• 怀孕36周前每隔医生,36周开始必须每周都要去医生那儿检查一次,直到分娩为止

    You should see your doctor every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, then once a week until you deliver the baby.


  • 它们盐水中生活27直到它们也准备回来繁殖为止

    They live in the salt water from two to seven years, until they, too, are ready to swim back to reproduce.


  • 他们竞相出高价,直到这些拍卖物被哄抬一万美元为止

    They bade them up until they reached 10,000 dollars.


  • 委员会调查2001年夏天2003年三月军事行动开始之前以及我们随后参与伊拉克战争直到今年7月结束为止段时间

    It will consider the period from summer 2001, before military operations began in March 2003, and our subsequent involvement in Iraq right until the end of July this year," he said.


  • 委员会调查2001年夏天2003年三月军事行动开始之前以及我们随后参与伊拉克战争直到今年7月结束为止段时间

    It will consider the period from summer 2001, before military operations began in March 2003, and our subsequent involvement in Iraq right until the end of July this year, " he said.


  • 将会花费难以时间并且,还要做电脑前面编码很晚直到你不得不睡觉为止

    You'll spend an unmentionable number of hours, and sit up late at night coding when you really should go to bed.


  • 这个过程将反复进行直到能够数据传递目的地主机为止

    This process is repeated until the datagram can be delivered to its destination host.


  • 第一订户订阅发布消息发布主题将其添加主题空间直到最后一个订户取消订阅为止

    After the first subscriber subscribes, when messages are published to the topic, the publication point adds the messages to the topic space until the last subscriber unsubscribes.


  • 每一恢复初始位置计算俯卧撑最大可能进行最多次数的俯卧撑,直到需要休息为止

    Count each time you return to the starting position as one push-up. Do as many push-ups as you can until you need to stop for rest.


  • 青少年成年公民新的恋情看上去都很可靠直到变得可靠为止

    From teenagers to senior citizens, every new relationship feels like a sure thing -- until it isn't.


  • 行为箭头表示事件一个事件的行为,直到工程完毕为止

    Actions: Arrows indicate actions, leading from one event to the next on the flow chart until the project is completed.


  • AP网卡绑定虚拟化启动之后一个可用NDIS端口绑定关系将一直保持不变直到禁用无线承载网络,虚拟化结束为止

    The AP adapter is bound to the next available NDIS port when virtualization starts, and the binding remains the same until virtualization ends when wireless Hosted Network is disabled.


  • 登录进程(比如pam)绑定用户默认会话keyring直到创建另一个会话为止

    Login processes such as PAM will bind to the user-default session keyring until another session is created.


  • 一个应该2135岁之间退休然后再拼命地工作,一为止

    People should retire between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-five, then work like hell till they die.


  • 还包括了一个可配置评论验证特性可以所有评论都置于draft模式直到blog所有人查看发布blog上之后为止

    And it includes a configurable comment validation feature that can hold all incoming comments in draft mode until the owner can review them and release them to the blog.


  • A是一家招揽顾客就餐的餐馆,之后A顾客越来越多,直到这家餐馆客满,B无人问津为止

    The first to attract patrons attracts more patrons until one might be full and the other empty.


  • 如果使用相对链接(WebSpherePortal缺省情况使用的方式),安全页面浏览不安全页面时,SSL加密依然有效直到会话结束为止

    If relative links were used, as in the default used by WebSphere Portal, SSL encryption remains in effect when browsing from secured to non-secured pages until the session ends.


  • 正确浏览节点需要检查每个document_root节点直到不是Text节点并且具有我们的节点名称相同的节点为止

    To correctly navigate to our intended node, we need to examine each of document_root's child nodes until we find one that is not a Text node and that has the name we are looking for.


  • 雄帝企鹅终于可以去吃东西了,返回后,接下来8周时间父母将轮流把幼小的帝企鹅放在它们双脚保持温暖直到小家伙长大足以自己安全地站立在冰面上为止

    When he gets back,the parents take turns holding the chick on their feet to keep it warm for the next eight weeks.At that point it's old enough to safely stand on the ice by itself.


  • 必须不断调整一个表面光线直到调整为止”,Barowsky解释,“灯光安排紧凑一些,不要环境进来影响”。

    When it looks good, you move on to the next light and surface, ” Barowsky explains. “Make your set tight, and don’t allow ambient light to spill onto the piece and affect color temperature.”


  • 不过实际上你们未来后代生活更冷气候下的蓝图直到地球足够暖,北极南极再次变为热带绿洲为止

    However indeed this is the blueprint for your future ancestors who live in colder climates, until earth has warmed enough to become a tropical oasis again from North to South Pole.


  • 为了创建阴影可以新建图层摆放形状的下方,然后画笔工具一个光滑的阴影直到满意为止

    To create this shadow i recommend you to create a new layer, place it under the big shape, and then with Brush tool start drawing very smoothly until you are happy with the result.


  • 如果屏幕闪烁查看屏幕舒服,则增加刷新频率直到感觉舒服为止

    If the screen is flickering, or viewing the screen is uncomfortable, increase the refresh rate until you are comfortable with it.


  • 有些恶作剧持续一整天直到受害者意识那天什么日子为止

    Some practical jokes are kept up the whole day before the victim realizes what day it is.


  • 有些恶作剧持续一整天直到受害者意识那天什么日子为止

    Some practical jokes are kept the whole day before the victim realizes what day it is.


  • 只携小包一个地方游方个地方,直到一个真正适合的寺庙为止

    He will travel with one small bag and go from place to place until he finds a place that suits him.


  • 主要特点是以起始中心向外层层扩展直到扩展终点为止

    The main characteristics is the starting point as the center outward expansion layers, until the end date be extended to.


  • 我们继续再说一些例子直到最后我们可能会感觉放弃控制这些人类有毒活动的行为斗争为止

    And so we could go on, adding more examples, until at last we might feel like giving up the fight to control these harmful human activities.


  • 我们继续再说一些例子直到最后我们可能会感觉放弃控制这些人类有毒活动的行为斗争为止

    And so we could go on, adding more examples, until at last we might feel like giving up the fight to control these harmful human activities.


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