• 分析指出,线系统由高空槽湿引起的不稳定强对流天气

    The squall line is a kind of instable and strong convective weather caused by the air with upper-layer dry and lower-layer wet in front of the upper-troposphere trough.


  • 例如亚里斯多德公元世纪一个研究图书馆

    For example, Aristotle once had a research library in the third century B.C..


  • 飞机工程师发现他们没有完全了解金属疲劳——四月一日,西北航空公司812航班使用的波音737-300客机在从凤凰城飞往萨克拉门托的途中发现在机身的上半部有一个五英尺的裂纹,不得不紧急迫降

    Over the past few weeks, aircraft engineers have found they do not know quite as much about metal fatigue as they thought.


  • 由于发现自家照明功率超过千瓦记者就决定每个白炽灯泡寿命到期后,相应的紧凑荧光灯替换

    With over eight kilowatts of lighting capacity in his home, your correspondent decided three years ago to replace each incandescent light bulb, when it died, with a CFL equivalent.


  • 由于分析人士喜欢做出一项知情决定收集尽可能事实也许会给别人留下优柔寡断的感觉

    Because the analytical likes to gather as many facts as possible before making an informed decision, he may be perceived by others as being indecisive.


  • 一法则大约400伽利略•伽利雷那个著名比萨斜塔实验所证明的,当时塔顶同时释放球炮弹毛瑟枪子弹,以及木头制成小球

    This principle was famously demonstrated by Galileo Galilei some 400 years ago when he simultaneously dropped cannon and musket balls, and balls made of gold, silver and wood, from the Tower of Pisa.


  • 发达经济体不应承诺2013年使财政赤字减半,而是可以决定是否提高退休年龄或者解放专业行业

    Instead of promising to halve their budget deficits by 2013, for instance, big rich economies could decide to raise their retirement ages or free up their professional services.


  • 交谈农民还在从事糊口的自给农业

    I spoke to farmers who only ten years ago barely made ends meet as subsistence farmers.


  • 调用上述方法(通常处理请求调用该方法)。

    Invoke the above generic method, which must always be called before processing the request.


  • 接受休利特女士施德女士调查事业女性中,有四分之一工作时间每周增长了818个小时

    More than a quarter of the female high-fliers surveyed by Ms Hewlett and Ms Rashid report working between eight and 18 hours more each week than they did three years ago.


  • 对于两种情况,只能简易音频或视频无线器来演示文稿,这时你需要份打印稿

    For the first two, you may have no choice but to go with an av free presentation, so have a printed copy of your notes with you.


  • 这位病人60出头杰出艺术家,20患有病毒肝炎,曾是肝脏移植候选者

    A gifted artist in his early 60s, the patient was a liver transplant candidate who learned he had hepatitis B some 20 years earlier.


  • 如果能看到半个足弓,那么你普遍肌也正常

    If you see about half of your arch, you have the most common foot type and are considered a normal pronator.


  • 鲁比尼说:“全球经济陷入场较为严重且长期持续的U经济衰退,而这种衰退早在一年开始了。”

    The entire global economy will contract in a severe and protracted U-shaped global recession that started a year ago, "Roubini said."


  • 简而言之网络笔记本的笔记本电脑功能差不多。

    They are, in short, comparable to laptops from two or three years ago.


  • 第三研究研究者同样采用了来自CHARGE研究法,研究了患有2 -糖尿病妊娠期糖尿病、慢性高血压怀孕过度肥胖母亲

    In a third study, which also drew from data from the CHARGE study, researchers looked at mothers who had diabetes (Type 2 and gestational), chronic hypertension and pre-pregnancy obesity.


  • 另外有40%的属“幸存”,他们在80得了慢性病然而却活了更久佳话

    Another 40 per cent were "survivors", who suffered from chronic diseases before the age of 80 but lived longer to tell the tale.


  • 进攻边后卫受到史无重视,比如切尔西边后卫基本助攻。这种战术意味着球队名球员压,身后当然会留下大片空档

    Attacking full-backs are more important than ever - Chelsea's are basically auxiliary wingers - meaning teams are getting forward in Numbers and leaving lots of space behind them.


  • 物质吸导致的Ia超新星会在爆发产生大量X射线辐射

    A Type 1a supernova caused by accreting material produces significant X-ray emission prior to the explosion.


  • 因感染h1n 1流感病毒需要住院治疗人数783人,一周785人略有下降

    The number of people needing hospital care for the virus is 783, down slightly from 785, in the previous week.


  • 诊断为患有幽门螺旋杆菌十二指肠溃疡得到血液检测结果后便开始使用PrevPac药物疗法(种多药物联合疗法)。

    I was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer two weeks ago - H. pylori type - and have been on the PrevPac since we got the blood test results.


  • 不久一个社交网站上闲逛,当时在要是网站不这么沉寂多好可以blog上进行评论或者在社交网络的个人资料里大肆吹嘘一番。

    A while ago, I looked around the social web and wished that it could be less static. Sure, you can leave a comment on a blog or write a text blurb on your social networking profile.


  • 扎克伯格受到校长朱-佛斯特(DrewFaust其他大学教职工洛叶布楼(LoebHouse举行的简短的欢迎,佛斯特哈佛大学发现下一代技术企业家地方

    President Drew Faust and other University officials, who met with him briefly at Loeb House. Faust said that Harvard was a good place to look for the next generation of technology entrepreneurs.


  • 大约太太没怎么考虑就挑选了属于积极管理Primecap基金

    A decade or so ago, my wife randomly picked the actively managed Primecap fund.


  • TheSkinny:不久地铁报》称曼联有意下本菲卡的防守中场球员哈维·加西亚

    The Skinny: Metro reported a while back that United were interested in signing defensive midfielder Javi Garcia away from Benfica.


  • 日产Leaf电动汽车内部装饰,该车定于今年年底上市销售

    The interior of the Nissan 'Leaf' electric car which is due to be go on sale later this year


  • 在最后失败打了这部游戏10分钟不是喜欢的

    I played the game for 10 minutes before conceding that it was not for me.


  • 在最后失败打了这部游戏10分钟不是喜欢的

    I played the game for 10 minutes before conceding that it was not for me.


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