• 制定套持续策略通过在线旅行社预订酒店的客人进行重复销售。

    Develop an ongoing strategy to remarket to any customer who has booked your hotel through an OTA.


  • 可以制定交易策略一夜之后赚取大量金钱然后花费数月或者年时间发现到底真实的金钱还是运气还是过分的风险承担

    You can create a trading strategy that overnight makes lots of money, and it can take months or years to find out whether it is real money or luck or excessive risk-taking, ” Philippon explained.


  • 可以制定交易策略一夜之后赚取大量金钱然后花费数月或者年时间发现到底真实的金钱还是运气还是过分的风险承担

    You can create a trading strategy that overnight makes lots of money, and it can take months or years to find out whether it is real money or luck or excessive risk-taking,” Philippon explained.


  • 在为自己的网站设计苦思冥想的时候,不要忘了参考制定的那份商业化策略

    Refer to your monetization strategy (or philosophy) when you need to make design decisions for your web site.


  • 下面我们来讲一下如何解决这些题,以便制定更好的策略获取成就吧。

    Now, lets' talk about how solving puzzles can help with your goal achievement strategies.


  • 根据映射策略制定合理选择查询并非易事需要仔细业务需求基于特定数据场景制定合理的设计决策。

    It is not easy to make a sound selection for your mapping strategy; it requires you to carefully tune your business requirements and make sound design decisions based on your specific data scenarios.


  • 收益管理角度上看,市场细分重要性在于清楚业务具有制定前瞻性策略能力

    The importance of segmentation from a revenue management perspective is in gaining an understanding of your business and being able to set forward-looking strategies.


  • 制定策略争取岗位成功而谈判之前必须学会克服三个缺陷重重的假设

    Before you can build a strategic campaign to negotiate the conditions you need to perform well in a new role, you must learn to overcome these flawed assumptions.


  • 如果细节欠妥合适制定策略规划上的最终公司带来损害

    If you haven't gotten the details right or shaped it from the proper perspective, those two days you spent at your offsite will ultimately hurt your company.


  • 当然有些公司制定的一些政策需要稍微调整一下应对策略,此时关键记住需要谈判之初便给出期望薪资范围这会影响你的收入提升空间;另外,在多数情况下没有必要一口就答应他们第一个薪资待遇。

    The key thing to remember is that you don't have to state a salary range up front that would jeopardize your earning potential -- and, most of the time, you don't have to accept their first offer.


  • 计划目标模糊,对成果和代价现实还是令人信服只能是一塌糊涂,又谈制定策略实施

    How do you know whether the costs of what you plan to do are compelling, realistic, or worth the effort if you're unclear as to the goal? And how do you craft a strategy to get out?


  • 提前制定回复策略尽量跟进所有反馈信息

    Develop your response policy ahead of time, and make an effort to followup with all feedback.


  • 通过定义目标受众了解他们如何理解事物如何行动的,能够制定有效地他们带入连接关系策略

    By defining your audience, getting to know who they are and understanding what moves them, you will be able to create a strategy that more effectively draws them into a connection.


  • 如果知道如何使用社交媒体可以考虑专门聘用一名员工一家公司制定策略管理公司品牌社交媒体账户。

    If you don't know how to use social media, then consider hiring an individual or company to create a strategy and manage your brand's social media.


  • 我们非传统的创业环境中积极态度制定宣传策略

    You will share your positive attitude within our non-traditional entrepreneurial environment to create publicity strategy.


  • 如何制定价格策略的?

    How did you arrive at your pricing strategy?


  • 就业建议——就业服务协调者会帮助制定竞聘策略

    Career Advising - career Services Coordinators are available to help you develop your career strategy.


  • 制定一个目标开始按照策略方法去进行,这样就会提高社会生活能力。

    Establish a goal and begin to work on strategies that will improve your social life.


  • 需要图表分析的软件可让制定看盘策略获得技术支持

    Get a charting program that allows you to build watch lists, and technical supports.


  • 一旦到了网站铆足了劲重要开始制定营销策略

    Once your website is up and raring to go, it is important to start formulating a marketing strategy.


  • 第六制定应对策略感到不安写下感受努力明白,让我们受伤事情往往会使我们更加坚强

    Six, develop coping strategies: write down your feelings when you're feeling upset and try to see that traumatic events often make us stronger.


  • 我们根据这次反馈结果制定相应的市场策略提供更好服务

    We will be based on the results of this feedback to develop appropriate marketing strategies, in order to provide you with better service.


  • 制定策略可以遵循兵不厌诈原则但是很多职业道德禁区还是不要轻易跨越雷区炸的粉身碎骨

    You can follow the development strategy bingbuyanzha principle, but many of the area of professional ethics should not be lightly or you leap, it is mined areas, you will be deep-pieces.


  • Phillips建议说:“评估期间可以说制定一份策略需要更多时间去注意。”’

    "Say at review time, 'I made a decision that this needed more of my attention than that,'" Phillips said.


  • 这些用户最好策略他们表明尊重他们技能寻求他们的意见他们知道制定规则限制原因

    The best tactic with these users is to show them that you respect their skills, seek out their input, and let them know the reasons for the rules and restrictions.


  • 类似的是,在培训过程早期制定策略帮助确认需要去寻找哪些宝石去哪里确定宝石的位置以及可能会遇到哪些挑战

    Likewise, strategizing early inthe process can help you ensure that you know which gems to seek, where tolocate them, and what challenges may arise.


  • 类似的是,在培训过程早期制定策略帮助确认需要去寻找哪些宝石去哪里确定宝石的位置以及可能会遇到哪些挑战

    Likewise, strategizing early inthe process can help you ensure that you know which gems to seek, where tolocate them, and what challenges may arise.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定