• 不仅是因为语源学词典,还因为恰好就是西亚·韦奇伍德,那位优质瓷器公司的创始人的孙子

    Not only did Hensleigh write an etymological dictionary he just happened to be the grandson of Josiah Wedgwood, the guy who founded the fine China company.


  • 2004年,出版了一回忆录,内容是马龙·白兰度、吉恩·、弗兰克·辛纳霍华德·好莱坞重磅人物情史。

    In 2004 she published a memoir of her love affairs with some of the most famous names in Hollywood, including Marlon Brando, Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra and Howard Hughes.


  • 作为中情局和这些家庭联络人·德多年来他们——尤其是唐尼母亲——进行过成千上万次的电话交流

    As the Agency's point of contact for the families, Ben DeFelice held thousands of phone conversations over the years, especially with Downey's mother.


  • 亚当·史密道德精神理论》,一马可·奥·伍《沉思录》,现在市面上太多回忆录了,喜欢这些

    One is the Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith. The other is the Meditations [of Marcus Aurelius]. There are too many memoirs selling nowadays. I don't like reading those books.


  • 凯特生活不是可能一下子就过完的。

    Kate: Life is not a book, Alex. And it can be over in a second.


  • 杂志公开了联军最高指挥官迈克切尔将军采访中对战争美国文官领导不满之后遭到解职

    General Stanley McChrystal was sacked as commander of coalition forces after a magazine published an interview in which he disparaged the handling of the war by America's civilian leadership.


  • 弗兰克蒙杜坚信就是昆特船长彼得小说《大白鲨》里鲨鱼杀手。

    Frank Mundus was convinced he was Captain Quint, the fisher of monster sharks from Peter Benchley's "Jaws".


  • ·奥威吉特新书,《脸谱世界文学史》(热(译者注:销售商名称)14.99美元)一正经回答此类问题

    Wylie Overstreet's new book, "The History of the World According to Facebook," (It Books, $14.99) answers some of these questions, with its tongue firmly in its virtual cheek.


  • 维加举行的互联网无线大会中的报告说道:“我们将从更改变用户在手机上使用网络的方式,”

    "We are fundamentally changing the way consumers use the Internet on their mobile phones, " Boerries said during a keynote at the CTIA Wireless conference in Las Vegas.


  • 研究受到克里·瑞德·疼痛研究基金赞助

    Funding for the study was received from the Chris Redlich Pain Research Fund.


  • 众所周知,喜欢穿便宜西装而且很少自己公司出售电脑喜欢旧式笔记

    Slim is known for wearing inexpensive suits and rarely using the computers his companies sell, preferring old-style paper notebooks.


  • 雅各生·史特劳法文合著有关波特莱尔的诗《》的薄薄评论,多年,最后巴黎的一家书店找到。

    The thin copy of the thesis on Baudelaire's Cat , jointly written in French by Roman Jakobson and Claude Levi-Strauss, which I had been searching for years, was found in a small bookshop in Paris.


  • 小说关于婚姻束缚的女人生活,一令人心碎、倍感苦涩的小说,一部划时代的辉煌力作,迄今优秀的作品。

    A heartbreaking, bitter, and gorgeous epoch-spanning novel of a woman's life stunted by marriage, this is Smiley's best book yet.


  • 不过如果得到米尔其他任何书,一定好好啊!

    Still, if you can procure a copy of anything else by Mirrlees, make sure you take the opportunity. [Read it here.]


  • 就是这个月份天晚上路德维格·霍勒·正坐在剑桥大学房间里埋头攻读数学著作,具体读的是什么书,我不大清楚了。

    It was in this month something over twenty years ago that I, Ludwing Horace Holly , sat one night in my rooms at Cambridge, grinding away at some mathematical work, I forget what.


  • 1960年儿子肖恩出生时,爵士写了信

    Hepburn also wrote to Sir Felix in 1960 when her son Sean was born.


  • 人间的关系后来演变成了延续一生友情事业起飞的日子里,片场爵士写信明信片

    The pair formed a relationship that developed into a lifelong friendship, and as her career took off Hepburn wrote letters and sent postcards to Sir Felix from film sets.


  • 首诗选苏珊··舒尔茨小册子,书名大胆

    It was from a little book by Susan Polis Schutz called Don't Be Afraid to Love.


  • 努力伦敦西区剧院站住脚跟时,爵士同意表演朗诵课,事业起步。

    Sir Felix helped to kick-start Hepburn's career when he agreed to give her acting and elocution lessons as she tried to establish herself in West End theatre productions.


  • 所以·米认为人们跟风是因为他们担心群体遗弃

    Neil: So Ben Michaelis believes that people join crazes because they are afraid of being abandoned by others in their group.


  • 今年秋天这些同学将进入普大学校区开始第三科课程的学习

    They are expected to continue their third year study at the University's main campus starting next October.


  • 美国哥伦比亚大学临床心理学家米歇教授会解释这一点

    Dr Ben Michaelis, a clinical psychologist from Columbia University in the US, explains.


  • 前来。要在我众的上帝君王爬伏叩拜

    O come let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, our King and our God.


  • 那加北部小镇迪布尔一位男子以前反对印度占领者现在更加担心金钱:“去年旅游业一去不复返所以我们现在需要点钱。”

    A man in Bandipur, a town north of Srinagar, previously protested against Indian occupiers but now worries more about cash: "tourism was gone last year, so now we need to make some money."


  • 那加北部小镇迪布尔一位男子以前反对印度占领者现在更加担心金钱:“去年旅游业一去不复返所以我们现在需要点钱。”

    A man in Bandipur, a town north of Srinagar, previously protested against Indian occupiers but now worries more about cash: "tourism was gone last year, so now we need to make some money."


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