• 安克雷奇出发经过10小时航程我们前天到达

    We'd arrived the day before after a 10-hour passage from Anchorage.


  • 除非受到恶劣天气干扰,邮船星期五上午到达

    The mailboat arrived on Friday mornings unless bad weather intervened.


  • 他们两点钟准时到达

    They arrived promptly at two o'clock.


  • 1939年11月到达伦敦

    He arrived in London in November 1939.


  • 依照指示10点钟到达

    She arrived at 10 o'clock as instructed.


  • 现在完全专注旅程唯一目的就是到达

    Right now it is totally focused on the journey; its undivided intent is arrival.


  • 飞往莱纳蒂机场的航班,伦敦时间6:30起飞,意大利时间8:30到达

    There is a flight to Lenarty Airport which leaves at six thirty London time and gets in at eight thirty Italian time.


  • 截至1996年,在国外出生1970年前到达美国的移民拥有房产的人数比例为75.6%,本土出生的美国 69.8%。

    By 1996 foreign-born immigrants who had arrived before 1970 had a home ownership rate of 75.6 percent, higher than the 69.8 percent rate among native-born Americans.


  • 达海运公司想出了一个聪明口号:“一半乐趣来自到达目的地…”

    The Cunard shipping line came up with a clever slogan: "Getting there is half the fun..."


  • 科学家致力发明到达外层空间方法

    The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space.


  • 可能惊讶食物要走才能到达盘子

    You will probably be surprised how far food travels to get to your plate.


  • 如果有的话能节省多少二氧化碳取决你住的离工作地点有远,以及你如何到达那里

    How much carbon dioxide you save, if any, depends on how far you live from work and how you get there, among other things.


  • 著名北美探险先驱路易斯克拉克1805年11月14饥饿情况到达哥伦比亚河口

    Famous explorers of the north American frontier, Lewis and Clark arrived at the mouth of the Columbia River on November 14, 1805, in nearly starved circumstances.


  • 取决你将如何到达那里。

    It depends on how you will get there.


  • 滕格成员6:05到达

    Members of Stenger arrived at 6:05.


  • 加拿大国家微生物学实验室提供一个流动现场实验室昨天到达今天威热建立明天开始工作。

    A mobile field laboratory provided by the Canadian National Microbiology laboratory arrived yesterday, was set up in Uige today, and will become operational tomorrow.


  • 一旦开始划桨而且专注划桨,你最终就会到达彼岸

    Once you start paddling, and if you keep focused on paddling, you will eventually get to the other side.


  • 假如这些时间浓缩我们到达新年晚会不过是子夜分钟的事。

    Condense all that time into a year and we don't arrive at the party until a few minutes before midnight on New year's Eve.


  • 明明宝宝一九九一年到达英国。

    Ming-Ming and Bao Bao arrived in 1991.


  • 启用连接集中器之后,一旦到达事务边界db2agent就是自由的,可以服务其他请求

    With connection concentrator enabled, upon reaching transaction boundaries, the db2agent is free and ready to service other requests.


  • 他们2011年41晚些时候到达弗吉尼亚州东区

    They arrived in the Eastern District of Virginia late April 1, 2011.


  • 倾向早点到达机场避免压力因此,我经常那里件T恤或者一些化妆品,或者一份孩子的礼物。”

    "I tend to get to airports early to avoid stress so I'll often buy a shirt or some toiletries or a present for my kids while I'm there," he says.


  • 8离开地球凤凰号火星着陆探测器预计明年5到达火星(篇文章写2007年,故应为2007年8月离开地球,2008年到达火星),并且NASA计划在2009年发射火星科学实验室

    The Phoenix Mars Lander, which left Earth in August, is expected to reach the Red Planet next May, and NASA plans to launch the Mars Science Lab in 2009.


  • 53之后一封1958年的情书即将到达收信人的手中。那时一名美国大学生而写信人女友,不久成为妻子

    A love letter to a US college student from the girlfriend who was to become his wife is finally on its way to him - 53 years after it was written in 1958.


  • 有吸引力的,因为很少燃料所需土地颗小行星,而趟旅程到达火星。

    This is attractive because very little fuel is needed to land on an asteroid, and the journey is shorter than a trip to Mars.


  • 所有这些测试很好地扩展不再剩下CPU资源状态,到达状态的不同时间取决测试用计算机中的CPU数量

    All of the test cases also scale well up to the point where no CPU resources are left, which occurs at different points depending on the test case and the number of CPUs in the machine.


  • 15分钟内到达。这时他看见沿着海岸线排列其他私人快艇上乘着许多

    Within 15 minutes, he was at Utoya Island. He saw people in a handful of other private boats that had lined up along the shore.


  • 谈到,周二晚间战斗进行整宿,四个摄影师周三早间到达这里

    There had been pitched fightingovernight Tuesday, he said, and the four photographers had arrived in the arealate Wednesday morning.


  • 不过现在报应来了无论英国借款到达什么程度,家庭负债相较可支配收入肯定G 7成员国中最多

    But now the payback comes. Whatever the extent of the country's total debt, British households are certainly the most indebted (relative to disposable income) in the G7.


  • 遗传学基因证据表明世界所有其他非非洲裔种族祖先,都是60,000年前跨越红海海峡现今吉布提到达也门(再四散分布世界各地)

    Genetic evidence suggests that the ancestors of every non-African in this world crossed the narrows of the Red Sea, from modern Djibouti to Yemen, only 60,000 years ago.


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