• 航天计划长远前景尚未明朗

    The long-term future of the space programme hangs in the balance.


  • 他们表示尽管此类课程计划尚未浮出水面,但他们课堂以外学习应用前景兴趣。

    They say that they are drawn to the prospect of learning applications outside the classroom, though such lesson plans have yet to surface.


  • 欧盟委员会国家补助重建计划争吵使得前景并不明朗

    But rows with the European Commission over state aid and restructuring plans make its future uncertain.


  • 所有一切都担心奥巴马计划前景

    All of this leaves me concerned about the prospects for the Obama plan.


  • 然而面对不稳定国内需求海外市场需求增长缓慢前景汽车制造商正准备取消他们的计划

    However, given weak domestic demand and the prospect of a slowdown in demand growth in most overseas markets, carmakers are scaling back their plans.


  • 补充说通告显示一五计划目标将如何真正调动行为——人们事业前景取决于这一目标的实现。

    "[This announcement] shows how these five year plan targets can really mobilise behaviour... people's career prospects are riding on meeting them," added Wang.


  • 然而不确定主要来源供应这边,特别亚洲大量计划工厂的困难前景

    The chief source of uncertainty, though, is on the supply side-in particular, the troubled outlook for a host of planned new plants in Asia.


  • 这些必要的计划作为暂时安全保障直到经济前景变得更加稳固

    These necessary programmes should serve as a temporary safety net, until our economic future stands on more certain ground.


  • OBR发布份针对英国经济财政前景更加真实评估。这份评估无疑税收计划做了铺垫。

    A more realistic assessment from the OBR about Britain's economic and fiscal prospects will surely pave the way for higher taxes.


  • 尽管远眺未来美国计划消减量变得更加雄心勃勃;但是即将发生惨淡前景正是由于十几美国观望态度造成的。

    Look further ahead, though, and the proposed us reductions become more ambitious; the poor prospects on the immediate horizon are effectively a consequence of the last dozen years of American drift.


  • 由于全球气候变化大会谈判受挫REDD计划筹集资金前景显得非常渺茫,不管怎样,资金必须筹集到位。

    With global climate-change negotiations foundering, the prospects of raising cash for REDD that way look poor. But the money must be found from somewhere.


  • 旅行教育计划前景

    Travel and educational plans are promising.


  • 不过通用汽车管理层正在制定可能收购克莱斯勒计划,该公司高管仍然对两家公司合并的前景持乐观态度

    Still, GM's management team is hammering out a potential takeover of Chrysler, and top-level executives remain bullish on the prospects of a combined GM and Chrysler.


  • 然而策略中前景、也隐患的环节在于戴尔着重加强技术服务计划

    But the area with the greatest promise-and the most potential pitfalls-is Dell's plan to put more emphasis on services.


  • 上个月围绕着惠普公司前景“混乱困惑”导致公司股票遭遇重8月19日,即公司公布战略转型计划第二天,股价出现跳水。

    The confusion surrounding HP's future led to precipitous drops in the company's stock price last month, with shares plummeting on August 19, the day after it made its strategy announcement.


  • 战神火箭计划于2015年正式服役然而一份有影响力评估报告NASA人类太空计划前景表示了怀疑

    The Ares rocket is tentatively scheduled to be in service by 2015 but an influential review of Nasa's human spaceflight programme has cast doubt on its future.


  • 联合王国免疫信贷支持以及法国/智利/巴西/挪威通过机票资助艾滋病毒/结核疟疾药物计划有着光明的前景

    The United Kingdom's support for the Immunization Financing Facility, and the France/Chile/Brazil/Norway plan to fund HIV/TB and malaria drugs through airline ticket taxes are very promising.


  • 福特公司一月份宣布“前进之路计划,公司前景及其员工未来就显得一片惨淡

    WHEN Ford unveiled its plan for a "Way Forward" in January, the future of the company and its workers seemed pretty bleak.


  • 福特公司一月份宣布“前进之路计划,公司前景及其员工未来就显得一片惨淡

    WHEN Ford unveiled its plan for a “Way Forward” in January, the future of the company and its workers seemed pretty bleak.


  • 很多商业计划部门注重未来计划财务细目着眼于更广泛前景,结果使自己成了裁减的对象

    Many of them had made themselves easy targets by concentrating too much on the financial minutiae of future plans rather than looking at the broader picture.


  • 对于一个有着糟糕经济前景的小国来说,如此重担恐怕难以承受意味着需要救助计划要比现在正在酝酿大,资金更多。

    That burden is probably too much to bear for a small country with such ropy economic prospects: it also implies that a much bigger bail-out pot is needed than the one currently being mooted.


  • 明年资产价格因为巨额刺激计划持续暴涨前景表示担忧认为这种情况可能很难挽回

    But he expressed concern about the prospect of continued inflation in asset prices next year because of the massive stimulus, which he said could prove hard to reel back in.


  • 西蒙亚当森,信贷前景的一名信贷分析师:“很显然,这项计划时间形成,而且关于怎样形成,什么时候形成仍然很多怀疑

    Simon Adamson, credit analyst at CreditSights, said: "Clearly, it has taken a long time to put together and there are still a lot of doubts about how and when.


  • 西蒙亚当森,信贷前景的一名信贷分析师:“很显然,这项计划时间形成,而且关于怎样形成,什么时候形成仍然很多怀疑

    Simon Adamson, credit analyst at CreditSights, said: "Clearly, it has taken a long time to put together and there are still a lot of doubts about how and when.


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