前途命运日益紧密地联系在一起

    China's future and destiny has become ever more closely linked with that of the rest of the world.


  • 面对知识经济挑战教育已经成为决定一个国家前途命运关键

    Education has become the key to determining a country's prospect or fate in the face of knowledge-economic challenge.


  • 文化民族历史积淀一个国家民族前途命运休戚相关。

    Culture is the historical accumulation of a nation, and it relates closely with the future and fate of a nation.


  • 我国来说,正确认识处理民族问题关系国家前途命运重大问题。

    Therefore, it is of vital importance for our country to have a correct understanding and handling of ethnic problems, which concerns deeply the future and destiny of the nation.


  • 面对二十一世纪知识经济严峻挑战教育已经成为决定国家前途命运关键

    Facing 21st century severe challenge in knowledge economy, education has already become the key to decide national prospect and destiny.


  • 声部确定声乐专业从业人员至关重要的,往往关系到一个歌者前途命运

    To the people who devote themselves to the specialized subject of vocal music, the confirmation of the section is extremely important, which affects on a singer's career and fate.


  • 既然选择,就坚持下去,相信只要信心一定掌握自己前途命运

    Since the choice of the way to go, stick to it, I believe that as long as there is confidence, it will be able to master their own future and destiny.


  • 顺利应对《劳动合同法规定决定企业人力资源乃至整个企业前途命运

    Whether deal with the "Labor Contract Law, " the new requirements will determine the Human Resources Department and even the entire corporate enterprise's future and destiny.


  • 领导力影响他人能力大学校长作为所大学领航人,其领导力关系大学的前途和命运

    Leadership is the ability to influence others. University leaders, as the pilots of a university, have an effect on the future of the university.


  • 国家国民普遍具有公民意识还是臣民意识,这直接关系这个国家前途命运问题

    What kind of civic consciousness does a nation generally has, be it the citizen consciousness or the subject consciousness, is an important issue bearing on the country's future and destiny.


  • 60年来中国世界关系发生历史性变化,中国的前途命运日益紧密地同世界前途和命运联系在一起。

    Over the past 60 years, the relationship between China and the world has led to historic change. The future and destiny of China has been increasingly interlocked with that of the whole world.


  • 马克思恩格斯毕生都在关注思考人类前途和命运,他们自然社会三者之间的关系进行了系统的研究。

    Marx and Engels spent their whole life caring and considering the future and fate of human beings, studying the relationship between man, nature and society systematically.


  • 注意到,几乎每一交谈都要说到老子,说到老子中国文化关系,说到老子中国艺术的关系,说到老子油画中国未来前途命运的关系。

    I notice that nearly in each talk, he mentioned Lao-tzu, the relationship between Lao-tzu and Chinese culture and art, between Lao-tzu and the future and fortune of oil painting in China.


  • 民族危机人民苦难不断加深强烈激起无数仁人志士国家命运、民族前途思考探索

    The continuous increase of nation's crisis and people's suffering aroused strongly people with lofty ideals to think about and explore the nation's destiny and future.


  • 不仅西方经验逻辑展现人类现代性命运前途深层关怀

    It is not only the western experience and logic, but also show the deep care for the future and destiny of mankind.


  • 科学理性本质具有终极人文关怀精神”,是一充满人类理想激情人类自身发展前途命运息息相关的。

    In nature, science and reason have "the spirit of ultimate human concern", which is full of human ideal and passion and closely linked to the own development and the future of the mankind.


  • 这种忧患意识主要、忧忧社会前途命运

    His awareness was mainly concerned about the nation, the people, the Party as well as the fate and future of Socialism.


  • 近百年来,有关对儒学价值、儒学当代命运儒学前途等涉及儒学未来复兴的问题的探讨引起学者广泛的参与。

    Over the past hundred years, the value of Confucianism in the modern world, its present development and its future have been extensively discussed by scholars.


  • 加强改进大学生德育工作重要任务,是一项事关国家前途命运战略工程

    To strengthen and improve work in moral education is a significant and extremely urgent task, and a strategic project concerning the future and destiny of a nation.


  • 几天思考自己前途规划未来无果之后,当地社区里的大学报了名希望能用知识改变命运

    In the last few days thinking about their future and planning for the future to no avail, he to the local community college signed up, hoping to change the fate of knowledge.


  • 占星术有趣因为可以了解前途其他人前途命运

    Astrology is very interesting because you can learn about the fate of your future and future of other people.


  • 大学生作为当代社会消费群体重要组成部分他们消费行为具有强烈的代表性前瞻性,事关国家命运前途

    And college students as an important part of the contemporary social consumer groups, and their consumption behavior has strong cross-sectional and prospective, national destiny and future.


  • 大学生作为当代社会消费群体重要组成部分他们消费行为具有强烈的代表性前瞻性,事关国家命运前途

    And college students as an important part of the contemporary social consumer groups, and their consumption behavior has strong cross-sectional and prospective, national destiny and future.


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