• 产品制作工艺简单适于批量生产

    The production process is easy and fit for the volume production.


  • 结果表明芯片制作工艺简单,且性能稳定

    The results show that the fabrication process of the microfluided chip is simplified, and the electroosmosis property is steady.


  • 发明药物制作工艺简单治疗烫伤理想药物。

    The medicine is easy to prepare and is ideal for treating the burn and the scald.


  • 发明制作工艺简单经济,制成的成分均匀,性能稳定

    The invention is simple and economic in technology; the made-up target material is even in component and stable in performance.


  • 因此本发明功能陶瓷涂料不必经过烧结制成,从而制作工艺简单

    Therefore, the functional ceramic coating of the invention can be produced with out sintering, and the manufacture technique is simple as well.


  • 本发明制作工艺简单成本有效降低手机电磁辐射且不影响通话质量

    With a simple manufacture technique and low cost, the invention can effectively reduce the electromagnetic radiation of the cell phone without affecting the communication quality.


  • 当今FED研究的关键寻找致发射性能良好制作工艺简单经济可靠阴极

    Now the key to fabricate FED device is to find a economical and credible cathode, which has excellent field emission capability and simple manufacture technology.


  • 发明具有制作工艺简单适合大批量生产、成本、测量使用的样品量低等优点

    The invention has the excellence of easy manufacture artwork, low cost, suited to volume-produce and the low sample quantity etc.


  • 同时PLED制作工艺简单成本,使显示出了强大的竞争力巨大的市场前景

    Moreover, PLED has simple fabrication process and low cost, which shows a promising market with strong competition.


  • 产品单位质量的涂刷面积大,制作工艺简单没有特殊要求加工简单,加工成本

    This product is brushing the area per unit mass, and the production process is simple, no special requirements, processing of simple, low processing costs.


  • 这种制作工艺简单操作简便可以时间内批量进行生产,能满足市场需求

    The manufacturing technique is simple, has simple and convenient operation, can produce in batch mode in short time and meet the requirement of the market.


  • 装置使用中具有液在结晶分配均匀,熔化保护性能良好制作工艺简单特点。

    The utility model has the advantages of equal distribution of molten steel in the crystallizer, good performance of melting protecting slag, simple preparing process, etc. in use.


  • 提出用正交柱面光栅构成定向散射屏的方法,制作工艺简单成本低廉可以广泛应用于显示领域

    The new directional diffuser consisting of two perpendicular lenticular sheets can be widely used in the display domain owing to its low cost and simple process.


  • 这种器件具有制作工艺简单、阈值功率室温运转特点进行计算回路可行性研究理想元件

    The device is an ideal element for optical computing because of its favorable characteristics, such as simple fabrication technique, low critical power and easy room-temperature operation.


  • 本发明全向天线采用低剖面结构稳定性,且制作工艺简单成本,有很高实用价值广阔市场前景

    The all-directional antenna of the invention adopts a low-profile structure, and has good stability, simple preparation process, low cost, extremely high practical value and wide market prospect.


  • 平面单极天线以其结构尺寸、工作频带宽、全性能好、生产制作工艺简单优点,广泛地应用于无线通信系统中。

    The planar monopole antennas not only have these merits but also have the properties of wideband, low profile, and easily connecting to microstrip line feeding network.


  • 作为第三太阳能电池染料敏化电池的最大吸引力在于廉价原材料简单制作工艺

    As the third generation solar battery, DSSC is the biggest attraction cheap raw materials and simple production process.


  • 电路结构简单易于实现,且制作工艺标准CMOS工艺完全兼容。

    This circuit structure is simple and can be realized by the standard CMOS process easily.


  • 光致聚合物一种用于激光全息存储新型材料具有衍射效率制作工艺相对简单、易于保存优点。

    Photopolymer is a new material for holographic storage; it has a number of compelling properties such as high diffraction efficiency, relatively simple fabrication process, and long persistence.


  • 这种耦合方法制作工艺比较简单,耦合组装相对容易获得较高的耦合效率具有较好的实用价值,目前在国内还没有这方面的报道。

    This kind of coupling method is much more simple in manufacture technic, relatively easy to assemble, and it can obtain high coupling efficiency and has good practical value.


  • 印制板采用丝网印刷液态感光成形阻焊剂制作进行了简单介绍,并对制作工艺品质控制进行了较为详细的论述。

    The manufacture of liquid photosensitive solder mask for PCB by screen printing is briefly introduced. The process and its quality control are also discussed in detail.


  • 与二光学元件掩模制作工艺相比技术具有工艺简单制作周期易于操作的优点。

    Compared with the technology for binary optical mask, the technology has the following strong points: process simplification, short period of fabrication and easy operation.


  • 并且金银花茶制作工艺设计合理操作简单易于推广具有显著的社会经济效益

    Besides, the preparation process of the honeysuckle tea has the advantages of reasonable design, simple operation and easy generalization, thereby achieving remarkable social and economic benefits.


  • 极化聚合物响应速度快制作工艺相对简单聚合物集成光电器件领域得到广泛关注研究

    Broad attention and research have been devoted to poled polymers due to its high response speed and the easy processing technics in the fields of the integrated polymer electro-optic devices.


  • 无缝棱镜具有制作成本制作工艺相对简单优点,适用于地下建筑、无窗房间以及高温高湿、易燃易爆特殊场所的照明,也用于装饰性的照明灯具。

    The cylindrical PMMA prism light guide has many advantages such as low cost and easy manufacturing technique and can be used in lighting or daylighting of und


  • 无缝棱镜具有制作成本制作工艺相对简单优点,适用于地下建筑、无窗房间以及高温高湿、易燃易爆特殊场所的照明,也用于装饰性的照明灯具。

    The cylindrical PMMA prism light guide has many advantages such as low cost and easy manufacturing technique and can be used in lighting or daylighting of und


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