• 三星董事长李健熙因背信首尔法庭判定有罪

    A Seoul court ruled former Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee was guilty of breach of trust.


  • 鲍格尔美国先锋共同基金创始人董事长

    Bogle is the founder and former chief executive of the Vanguard Group of Mutual Funds.


  • 直到2004年,安然首席执行官杰夫·斯基前董事长首席执行官肯•雷才被起诉

    But it not until 2004 were former CEO Jeff Skilling and ex-chairman and CEO Ken Lay indicted.


  • 即使7月份广发证券董事长因为这次怀疑存在内部交易调查中被捕吉林敖东也不能打消投资者狂热

    Not even the July arrest of Guangfa's ex-president on suspicion of insider trading in the same investigation that ensnared Jilin Aodong could dampen investor enthusiasm.


  • 日本富士施乐公司董事长小林太郎估计仅有大约25%日本公司采用美国董事会结构

    According to the Japanese Fuji xerox chairman Lin Yang tai long before the company, estimates that only about 25% of Japanese companies using America's board of directors structure.


  • 昨日北京知名中介公司中大恒基董事长刘益良因寻衅滋事敲诈勒索罪海淀法院判处有期徒刑

    Yesterday, Liu Yiliang, former Board Chairman of Beijing Golden Keys Real Estate, was sentenced to 8 years for defiance and extortion by the People's Court of Haidian District, Beijing.


  • 奥林巴斯长期借款已经膨胀527亿日元过去年中董事长川刚收购集团包括耗资2.1亿美元收购

    Olympus's long-term borrowings have swelled to 527 billion yen in the past five years, when former Chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa made acquisitions including the $2.1 billion takeover of Gyrus Group Plc.


  • 力克巴蒂斯塔巴西石油矿产巨头,他是巴西矿业部长和卓越跨国矿业公司瓦勒的前董事长埃利泽巴蒂斯塔的儿子

    Eike Fuhrken Batista is a Brazilian oil &mining magnate and son of Eliezer Batista, former mining minister of Brazil and former chief executive of prominent multinational mining company Vale.


  • 霍维娅公司董事长托马斯-R-威廉斯发现许多银行界工作年轻人知道什么时候停止研究方案,什么时候该着手结束工作。

    Thomas R. Williams, former chairman of Wachovia Corporation, discovered that many young people in banking don't know when to stop researching a project and start wrapping it up.


  • 晚宴董事长脱(董)上台致辞到场来宾进行感谢,对ROMO由来进行讲解现场宾客对ROMO更加了解

    Before the dinner, chairman of the Group of positive peaks came off the speech, guests were on the scene thanks to explain the origin of ROMO, so the scene guests of ROMO more understanding.


  • 霍维娅公司董事长托马斯,威廉斯发现许多银行界工作的年轻人知道什么时候停止研究方案,什么时候该着手结束工作。

    Williams, former chairman of Wachovia Corporation, discovered that many young people in banking don' t know when to stop researching a project and start wrapping it up.


  • 霍维娅公司董事长托马斯·r·威廉斯发现许多银行界工作的年轻人知道什么时候停止研究方案,什么时候该着手结束工作。

    Williams, former chairman of Wachovia Corporation, discovered that many young people in banking don't know when to stop researching a project and start wrapping it up.


  • 然后还有坎贝尔先生,他是诸如IntuitGo著名倒闭手写式电脑制造商为麦金托什机【注2】制作软件的Claris等公司董事长

    Then there is Mr. Campbell, a former chief executive of companies like Intuit; Go, a renowned but failed maker of a pen computer; and Claris, which made software for Macintosh computers.


  • 与此同时了解到,资深金融家、富时指数(FTSE)成份股公司前董事长仍旧秘书把发给邮件打印出来阅读——然后秘书口述回复邮件的内容。

    Meanwhile, I know a senior financier, an ex-chair of a FTSE company, who still has his secretary print out his e-mails for him to read so he can then dictate replies for her to e-mail back.


  • 华盛顿特区风湿病学家、曾任美国医疗协会(American Medical Association)董事长的斯加列托(RaymondScalettar)表示,他一句话奉劝大家:患者能为自己医生能够为患者做的更多

    'I have a mantra: You can do more for yourself than I can do for you,' says Raymond Scalettar, a Washington, D.C., rheumatologist and former chairman of the American Medical Association.


  • 华盛顿特区风湿病学家、曾任美国医疗协会(American Medical Association)董事长的斯加列托(RaymondScalettar)表示,他一句话奉劝大家:患者能为自己医生能够为患者做的更多

    'I have a mantra: You can do more for yourself than I can do for you, ' says Raymond Scalettar, a Washington, D.C., rheumatologist and former chairman of the American Medical Association.


  • 即使计票结束银行董事们就在考虑更换董事长刘易斯因为明显失去很多股东支持

    Even before the vote count was final, the bank's directors were considering replacing Mr. Lewis as chairman because it was clear he had lost the support of so many shareholders.


  • 宏观经济顾问(Macroeconomic Advisers)咨询公司董事长美联储官员拉里•迈耶(LarryMeyer)表示:“我们谈论可能战后最为严重衰退之一。”

    We may be talking about one of the most severe recessions in the post-war period,” said Larry Meyer, chairman of Macroeconomic Advisers and a former Fed governor.


  • 一位知情人士称,高管就是AMD首席执行长、时任董事长鲁毅智(Hector Ruiz)。

    The AMD executive is Hector Ruiz, then AMD's chairman and previously the company's chief executive, according to a person familiar with the matter.


  • 加入OpenTable曾供职eBay多年乔丹出任公司执行董事长管理大权交由2005年以来担任公司首席财务官的马修·罗伯茨

    Jordan, an EBAY (EBAY) veteran before joining OpenTable, will become its executive chairman, handing the REINS to Matthew Roberts, its CFO since 2005.


  • 维亚康姆的董事长是难得一见的萨默.雷石东公司运营公司律师打理

    Viacom is controlled by the rarely seen Sumner Redstone, but run by a former corporate lawyer.


  • 非洲甚至不在我们视线内,如今我们发现那里涌现出大量机会。”百盛集团董事长首席执行官大卫·诺瓦克

    "Africa wasn't even on our radar screen 10 years ago, but now we see it exploding with opportunity," says David Novak, Yum's chairman and chief executive officer.


  • 辞职,原因董事长愈见不合

    I left them a week ago, owing to a disagreement with the President.


  • 联想控股董事长柳传志创办众多公司,每年都会中国内陆一个城市举行年会

    THREE years ago one of the many companies started by Liu Chuanzhi, the chairman of Legend Holdings, held its annual meeting in a city in the Chinese interior.


  • 斯考特汤普森在线支付服务董事长星期四说到贝宝计划在年底推出一种付款产品帮助企业网络收集小额付款s”。

    Scott Thompson, the online payment service's president, said Thursday that PayPal plans to roll out a payment product by the end of the year that helps businesses collect "micropayments" on the Web.


  • 斯考特汤普森在线支付服务董事长星期四说到贝宝计划在年底推出一种付款产品帮助企业网络收集小额付款s”。

    Scott Thompson, the online payment service's president, said Thursday that PayPal plans to roll out a payment product by the end of the year that helps businesses collect "micropayments" on the Web.


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