• 根据利益原则维持警察队伍费用方面,富人应该穷人贡献更多

    According to the benefits principle, the wealthy should contribute more than the poor to the cost of maintaining the police force.


  • 因此根据利益原则富人应该穷人贡献更多维持警察部队工作费用

    Therefore, according to the benefits principle, the wealthy should contribute more than the poor to the cost of maintaining the police force.


  • 但是多亏(雇佣)成本费用他们保留住了大部分利益

    But thanks to performance fees, they keep most of the benefits of their abilities.


  • 法律原则重要信息披露风险费用销售凭证等充足能够保护公众利益

    The legal principle is that disclosure of important information, such as risks and fees, in sales documents, is enough to protect the public.


  • 公私混合如何降低穷人医疗费用保护经济利益

    How does PPM provide for reduced cost of care and financial protection for the poor?


  • 债权人共同利益破产程序中支付其他费用

    Other expenses paid in the course of bankruptcy proceedings for the common interest of the creditors.


  • opensecrets.org这种网站公布了一连串数据表明美国公司工业利益集团游说和从事选举活动的费用

    Websites such as opensecrets.org publish a torrent of data showing how much American companies, industries and interest groups spend on lobbying and electioneering.


  • 一些比如维护乘客利益的组织“乘客行动”(Straphangers Campaign),担心地铁的成本费用最终由乘客承担

    Some people, like the Straphangers Campaign, a riders' advocacy group, worry that passengers will ultimately have to bear the cost.


  • 使得巴西破坏森林得到利润斗争有了利益所在,同时也可资助适当管理所需费用

    This would give it a value to compete with the profits to be gained from its destruction and finance the cost of proper policing.


  • 过去问题集中在审计师利用提供税务意见咨询收取巨额费用而造成的利益冲突

    Past doubts have centred on the conflicts of interest when an auditor earns large fees for selling tax advice or consultancy.


  • 环保局强调,所得利益大于实施费用尽管可能会带来电费增长上调费用应该“在正常电力费用调整范围之内”。

    Those benefits, the EPA insists, outweigh the costs of implementation; though there may be rate changes for consumers, these should bewell within the range of normal electricity price fluctuations”.


  • 如果这样银行家超大型企业收取额外费用因为这些企业享受了大型银行的规模效应带来好处,但这种规模其他客户利益相关者带来了更多风险

    If this is true, bankers should be charging the very largest corporations for the luxury that their scale offers and for the increased risk it poses to other customers and stakeholders.


  • 办公用品费用继续上升一新的利益直接影响底线

    Office supply costs continue to rise and this new benefit will directly impact your bottom line.


  • 但是最终我们可以赢得巨额利益超过改良产品费用

    But in the end, we can gain large profit which will far exceed the costs of adaptation.


  • 买方代理买方指定给付一定费用、代表买方的最大利益代理人。

    A Buyers Agent appointed by and paid by a buyer, works in the best interests of the buyer.


  • 包括证明包括生活费用预期上升在内将来的利益损失作证经济学家。

    Damages experts also include economists who testify about the amounts of benefits that will be lost in the future including anticipated raises for costs of living.


  • 肯定的是,你可以收回这些费用利益积蓄

    You want to be sure that you can recoup these costs with your interest savings.


  • 卫生行政部门实施监督检查不得收取费用,不得接受用人单位财物或者其他利益

    The administrative departments for public health shall conduct the supervision and inspection at no charge, and shall not accept property or other benefits from the employing units.


  • 因此理性基金管理公司必然想方设法的争取管理费用最大化持有人利益刚好相悖

    Accordingly, a rational fund management company will try the best to maximize the management expenses opposite to the benefits of fund holders.


  • 整体手机售价下降高通专利授权费用比例降低部分利益未来整个手机产业链中体现出来

    Overall handset's price will drop, qualcomm licensing fees ratio to reduce this part of the interest, will be reflected in the whole mobile phone industry chain in the future.


  • 总结公司聘用有经验员工想获得既得利益,这样他们就能够减少培养应届生的费用

    In sum, companies focus on experience is indicative of the motivation of producing immediate profits by cutting expenditure in training inexperienced college students.


  • XXX可以按照自己绝对判断采取认为必要的行动包括法律诉讼保护此条项利益,但必须自担费用

    XXX may in its absolute discretion take such action as it deems necessary, including legal action, at its expense to protect its interests under this article.


  • 委托人问题”是面对任务委托巨大考核费用,委托人的无所作为损害代理人利益

    "The principals problem" refers to the huge measurement cost when facing multitask principal, and the principals state of inertia which resulting in the damage of agents benefits.


  • 这个机器也许包缠连接费用重要利益扭矩波纹也许损伤的。

    This machine may be of interest where the cost of winding connections is important, but again high torque ripple may be detrimental.


  • 会员同意遵守道德准则中的NAHU要求他们总是使卫生保健费用建议顾客最佳利益心里

    Members agree to abide by NAHU's Code of Ethics, which requires them to always make health care coverage recommendations with the customer's best interest in mind.


  • 有些专家研究一个完全新型避孕药费用大于预期利益医药公司提供的研究经费已经基本耗尽。

    Several experts said that the cost of developing an entirely new contraceptive method outweighed prospective profits, and that research financing from pharmaceutical companies had dried up.


  • 委托人问题”是面对多任务委托巨大考核费用,委托人无所作为损害代理人利益

    "The principal's problem" refers to the huge measurement cost when facing multitask principal, and the principal's state of inertia which resulting in the damage of agent's benefits.


  • 委托人问题”是面对多任务委托巨大考核费用,委托人无所作为损害代理人利益

    "The principal's problem" refers to the huge measurement cost when facing multitask principal, and the principal's state of inertia which resulting in the damage of agent's benefits.


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