• 只是庞大何种程度并不十分清晰,直联合国粮农组织一份名为畜牧业长长的阴影报告发布

    Just how enormous was not really apparent until the publication of a new report, called "Livestock's Long Shadow," by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


  • 联合国今天派遣一队纠纷人员索马里

    The United Nations dispatched a team of troubleshooters to Somalia today.


  • 战后驻扎驻韩联合国部队皇家海军服役1965年。

    After the war, she supported the United Nations forces in Korea and remained in service with the Royal Navy until 1965.


  • 说出做什么我们您的意愿传递整个联合国最有可能合作伙伴

    You say what you would like to do and we route it for you across the UN to find the most likely partner.


  • 2075年,联合国全球人口预测中值95亿。

    By 2075, the United Nations' mid-range projection for global population is about 9.5 billion.


  • 此外如果各国普遍参加联合国气候变化大会),那就会损害参会采取行动政治意愿。

    Moreover, non-participation by nations, if sufficiently widespread, can undermine the political will of participating countries to act.


  • 联合国儿童基金会报告说缅甸受灾最严重地区学校有80%90%毁坏。

    The United Nations Children's Fund reports 80 to 90 percent of schools were destroyed in the hardest hit areas.


  • 联合国儿童基金会,这232名年龄在1520岁青少年扣押布隆迪首都布琼布拉以北朗达军营布鲁马塔军营。

    The United Nations Children's Fund says 232 children between the ages of 15 and 20 had been held at the Randa and Burumata camps north of the Burundian capital, Bujumbura.


  • 法国丹麦荷兰海军舰队联合国世界粮食计划署护送蒙巴萨索马里首都摩加迪沙装有食物船只脆弱的海运线

    French, Danish and Dutch naval ships have escorted ships carrying food from Mombasa to Mogadishu, Somalia's capital, for the UN's World food Programme, but it is a fragile supply line.


  • 联合国环境规划署(UNEP)之前的一份评估报告显示,2032年,只有10%大猩猩栖息地不会人类活动的侵扰。

    Previous assessments by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) predicted that only 10 percent of gorilla habitat would remain undisturbed by 2032.


  • 联合国粮农组织估算2050年粮食产量必须增加一半肉类的产量不得不翻番

    The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) reckons grain output will have to rise by around half but meat output will have to double by 2050.


  • 联合国儿童基金会记录2003年2008年底超过6000名儿童反叛者抓去。猜测,战争结束最后几个月数据猛增

    From 2003 to the end of 2008, Unicef recorded more than 6,000 cases of child recruitment by the rebels but the number is thought to have soared in the final months of the war.


  • 联合国环境规划署(The U.N. Environment Programme:UNEP)的统计数据显示,目前有14个非洲国家正在经历水荒用水压力2025年,数字会上升至25个

    The U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) says 14 African countries currently experience water scarcity or stress, a number that will rise to 25 by 2025.


  • 联合国粮食农业组织世界范围内的食品开销2006年2007年增长了23%,粮食价格提高了43%,奶制品价格升高了80%。

    The food and Agricultural Organization says food costs worldwide spiked 23 percent from 2006 to 2007. Grains went up 42 percent, while dairy increased by 80 percent.


  • 联合国环境规划署报告石油泄漏严重污染了土地海洋空气某些地区甚至威胁公众健康

    A report by the UN Environment Programme said oil spills had contaminated land, sea and air to such an extent that it seriously threatened public health in some areas.


  • 联合国粮农组织盐碱化每年导致全球灌溉土地减少1%2%。

    The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says salinization is reducing the world's irrigated lands by 1 to 2 percent every year.


  • 陷入困境妇女告诉联合国儿童基金会官员,他们精神攻击威胁已经危害自己以及孩子

    Women who spoke of their plight to UNICEF officials were threatened with renewed attacks against themselves and their children.


  • 祝愿投洽会能够成功高兴我们联合国工发组织能够参与其中。

    I wish CIFIT success and I'm very pleased that UNIDO is part of this event.


  • 1998世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会联合国开发计划署世界银行联合发起遏制疟疾公私合作计划(RBM),目标2010年使全球疟疾减少一半

    In 1998, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP and the World Bank jointly launched the public-private partnership for roll back malaria (RBM) in hope of reduce the global malaria be half up to the year of 2010.


  • 联合国儿童基金会泰国发言人罗曼,纳尔吉斯风暴受难者当中,儿童占百分之三十百分之四十。纳尔吉斯风暴两个星期袭击缅甸

    Shantha Bloeman, a UNICEF spokeswoman in Thailand, says children make up 30 to 40 percent of the victims of Cyclone Nargis, which hit Burma, also known as Myanmar, two weeks ago.


  • 联合国儿童基金会泰国发言人罗曼,纳尔吉斯风暴受难者当中,儿童占百分之三十百分之四十。纳尔吉斯风暴两个星期袭击缅甸

    Shantha Bloeman, a UNICEF spokeswoman in Thailand, says children make up 30 to 40 percent of the victims of Cyclone Nargis, which hit Burma, also known as Myanmar, two weeks ago.


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