• 其它公共私人资助机构朝着类似的方向前进

    Other funding agencies, public and private, are moving in a similar direction.


  • 盛大游戏此前进行了为期九天全球巡回推介;在共同基金长期机构投资者的旺盛需求推动下,据称盛大游戏获得了10超额认购。

    After Shanda's nine-day global roadshow for investors, the deal was said to be 10 times oversubscribed, with high demand from long-term institutional investors such as mutual funds.


  • Callan前进行的调查显示,市场一直上扬的时候,机构投资者有可能认为自己支付的成本合理的。

    Prior surveys by Callan show that institutions are more likely to regard their costs as reasonable when the market has been going up.


  • 他们关注一个问题就是监管银行而言,他们债务交易对冲基金隐蔽机构那里它们所遇到的风险到底有多大

    One of their biggest concerns is how much danger there may be to regulated Banks from the faceless institutions they now do much of their debt trading with: hedge funds.


  • 对于员工,有73%机构其被授予网络访问安全意识培训

    For new employees, an average of 73 percent was given security awareness training prior to being granted network access.


  • 由于大型公司无法停止前进步伐,公司带有侵略性公司文化时常招来反垄断机构注意

    Because they cannot afford to rest on their laurels, high-tech heavyweights often foster aggressive corporate cultures that draw the attention of antitrust regulators.


  • 毫无疑问,我们会继续前进美国将会继续承担全球安全责任——联盟伙伴机构之间建立承诺;

    Going forward, there should be no doubt: the United States of America will continue to underwrite global security—through our commitments to allies, partners, and institutions;


  • 大多数机构这个Web应用程序安全性问题发现留给专注安全小组来做,他们这些应用程序生效测试。

    Most organizations leave the discovery of Web application security issues to a dedicated security team, which tests the applications before they go live.


  • 如果研究机构高德纳公司(GartnerGroup)预言者值得信赖,那么惠普即使成为平板电脑市场上重要一员希望很小别提赶超大踏步前进苹果了。

    If the prognosticators at the research outfit Gartner Group are to be believed, HP has little hope of even becoming a major player in the tablet market, much less of leapfrogging Apple.


  • 世界和平组织一个非盈利机构始建于2006年。 它的宗旨是帮助促进维护人类社会朝着和平繁荣富裕的道路前进

    World Peace One is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 2006 to assist, progress, and preserve the emerging world community towards a state of peace, abundance, and prosperity.


  • 送料机构:送料机构一对送料钢丝送料轮旋转带动钢丝直线前进装置

    Two, feeding mechanism: feeding mechanism is to rely on a pair of or two of the feed wheel to press the wire, in order to feed wheel rotation to drive the wire straight ahead of the device.


  • 如果我们合适风险管理机构人们能够预料这种风险,能够交换或者其他安排保护自己免受损失。

    If we had the proper risk management institutions in place, people would have anticipated this risk and would have made swaps or other arrangements to protect themselves against it.


  • 结果前进步伐遇到阻挠机构失去了学习能力,遇到风险回避熟悉领域做出决定。

    As a result, instead of moving forward, it retards progress and cease to be a learning organisation. It avoids risks and seeks to take decisions only in areas in which it is comfortable with.


  • 老板关系现在工作成功机构里不断前进的一把钥匙

    The relationship with your boss is key to success in your current position and advancement in your organization.


  • 劳委会主委郭芳煜机构准备年底全国性超过一万家公司突袭检查

    CLA Deputy Minister Kuo Fong-yu said his organization is prepared to conduct nationwide raids to over 10,000 companies by year-end.


  • 机构乐观勤劳的工作团队,铺平前进的道路极大的热情精力

    The institute has a sanguine and industrious work-team, who have paved their way ahead with great enthusiasm and effort.


  • 一个松散妇女机构永远不能尊重彼此差异紧密团结的妇女组织那样促成那么变化可以携起手来,向着共同目标前进

    A fragmented sisterhood never will make as many changes as one that is a strong Mosaic of women who respect each other's differences, but can work together toward common goals.


  • 一个松散妇女机构永远不能尊重彼此差异紧密团结的妇女组织那样促成那么变化可以携起手来,向着共同目标前进

    A fragmented sisterhood never will make as many changes as one that is a strong Mosaic of women who respect each other's differences, but can work together toward common goals.


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