• 《恋爱前规则》本片改编网络小说空姐同居日子》。

    Movie ADAPTS self network novel day cohabiting with the stewardess "."


  • 问题婴儿潮世代人们没有更新这样资讯,也没有改变他们的规则

    The problem is that the baby-boom generation didn't get the news and didn't change their rules of money.


  • 符合第(4)款规限结算所规则条文有关日期当日之后无效除非直至根据第4(1)条获得批准

    Subject to subsection (4), no provision of the former rules of a former clearing house shall have effect on or after the relevant day unless and until it is approved under section 4 (1).


  • 规则两次技术犯规每次罚款1000美元,逐步递增一旦球员获得7次技术犯规,罚金就升到了2500美元。

    Under the current rules, the first two technicals cost $1,000 each, with increases up to $2,500 once a player draws his seventh.


  • 规则必须修改因为它们适用于一百情况

    The old rules have to be revised because they only applied to the circumstances that existed a hundred years ago.


  • 规则必须修改因为它们适用于一百制定规则存在情况

    The old rules have to be revised because they only applied to the circumstances that existed when they were made a hundred years ago.


  • 我们祖先令人眼花缭乱的机会主义,适应一个冰期结束后,1万普遍规则全球变暖

    Our ancestors adapted to the universal but irregular global warming since the end of the last great Ice Age, around 10,000 years ago, with dazzling opportunism.


  • 工作人员规则几个月就开始策划法案通过

    Staff planning for the new regulations began months before the bill passed.


  • 一旦我们完全接受自己强加给自己规则,那么,公司文化不良的方式改变,”一位微软高管那段时间告诉连线》杂志。

    "Once we accept even self-imposed regulation, the culture of the company will change in bad ways," one former Microsoft executive told Wired at the time.


  • 一部分介绍简单URL重写显示了如何轻松地为 URL 重写引擎配置新的重写规则

    The simple URL rewriting demonstrated in the previous section showed how easily the URL rewriting engine can be configured with new rewriting rules.


  • 两个样式规则设置ul元素使所有li子元素水平显示,而且显示符号

    The first two styling rules set up the ul element to display all the li element children horizontally with no bullets.


  • 但是这份报告发布五角大楼发言人莫里尔星期二表示没有听说任何改变美军地区行动规则计划

    But speaking Tuesday, before the report came out, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said he had not heard about any plans to change the rules that govern how U.S. forces operate in the region.


  • 新的规则引入了一个新的阶段——更低更宽后翼更高更窄,躯体更加简洁干净”。

    The new rules took the cars into another new era, with lower and wider front wings, taller and narrower rear wings, and generally muchcleaner’ bodywork.


  • 第四十九拍卖师应当拍卖宣布拍卖规则注意事项

    Article 49 an auctioneer shall announce auction rules and matters needing attention before an auction.


  • 不同规则可以使用不同的FeedURL每个不同的Feed可以在应用规则结果进行预先筛选。

    Different rules can use different feed URLs, each different feed can prefilter results before the rule is applied.


  • 这个校验和基本规则位数每一位置(第一位数乘上1第二位数乘上2,依次类推)。

    The basic rule for this checksum is that each of the first nine digits is multiplied by its position (that is, the first digit times one, the second digit times two, and so on).


  • 正如我们小节所讨论那样,一个规则定义一半Eclipse扩展

    As we discussed in the previous section, the first half of a rule definition is an Eclipse extension.


  • 行echo命令创建biz_rules.txt文件,并向其中写入三条规则

    The first three echo commands create the file biz_rules.txt, populating it with three rules.


  • 优秀高尔夫球手击球准备的时间成绩越即使研究人员骚扰,让他们规则间隔的声响,最后击球成绩依然不俗。

    Good golfers do better if they give themselves little time to prepare for their shots — and even better if they are distracted by researchers asking them to count irregularly spaced sounds.


  • 聚合活动实现数据聚合规则规则更新CCMS数据要更新客户数据每个数据数据的来源进行考虑

    The aggregation activity implements data aggregation rules which, before CCMS data is updated, take in consideration the source of the data for each data group in the customer record to be updated.


  • 危机爆发监管人员期盼市场规则能够他们承担风险做出敏锐的反应。

    Before the crisis, regulators hoped that the discipline of markets would ensure Banks were sensible in the risks they took.


  • 大约250西方社会一致认为语言中的语法句法拼写规则很重要的。人们也十分遵守

    For about 250 years, the consensus in Western societies has been that grammar, syntax and spelling matter, and that rules have to be observed.


  • 他们违反规则希腊进行纾困避免其它债务问题欧盟国家也受到市场冲击

    A year ago they tore up the rule book to bail out Greece and to ward off market attacks on other fiscal reprobates in the euro area.


  • 这些规则旨在确保各家银行面临下一场危机拥有更多资本从而能够更好地应对坏账问题。

    The purpose of the new rules is to ensure that banks have more capital when they face the next crisis, and are thus better able to cope with bad debts.


  • 这些规则包括强制要求公司发布季度财报(上市公司只需发布两次财报),以及业绩公布禁止内部人股票交易

    That includes mandatory quarterly reportinglisted companies now have to report earnings only twice a year — and a ban on share trading by company insiders ahead of results announcements.


  • 半个世纪IBM伯特·格勒恩特尔编写了程序据称再现了欧几里德几何定理但是批评家们过于依赖程序员提供规则

    Half a century ago, IBM's Herbert Gelernter authored a program that purportedly rediscovered Euclid's geometry theorems, but critics said it relied too much on programmer-supplied rules.


  • 在选举两星期,遵守规则改造不可能发生的,特别是那个解职雇佣正是卡尔扎伊本人时。

    With just a fortnight before the election, it is impossible for proper reform to take place, particularly as the only man with the power to hire and fire its commissioners is Mr Karzai himself.


  • 例中两个规则关系

    In this case the first two rules are related.


  • 例中两个规则关系

    In this case the first two rules are related.


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