• 时常注意模具摆放位置,胶位不要崩或撞损。

    Often pay attention to the mould placement. Be careful not to break out the sharp angle.


  • 加工面或必须平滑位加工绝对

    Play with gong one hundred sheetses of processing post location must level and smooth , horn location want favourable angle definitely behind the processing the mould.


  • 针头纹磨,我们滚筒型的砂轮把针头磨子弹形形状。

    To get rid of the sharp Angle and the grinding tracks on the probe, the tip will be polished by roll-typed grinding wheels to become sharp, round, flat or ball pointed.


  • 这场较量中,斯蒂格先生站在了

    In this fight, he and Mr Stiglitz are in the same corner.


  • 大楼现在正在约旦边境为重点研究撤离路线不过巴巴表示美国可以进入土耳其并从因切空军基地撤离

    The Pentagon has been studying exit routes, in particular the border with Jordan, but Babacan said us forces could cross into Turkey and use the air base at Incirlik.


  • 路易斯安娜州立大学罗伯特·特盖里·皓尔穆则调查湿地在多大程度上减轻石油污染

    Robert Twilley and Guerry Holm of Louisiana State University (LSU) are investigating the degree to which two delta wetland characteristics may help mitigate oil contamination.


  • 其次是希拿达儿子内修造房屋直到城墙转弯又到城

    After him repaired Binnui the son of Henadad another piece, from the house of Azariah unto the turning of the wall, even unto the corner.


  • 然而进球似乎的子弟们愈加紧张,仅仅分钟布兰克草率的处理造成球,科斯塔迪诺夫头球甩入

    That goal, however, seemed to make Houllier's men even tenser and, just five minutes later, Laurent Blanc sloppily conceded a corner that Emil Kostadinov headed in at the near post.


  • 为让自己女士车厢21岁呼叫中心经理罗玛·塔试图门内

    Having just managed to squeeze herself into a ladies' compartment, 21-year-old call centre executive Roma Talreja tried to settle into a corner near the door.


  • 旗下品牌产品包括巧克力卡夫食品公司,准备迫使吉接受这项交易

    Kraft, which includes Toblerone chocolate among its brands, is to press Cadbury for a deal.


  • 世界粮食计划署发言人保罗·里斯,不幸的,世界粮食计划署无法使用美国海军直升机救援物资运到整个伊洛瓦底江

    WFP spokesman Paul Risley says it is unfortunate that U.S. Navy helicopters will not be available to bring aid across the Irrawaddy Delta.


  • 为了迎合当地消费者的口味卡夫做出一项意义深远的决定,适时推出、奥奥晶圆、奥乳酪蛋糕奥巧香浓等多款新的奥系列产品

    Catering to local tastes, Kraft also made a radical move by launching new Oreo products like Oreo Wafer Sticks, Oreo Wafer Rolls, Oreo Soft Cakes and Oreo Strawberry Creme.


  • 接着看了Karine博客,里面一首关于”的很多法国旅行者一样,令人费解的66号公路痴迷还有位于死亡的扎布斯基

    Then I read Karine's blog, with its poems about "The Road" — like many French travelers, she was inexplicably mesmerized by Route 66, and a place called Zabriskie Point in Death Valley.


  • 大楼表示会把布拉德·曼宁(Bradley Manning)转移沃斯堡进行审判

    The Pentagon said it would move Bradley Manning to Fort Leavenworth in preparation for his trial.


  • 莫斯科流行一个有关年科(litvinenko)的说法仅仅普京离开派系暗中争斗的冰山一

    One popular Moscow view of the Litvinenko case is that it is just part of a murky factional infight ahead of Mr Putin's departure.


  • 勒亚必须要通过巴巴海峡才能流入阿拉伯(海峡微小长条形的碎片状物体可能大型船只)。

    Water in the Lyari River Delta must empty into the sea through the Baba channel. (Tiny, oblong slivers in the channel are probably large ships.)


  • 只是在贝以外台阶金三等待着探索

    Just steps outside of AKA Beverly Hills, the Golden Triangle awaits to be explored.


  • 认为,这方面粤东西补救珠江的补

    Wang thought there would still be room for remedy in the western, eastern and northern parts of Guangdong, but not in the Pearl River.


  • 解释了为何大部分公司并购毫无防御。这个即将到来敌意时代里,卡夫收购不过冰山一而已。

    That is why most companies are likely to remain relatively defenceless, and Kraft's bid for Cadbury will be but one of many in this coming era of hostility.


  • 达曼胡尔埃及东北部城市,位于尼罗河上、开罗西北古代,因赫尔莫波斯·帕瓦而闻名人口221,500。

    A city of northeast Egypt on the Nile River delta northwest of Cairo. In ancient times it was known as Hermopolis Parva. Population, 221,500.


  • 南通精密五金有限公司座落金三上海小浦东之称的江苏省南通海门市

    Li Xiang Precision Metal Co., Ltd. Nantong is located in the Golden Triangle, known from Shanghai Pudong Haimen Nantong, Jiangsu Province.


  • 与奥斯卡提名失之交臂的一次:1990年,最佳男配——哈里森·福特的《无罪的罪人》饰演桑迪斯·坦,是一位足智多谋辩护律师色非常出彩。朱应该参演这部戏。 。

    MOST ROBBED FOR: Supporting Actor, 1990 – Deeply brilliant as Harrison Ford's wily defence lawyer Sandy Stern in Presumed Innocent, Julia should have walked this.


  • 随即克斯沉着地,“住口打开窗户,”出去,准确无误地对准一块突兀的石头

    With that, Felix said quietly, "Shut up and open the window, " and he leaped out, taking careful aim at the large jagged rock by the corner of the building.


  • 认为顶点订约关系中的时间开始到结束本身定义限制与非限制。

    Neely found that the apex of a contracting triangle's relationship in time to the beginning to end of the triangle itself defined limiting versus non-limiting.


  • 印度东部座城市,位于恒河胡格河畔

    A city of eastern India on the Hooghly River in the Ganges delta. Founded c.


  • 印度东部座城市,位于恒河胡格河畔

    A city of eastern India on the Hooghly River in the Ganges delta. Founded c.


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