• 他们通过一项员工股份所有计划持有企业31%股份,这使Publix成为全美最大的员工所有公司

    They own 31% of the firm through an employee share-ownership plan, making Publix the largest employee-owned company in America.


  • 本文核心部分企业年金会计理论指导下,借鉴国外企业年金会计准则的研究成果,探讨设定提存设定受益制计划下的企业年金会计处理与报告;

    The following is the core of the article, which analyzes the accounting method of defined benefit enterprise annuity and defined contribution enterprise annuity on basis of western experience.


  • 我们应该执行计划因事原则相结合政策

    We should carry out the policy of integrating unified planning with the principle of adaptation to local conditions.


  • 需要注意,上面所说的200mm规格产线计划615恢复量产,此日期指的是工厂可以开始接受200mm圆片开始加工的日期,而从晶圆片出芯片并对其进行封装成可以直接销售客户的成品,则可能需要再等上2.5-3个月。

    The June 15 date is a wafers-in start date. It can take up to three months for a wafer to be processed and packaged for shipment to customers.


  • 所有这些计划为了建立南方人梦寐以求苏丹:一个统一的、联邦多民族国家,几十年来第一能够建立内部和平上。

    All these proposals were designed to create the New Sudan that southerners dream of: an integrated, federal and multiethnic nation that, for the first time in decades, could live at peace with itself.


  • 的这10准则不是个“快速”的计划

    My Top 10 Rules are not a "Get Rich Quick" scheme.


  • 计划进军造船业的同时,浦项铁也亚洲钢铁厂寻找并购机会

    As well as planning to expand into shipbuilding, POSCO is looking out for opportunities to acquire steelmakers in Asia.


  • 是否计划改变游戏中的实名系统,比如玩家能够选择由系统分配用户代替自己真实姓名

    Q: Are there any plans to change the in-game real ID system so that players will have the option to display an assigned user name instead of their real names?


  • 拉德以市场方式减少污染计划差点儿就掉进了获两党支持而通过的圈套。

    Mr Rudd came within a whisker of snaring bipartisan support for a market-based scheme to cut carbon pollution.


  • 农村联产承包责任带来了大量超出国家计划收购数量农产品

    The rural contract responsibility system created huge agricultural surpluses which had to be marketed outside the state system.


  • 明年马来西亚首次派遣宇航员搭乘俄罗斯火箭进入太空,计划首次太空马来西亚受欢迎的饮料——拉茶。

    Malaysia will send its first astronaut into the heavens aboard a Russian rocket next year and attempt for the first time to make the nation's favourite hot drink, teh tarik, in space.


  • 他们寻求全日工作兼职,要增加薪水,并且享有多雇主养老金计划

    They were looking for the creation of full-time jobs rather than part-time, increased wages, and the retention of their multi-employer pension plan.


  • 4月26日他们的工作中心发言人宣称发现一个红衫军领导者其他反动人物定的、反君主机密计划

    On April 26th their operations-centre spokesman claimed to have unearthed a secret anti-monarchist plot by red-shirt leaders and other opposition figures.


  • 校长Anton Schatz)透露,学校计划在整个2012期间再加开一个全日授课

    The school plans oneextra all-day class a year through 2012, according to the deputy headmaster, Anton Schatz.


  • 希望国会批准通过从毕业到就业计划那些不想取得四年大学学位年轻人提供高质量培训

    And I wanted Congress to approve a school-to-work program, to provide one or two years of high-quality training for young people who didn't want to get a four-year college degree.


  • 办公桌轮用开放式计划办公极端版本人们坐在办公场所任何一处他们地方,挪动自己周围用品

    This is especially true for hotdesking, an extreme version of open plan working where people sit wherever they want in the work place, moving their equipment around with them.


  • Oakeshott为无经验的联营企业拟定经营计划,为资金作担保,1979年创办代表联营企业讲话的“员工所有协会”,因此他自己成为了一个能给人激励的

    Mr Oakeshott became an inspiration himself, drawing up business plans for fledgling co-ops, securing capital and founding the Employee Ownership Association in 1979 to speak for them.


  • 常春藤名校在截至到6月30的2009财政年度得到的捐赠去年预计将减少30%,预算的裁员计划实属无奈。

    The Ivy League school took the action to meet budget constraints caused by an estimated 30 percent fall in its endowment for its 2009 fiscal year, ending June 30.


  • 如果一切计划进行,大三Patterson五月毕业仅仅大学待了。(OK,大学是四年,都知道了吧。)

    If everything goes as scheduled, Patterson, a junior, will graduate in May after only three years of college.


  • 计划先发充分把握各种机遇。

    It lets you be proactive and make the best of opportunities.


  • 体现博士训练中心提供的博士学位的转变上。相比起三计划,四年包括了技能提升项目

    That's embodied by a shift to centers for doctoral training (CDTs) that provide 4-year Ph.D.s, including skills-development programs, rather than 3-year project student Ph.D.s.


  • 国际货币基金组织近日表示采取计划工作及其影响拉动日经济增长的作用在持续减弱。

    The IMF recently noted that both the implementation of planned public works and their effectiveness in boosting the Japanese economy have declined over time.


  • 计划通过取消加班时间的薪资收入税使得每周35小时工作得到放松

    He plans to liberalise the 35-hour week by exonerating all overtime from payroll charges and income tax.


  • 登记注册了一堂社区大学课程,还计划将我学分转入四年大学

    And I've also enrolled in my first community college class, with the plan of transferring my credits to a four-year university.


  • 负债一种叫做权责发生会计方法计划评估合法债务

    Liabilities are legal debts or obligations that are planned or estimated using a method of accounting called accrual accounting.


  • 方面的计划主要识别必不可少的管理活动并且建立明确责任进行活动。

    This program is mainly to identify essential management activities, and establish a clear responsibility to carry out activities.


  • 有会员/忠诚度计划的相关工作经验

    Proven working experience in a membership/loyalty programme environment .


  • 有会员/忠诚度计划的相关工作经验

    Proven working experience in a membership/loyalty programme environment .


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