• 什刹之东帽儿胡同其正宫皇后婉容的娘家

    Shi Shahai former East Sea Maor alley Is the Queen's Palace is the home Wanrong;


  • 万科前海国际会议中心深圳前海万科企业公馆中的大型公建项目

    Vanke Qianhai International Convention Center is the Large-scale Public Building Project in Vanke enterprise mansions, Qianhai, Shenzhen.


  • 餐厅位于平安大街医院对面一个精致四合院中,瞬间切换都市繁华宁静

    Green Street Restaurant is located in the hospital before the sea opposite a charming little courtyard, the instantaneous switching urban prosperity and tranquility.


  • 强调公共价值最大化理念使前海企业公馆成为现代企业充分展示企业公民意识平台

    Emphasizing the idea of maximized public value, which makes Qianhai enterprise mansions become platforms that modern enterprises fully display their corporate citizenship.


  • 前海万能产品提供每年4%至8%的回报率使它们成为零售客户吸引力短期投资

    Foresea's universal insurance products offered returns of between 4 and 8 per cent a year, making them attractive short-term investments for retail customers.


  • 深圳前海艾艾传统进行了改良,简单实用,艾灸的一款产品,男女老少皆使用

    Shenzhen Qianhai ai paste is the traditional moxibustion is improved, simple, practical, moxibustion is a product that everyone can use.


  • 母亲临终照顾

    Her mother had asked her on her deathbed to care for Heidi.


  • 梯子,

    Climbing up the ladder, he went up to Heidi's bed.


  • 他们到达顶端时,老人着的窗户

    When they had arrived on top, the old man lifted Heidi up to the open window.


  • 1996年女皇号油轮泄露袭击威尔士曾进行过这样调查使得当时监视区域令人满意的环境恢复进度成为可能

    Such a survey was done before oil from the tanker Sea Empress hit the Welsh coast in 1996, and made it possible to monitor the quite pleasing speed of the recovery.


  • 天文馆成员重新设计馆内展品时,他们冥王星划入伊伯天体的集团中,还不是八大行星在一起。

    A decade ago, when he and the Hayden staff redesigned the planetarium's exhibits, they lumped Pluto with the Kuiper Belt objects rather than with the eight official planets.


  • ,在有关方面对最新污染进行调查浙江德清县电池公司负责人拘留,地方官员受到记过处分。

    Two weeks ago, the head of Zhejiang Deqing Haijiu Battery Corporation was detained and several local officials received demerits after an investigation into the latest contamination case.


  • 一项小型研究表明脑部扫描可以阿尔默症(老年痴呆症)发病多年就检测出大脑中的病变。

    Brain scans may be able to indicate potential Alzheimer's patients years before symptoms appear, according to the results of a small study.


  • 贝琳达瓦特村庄旅程开始于英国踏上火车那一刻遇到了

    Belinda's journey to the Swat Valley began some five years ago when she stepped on to a train in the UK and met Yahya Khan.


  • 鸿表示工厂经理已经明确表示,公司支付加班工资,“名挟怨策划这起非法行为员工采取法律手段”。

    Hon Hai said its manager at the plant had made clear that the company would pay overtime and "take legal actions only against the disgruntled former employee who plotted this unlawful act".


  • 了癌症去世,对最大诅咒就是要求埃里克不要把一直垂涎欲滴陶罐熏肉的菜谱告诉

    While she was dying of cancer, his ex-wife’s utmost curse was to forbid Erica from ever giving him a coveted pot roast recipe.


  • 监管英国公共场所禁烟令执行情况内阁卫生秘书长西亚•威特任不支持禁令的乔•莱德一同离开了议会。

    Patricia Hewitt, a former health secretary who oversaw the ban on smoking in public places in England, has left along with her predecessor, John Reid, who did his best to thwart such a ban.


  • 美国西南部亚利桑纳州预计资深参议员麦凯恩在共和党初选中会轻易击败众议员沃思。

    In (the southwestern state of) Arizona, veteran U.S. Senator John McCain is expected to easily defeat former U.S. Representative J.D. Hayworth in a Republican Party primary.


  • 为足校选了40年轻僧人,接受武术专家国家队球员双重辅导。

    He has selected 40 young monks to train at the school under the supervision of martial arts experts and former international footballers.


  • 还记得的样子吗,丝特

    Dost thou remember me, Hester, as I was nine years agone?


  • 就是尖刻竞选因为这些电话而暂为缓和,当然也并不总是如此比如麦凯恩议员就从来接到国会议员,J·D·华斯的电话。

    Even the most bitter campaigns are usually punctuated by the phone call, though not always Senator McCain, for instance, never heard from the former Congressman, J. d.


  • 尽管桑德唯一一首进入40名榜单的单曲,但是很多酒店以及戏剧歌手单独表演或者录制唱片时常常选用的歌曲。

    Although it was Sondheim's only Top 40 hit, his songs are frequently performed and recorded by cabaret artists and theatre singers in their solo careers.


  • 的落地签国家一栏中填写西撒哈拉,因此被机场禁止入境。

    A year ago Ms Haidar was turned back at Laayoune's airport, apparently for writing "Western Sahara" as her country on her landing card.


  • 原来如今6英尺8英寸高沃德不久还是一个5英尺11英寸的青少年网球选手混双比赛中和双胞胎姐姐希瑟搭档

    Turns out Hayward, now 6-8, was a 5-11 junior tennis player not so long ago, competing in mixed doubles with his twin sister, Heather.


  • 几十冰川坐落脊上摩擦力阻止冰川流动,”解释道

    "Some decades ago, the glacier was sitting on this ridge and the friction of the ridge was restraining the flow of the glacier," he explained.


  • 英国电影制片人蒂姆·瑟林顿美国摄影记者克里斯·洪德罗斯利比亚遇难凸显记录冲突本身所固有的危险

    The deaths in Libya a week ago of British filmmaker Tim Hetherington and American photographer Chris Hondros highlighted the peril inseparable from recording conflict.


  • 自从一个世纪克尔(Haeckel)编写了《自然艺术形式》(KunstformenderNatur )后,新物种发现速度一直没变

    The rate of species discovery has remained about even ever since Haeckel compiled his Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms of Nature) a century ago


  • 自从一个世纪克尔(Haeckel)编写了《自然艺术形式》(KunstformenderNatur )后,新物种发现速度一直没变

    The rate of species discovery has remained about even ever since Haeckel compiled his Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms of Nature) a century ago


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