• 产品贴有中国制造”的标签。

    The produce was labelled "Made in China."


  • 建筑物模型纸片制造的。

    The model of the building was made of card.


  • 英国制造多年一直在萎缩。

    British manufacturing industry has been running down for years.


  • 每个制造几种可能的选择。

    There were several possibilities open to each manufacturer.


  • 严重缺陷汽车制造商召回

    Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers.


  • 报告中的调查结果偏袒制造商。

    The findings of the report had been slanted in favour of the manufacturers.


  • 汽车制造可能被迫大幅度降价

    Car makers could be forced to slash prices.


  • 制造过程中的故障影响工厂产量

    Manufacturing glitches have limited the factory's output.


  • 如果不管就把退还制造厂家。

    If it doesn't work, send it back to the maker.


  • 斯巴鲁最小日本汽车制造之一

    Subaru is one of the smallest Japanese car makers.


  • 要按制造要求频率更换过滤套筒。

    Change the filter cartridge as often as instructed by the manufacturer.


  • 玛丽恩指责制造噪声

    Marion berated Joe for the noise he made.


  • 许多制造有为敲诈勒索保险的保单

    Many manufacturers have policies to protect themselves against blackmailers.


  • 更为险恶解释中东制造事端

    The more sinister explanation is that he is about to make mischief in the Middle East again.


  • 设备高度自动化生产线制造的。

    The equipment was made on highly automated production lines.


  • 该国制造产业有些职业也许永远消失。

    Some of the nation's manufacturing jobs may be gone for good.


  • 某些材料可以制造拉伸强度大的产品。

    Certain materials can be manufactured with a high tensile strength.


  • 我们试图说服制造商们在这里销售它们

    We're trying to persuade manufacturers to sell them here.


  • 这些在哪里制造的?

    Where were they made?


  • 我们要求台机器我们自己的规格制造

    We want the machine manufactured to our own spec.


  • 该国由于失去240万制造工作机会,濒临崩溃。

    The country was being brought to its knees by the loss of 2.4 million manufacturing jobs.


  • 制造不能提供所需信息我们表示“有待宣布”。

    When a manufacturer could not supply requested information, we have shown TBA.


  • 重点已经制造服务行业转移

    There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries.


  • 指控比赛结束制造骚乱

    He was charged with causing a disturbance after the game.


  • 这些制造优质纸张原料

    These trees provide the raw material for high-quality paper.


  • 这些螺丝钉用公制尺码制造的。

    These screws are metric.


  • 制造燃料短缺的影响最为严重。

    Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage.


  • 这些坦克车主要是用钢板制造

    The tanks were mainly constructed of steel plates.


  • 这起谋杀案是几个串通制造

    Several people had colluded in the murder.


  • 台照相机完全按价制造

    The camera is well specced at the price.


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