• 25他们装满一个时光宝盒了起来。

    Twenty-five years ago they filled a time capsule and buried it.


  • 医院晨间散步段安静祥和时光可以在那时整理思绪

    The walk in the morning before I headed to the hospital was a quiet, peaceful time to gather my thoughts.


  • ,我在一个夏令营度过了三周,那是我一生中最美好的时光

    Ten years ago, I spent three weeks at a summer camp and had the best time of my life.


  • 因此,在时光流逝,抓住每一个机会那些表达关心情感以免后悔。

    Therefore use every opportunity to express your attention and affection to the person you love and you really love, before that time passes and you regret it.


  • (用过去完成式表示与过去相反的事实)老人看着照片觉得仿佛回到20时光

    The old man looked at the picture, he felt as though he had gone back to time 20 years ago.


  • 如此美好以至于这个参议员还没有意识到就必须离开了。

    They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go.


  • 于是,每天孩子们出去玩时电视机坐,靠着一啤酒打发时光

    Then he'd spend each day with a large crate of beer in front of the television while I took the children out.


  • 就是生活很多工作家人在一起的许多美妙时光

    Well, that's my glamorous life for the last couple of weeks. It's been a lot of work, but there were also lots of great moments with my family.


  • 曼联球员,中场尼基-巴特表达了自己要向教练岗位转移的愿望。纽卡球员红魔度过了十年时光,之后詹姆斯公园36岁高龄在香港参加了一段时间的联赛。

    The former Newcastle United player spent over a decade at Old Trafford before he switched to St James' Park, with the 36-year-old also playing in China before retiring this year.


  • 几天,米德尔好友秘密庆祝了婚最后单身时光

    Miss Middleton secretly celebrated her final weeks as a single woman with a handful of her closest friends several days ago.


  • 这位pradhanPasiyapur的吊床悠度时光,他60个帕斯家庭中至少每家都有一个儿子外出打工。

    Lounging on a charpoy in Pasiyapur, the former pradhan says that all its 60 pasi families have at least one son working away.


  • 当然有些明白时光流逝是多么迅速所以他们如此坚定一切得到自己所想要的。

    Of course, there are some people who understand how quickly time passes. That's why they're so determined to get what they want before it's too late.


  • 然而对于九百万人民来说已经迹象表明美好时光已在

    Yet, before this week, there were signs of promise of better time ahead for its nine million people.


  • 如果决定假期购买礼品,你会可能放松下来,在假期到来享受这些时光

    If you decide on gifts several weeks before the holiday, you will be more likely to sit back and enjoy the festivities when the time comes.


  • 我们几天房子挂牌出售,现在似乎是可以用来深呼吸一下并且感谢源于生活信赖美满时光

    We put our house up for sale a couple of days ago and it seems a good time to stop, take a deep breathand give thanks for the trustworthiness and simple perfection of life.


  • 当年孟菲斯,2006年枷锁一直都是全明星球员枷锁来说,那不是美好时光

    Gasol was an All-Star once before in 2006 with Memphis, but it was not such a grand time.


  • 拉齐奥桑普多利亚球员阿迪·利奥·隆巴多就本周末对阵双方给出了自己看法并且谈到了自己这两家俱乐部的美好时光

    Former Lazio and Sampdoria player Attilio Lombardo has given his views on this weekend's match-up between the two sides and discussed his time at both clubs.


  • 现代临终关怀重点在于帮助人们临终安度时光

    The focus of modern hospice care is on helping people to live well until they die.


  • 快乐时光实际上值得的,比方说傍晚开售小时半价饮料

    Happy hour is actually worthwhilehalf-price drinks starting just before sunset and extending for at least two hours.


  • 老人看着照片觉得仿佛回到20时光

    The old man looked at the picture, he felt as though he (go) back to time 20 years ago.


  • 或者清理咖啡,擦干净鞋子享受下一班车到来时光

    Or, you can wipe up your coffee, clean off your shoe, and enjoy the hour before your next bus comes.


  • 新的世纪, 63成千上万关键时光哺乳动物历史上一个世界没有

    The paleocene epoch , 63 millions ago , is a crucial time in the history of mammals , it was a world without dinosaurs.


  • 萨马拉儿子快要出生几个小时决定挤出“私人时光”。

    Samara's former partner decided to squeeze in some "me-time" in the hours before his son was born.


  • 河岸院子里,我们闲暇时光漫步者,我们是自然生活是我们秉承生活信仰

    In front of riverside, in the courtyard, we walk in time of relaxation and leisure. We are natural living experts, and it the life religion we inherit.


  • 还有一些描述快乐时光绘画精心绘制的图画——地震的一所小学校,楼顶上着两个小孩,在挥手致意

    Further on are images of happier times: boats, trees and an elaborate drawing of an elementary school before the earthquake destroyed it. At the top of the building two small figures stand and wave.


  • 当然,意思不是申请季开始必须时光或者创立世界财富五百强的公司

    I'm not saying that you must have invented a time machine or founded a couple of Fortune 500 companies by the time you apply.


  • 几天于挪威拍得照片画面促使思考如何更加有效地利用人生时光

    I took this picture few days ago on a boat in Norway. It makes me think about using my time in life as efficiently as possible.


  • 几天于挪威拍得照片画面促使思考如何更加有效地利用人生时光

    I took this picture few days ago on a boat in Norway. It makes me think about using my time in life as efficiently as possible.


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