• 这笔贷款明年到期偿还

    The loan is due for repayment next year.


  • 偿付能力是指保险公司到期偿还债务能力体现的是公司资产负债之间的关系。

    Solvency means ability that the insurance company can repay the debt at the specified date. It mainly embodies the relation between company assets and debts.


  • 西方农民满怀信心借了钱他们期待经济扩张使农产品价格保持在高位因此贷款到期容易偿还

    Western Farmers borrowed with the confident expectation that the expanding economy would keep farm prices high, thus making it easy to repay loans when they fell due.


  • 那些本可以抛售黄金获得资金他们本可以能力偿还很大一部分他们背负今年即将到期债务

    With the money they would have gotten from selling gold, they would have been able to pay back a large part of an older debt they've been carrying which is due this year.


  • 意味着资金停止金融体系内流转,银行过于依赖短期贷款这类贷款对于偿还即将到期债务几乎于事无补。

    That means that cash isn't being circulated through the financial system and banks are relying too heavily on short-term loans, which does little to help pay off looming debts.


  • 明天就是希腊债权人同意免除一定到期债务债务延后偿还最后期限

    Tomorrow is the deadline for owners of Greek debt to agree to a haircut on their debt by extending the repayment schedule out a few years.


  • 因此抵押贷款正好到期全部还清,贷款期末不再偿还任何金额。

    So, when the mortgage ends, you're just clear and free; you don't have to pay anything — nothing comes at the end.


  • 公司2009年年度报告称,该公司另有150亿美元现金可用银行授信额度也是基于其2010年和2011年170亿美元左右到期债务偿还情况的。

    The company has a further $15 billion of cash and available bank lines, but is also due to repay around $17 billion of maturing debt in 2010 and 2011, according to its annual report for 2009.


  • 土耳其有可能遭遇经济困境债务偿还09年到期,占外汇储备80%,是所有大型新兴经济体负债率最高的国家。

    Turkey may also be heading for trouble. Its debt-service payments due in 2009 amount to 80% of its foreign reserves, the highest ratio of any big emerging economy.


  • 如果雅典方面能够卖掉这些黄金希腊理论上至少能够满足部分最近快要到期国债偿还不需要任何外界帮助

    If Athens were to sell that gold, the Greek state would theoretically be able to meet at least part of the debt payments due soon without any outside help.


  • 希腊之后成为众矢之的西班牙本周上周成功地债券市场筹集到了资金缓解了人们如何偿还将于本月底到期巨额债务的担忧。

    Spain, the market's latest punching bag after Greece, successfully raised cash from the bond markets both this week and last, easing concerns about a big debt repayment due at the end of this month.


  • 接下来许多债项到期时候,我们偿还方面可能会困难

    What happens next is that we may face some trouble repaying our loans when many of them come due.


  • 一种发行者到期日前收回债券可能性考虑在内偿还计量方法

    A measure of a bond's maturity which takes into consideration the possibility that the issuer may call the bond before its maturity date.


  • 欧元区各国领导人同意三个受援国延后偿还到期债务,降低救援贷款利息以提供帮助

    The leaders of the euro zone had extended the maturities and slashed the interest rates on rescue loans, helping the three bailed-out countries.


  • 正是如此我们已经很多债务,并且债务已经到期但是我们无力偿还

    Just so, we have been mortgaged to God. The debt was due, but we were unable to pay.


  • 按照我们通知每期还款金额还款到期分期偿还分期贷款

    You shall repay the instalment loan in instalments in accordance with the amount of each instalment and due date we notify you.


  • 如果稳定偿还藏书楼到期续借,就划定罚款

    If books are not returned to the library on time or not renewed before they are due, a fine must be paid in accordance with the regulations.


  • 偿付能力保险公司偿还到期债务能力。

    The solvency is the capacity that an insurance company can pay off his expiry debts.


  • 意大利公共债务占到了GDP120%,随着国家债务到期日益接近,大约有1万亿欧元的意大利债券转入偿还基金共同担保债券取而代之

    With public debt at 120% of GDP, Italy would transfer almost 1 trillion Euro into the fund as existing national debt came due and was replaced by the issuance of joint bonds.


  • 有能力偿还到期债务

    The ability to meet maturing obligations as they come due.


  • 就使一些企业可能因为经营不善原因陷入财务困难,难以偿还到期债务从而形成债务纠纷

    This may be because some companies, such as the reasons for poor management in financial difficulties, due to repay the debt, thus debt disputes.


  • 他们不能使用发行债券偿还到期债券本息时另一种方式,’支持性流通保证他们不会违约

    This alternative, "back-up"liquidity protects them from defaulting were they unable to roll over their maturing paper with new notes.


  • 其他特殊种类债券还包括无息债券”,有效期内利息而是累积起来在到期偿还

    Other variations of the plain vanilla bonds include zero coupon bonds which does not pay out interest but interest accrues and is paid in a lump sum at maturity.


  • 但是,近两年,又出现了高校难以偿还到期负债的现象。

    Recent years, university can't pay off their mature debts on time.


  • 因为到期长期借款金额巨大,企业还款压力非常大,同时由于偿还长期借款,使企业的流动资产减少,企业可能不能满足日常开支的需求,所以企业会有流动性风险。

    The amount of matured long-term debt is large and the repayment of long-term debt will reduce the current assets of the company. It is difficult to cover the overheads.


  • 因为到期长期借款金额巨大,企业还款压力非常大,同时由于偿还长期借款,使企业的流动资产减少,企业可能不能满足日常开支的需求,所以企业会有流动性风险。

    The amount of matured long-term debt is large and the repayment of long-term debt will reduce the current assets of the company. It is difficult to cover the overheads.


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