• 父亲一定要见到一遍遍地发誓如果那个魔鬼阻止这个,即使让他死自己的门阶

    Her father shall see her, I vowed, and vowed again, if that devil is killed on his own doorstones in trying to prevent it!


  • 父亲一定要见到发誓发誓,如果那个魔鬼阻止这个,即使让他死自己的

    Her father shall see her, I vowed, and vowed again, if that devil be killed on his own doorstones in trying to prevent it!


  • 附近一家工厂锈迹斑斑的铁门里,40名工人机器把蚕茧加工蚕丝

    In the nearby factory behind rusted gates, 40 workers toil at machines that transform cocoons into silk thread.


  • 一种转换开始中止情况下,没有设备可以保证情况导致所有输入参数重新设置状态

    In a case where a transformation begin, but aborts before completion, there are no facilities to guarantee that this condition will result in the reset of all input parameters to their previous state.


  • 尽管吹擂全国橄榄球联盟球星女儿,但是现实,布兰特妮已经17爸爸了。

    Though she was touted as the daughter of a former NFL star, in reality, Brittny hadn't seen her father in 17 years.


  • 许多墨西哥人婚礼上,在一支舞曲来宾们围绕新婚夫妇一个心形

    Guests at many Mexican weddings gather around the couple in a heart-shaped ring at the reception, perhaps before the first dance.


  • 告诉观察员报,“来说,事无足轻重。”作为一位功的编辑,他完全理解出版商困境

    "To me, it's an inconsequential matter," he told the Observer, but as a distinguished former editor he fully understands the publishers' dilemma.


  • 电脑工作时,键盘应该肘部这样小臂90大的角度,小臂可以放在椅子扶手

    When you work at a computer, the keyboard should be at elbow height, so your upper and lower arms form an Angle of 90 degrees or more and your forearms are supported by armrests.


  • 警察同意了,来到投币电话看到那个工人真的警察挂电话,恍然大悟,原来他们一场骗局受害者

    Permission was granted and a policeman accompanied him to a pay phone. Only when he saw that the man was actually telephoning the police did he realize that they had all been the victims of a hoax.


  • 库房带褶皱的铁皮或者瓦做顶,立在早已堵塞的下水道

    Rows of squat warehouses roofed in corrugated steel or terra-cotta tile front sewage-choked waterways.


  • 或者卡拉个“三”事件3

    Or was Carradine No. 3 in a previous trinity of death?


  • 工厂商店附近行人电动车争抢空间,制鞋模具和盒子鞋子加工厂着。

    Inside a honeycomb of small shops and factories, pedestrians compete for sidewalk space with scooters, construction crews and boxes stacked outside crowded showrooms.


  • 游客》在拍摄曾经过多位导演演员之手,最终拍板是因为朱莉决定找个不错地方陪着布莱德·皮特等待《点球金》的开拍

    Previously passed around between numerous directors and actors, the Tourist finally got the greenlight when Jolie wanted to film somewhere nice while Brad Pitt waited for Moneyball to start shooting.


  • 为了使3解释传播的特征,必要回顾一下论述

    Least Fig. 3 be interpreted as the signature of zonally propagating waves, it is worth recalling what is said in the preceding chapter.


  • G20立于新兴市场遭遇危机之时,这个组织已经适合应对今天问题

    The G20, created after the emerging-market crises a decade ago, is not perfect for today’s problems.


  • 徐昕泉公司目标未来全球排名五位的手机品牌

    The company aims to become one of the world's top five handset brands in the next three to five years, Mr. Xu said.


  • 厂区生产电脑主板工厂内,年轻男女生产线穿着蓝色拖鞋白色帽子

    Inside the compound, at a factory devoted to computer motherboards, rows of young men and women stand at assembly lines, their feet shod in blue slippers and white caps on their heads.


  • 星期五祈祷开始祷告扎着堆放在行路石两边

    WELL before the start of Friday prayers, rolls of MATS tied with string re waiting propped against the kerb.


  • 我们喜欢雅典想象穿着长袍公民神庙集市若有所思地徘徊着,思考着深奥的哲学问题。

    We like to think of Athens as a place where robed citizens wandered thoughtfully through the Parthenon and agora.


  • 韩国均馆大学30排位上升最多的,40名开外上升到了第26名。

    The biggest rise in the top 30 has been achieved by Sungkyunkwan University, in South Korea, which has moved up from outside the top 40 to 26th place.


  • 道路2012年春季竣工时,这次旅行缩短满是灰尘驾车游。

    When the road is fully constructed in spring of 2012, the first 10 days of the trip will be cut to a two-day dusty drive.


  • 然后大约在一万一千左右,一双人手巧妙地将枚“终正果美丽卵石雕刻了如今大英博物馆馆藏展品动人件。

    But about 11, 000 years ago, a human hand then shaped and chipped this beautifully chattered, rounded pebble into one of the most moving objects in the British Museum.


  • 看到段标记:”我喜欢改变自己想法获得不是一不变坐以待毙

    A few weeks ago I saw this sign: “I’d rather change my mind and succeed than have my own way and fail.”


  • 次,接受国有电视频道罗西亚(Rossiya)采访时,电视台他的评论美国施前成队的饥民大量无家可归民众镜头之间切换画面。

    During an appearance on the state TV channel Rossiya, the station cut between his comments and TV footage of lines at soup kitchens and crowds of homeless people in the U.S..


  • 之后不到时间里,Christie购买了鹿腿画廊,一个2002年的非常著名的经销商创始人包括了Christie的当代艺术部主管

    Less than a year later Christie’s bought Haunch of Venison, another high-profile dealer set up in 2002, whose founders included a former director of Christie’s contemporary-art department.


  • G20峰会召开天里此次活动聚集了所有G20员国青年企业家代表团

    In the three days before the G20 Summit, the event brought together delegations of young entrepreneurs from all the G20 member nations. Photo: YUNUS centre.


  • 新近研究显示miRNA异常表达可防止癌变细胞死亡它们增殖肿瘤

    Recent research has shown that aberrant versions of this cluster are involved in preventing pre-cancerous cells from dying and allowing them to proliferate into tumors.


  • 新近研究显示miRNA异常表达可防止癌变细胞死亡它们增殖肿瘤

    Recent research has shown that aberrant versions of this cluster are involved in preventing pre-cancerous cells from dying and allowing them to proliferate into tumors.


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